I wanted to check out the snow, so I am sitting on the runway at Minneapolis St. Paul and it looks like clear skies with Live Weather enabled.
I have to admit that I am actually in California, but according to current weather maps, I should be seeing snow. Am I doing something wrong? Is this working for anyone?
I flew into MSP from O’Hare on VATSIM at the same time hoping for a snowy approach and experienced the same thing - clear skies in every direction into Minneapolis on Live Weather. Dissapointing
I finally got it to work. I checked which server I was connected to. I’m in California but I was connected to the East US server. The latency on the West US server was very high. I tried forcing it to use the West US server and that didn’t work either. So I restarted the sim and went back to KMSP and the weather was working correctly this time. So maybe my connection to the server had gone stale? Or I just got lucky after I restarted the sim.
I just tried KMSP too. Some cloud cover. No snow. Tried east and west servers, disconnected and reconnected to xbox. When you click live weather it loads snow on ground for a brief moment, then clean asphalt. Something aint right
If live weather seems wonky, changing to a different type until it stabilizes and then back will sometimes force it to re-think reality. Also, the Unreal Weather mod is a mighty fine addition to the sim.
@blueline308, It’s possible to have snow on the grass or dirt, but not on the runway or other concrete or asphalt surfaces. Did you try flying around to see if you can see snow anywhere?