Which are your Top 10 favourite Cities with the best Photogrammetry to fly in?

Thanks all. Slowly getting back into it now :slightly_smiling_face:

Sim is fired up and I’ll check out your suggestion now.
Will report back soon :+1: and will do an update on the list this weekend :wink:


Take care and my condolences :pray:

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FStarter24 will let you explore and find new scenery locations is a fast way.

Easy to add custom POIs for later easy startups

Soon with new Tourist mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCTRMW7_eYk

Here’s a great one that is conspicuously missing from the tables. It’s not a secret one or even a new one, but not mentioned yet.

Vancouver, Canada

I had some frame rate issues but I think I figured it’s as soon as the main international airport (CYVR) is in view at all, even from miles away, so I’m guessing it’s created by iniBuilds lol

But goodness me is the city interesting and amazing to explore. This one will keep you busy for days if you want to see it all. Literally.

Not going to say the PG is the best quality but it’s definitely above average. And the size!! My oh my. It might actually be bigger than Tokyo (less dense, but LOADS of districts. Including a Japanese Quarters that LOOKS like Tokyo. A few POI’s and bridges etc. loads of docks. Water runways, mountains… the works.

Scores 14/15 for me if I can solve the FPS hits. I have done some cache clearing and going in again to check but am not hopeful.


Even better you can follow the sea to sky highway through Squamish and onto Whistler. The journey is beautiful (probably even more so in 2024), and if you installed the ski lift mod you can see the resort too. Try flying under the peak to peak gondola. :aerial_tramway:


Vancouver is excellent. Still looking around.

Minneapolis-St. Paul PG looks like the whole area around and in between them is covered. Lots of great buildings and domes

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Really sorry guys these past few days have been really hard just keep getting bad bad news. I’m taking a break till 19th when MSFS2024 comes out. Trying to get my head sorted. Roll on 19th! New sim, then the excuse that I neeeed a new PC, moneys in the bank, wife is aware that new PC is on the horizon before Christmas haha 2K should get me something decent haha

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Happy Thanksgiving to all.

A PG city I can’t find listed-

Kiel, Germany. Very nice port area

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Rome, Venice, Florence, the Appian Way, the Bay of Naples and Pompeii, Hobart, Tasmania (my home), Paris, Melbourne, New York.

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Sorry guys I’ve not had the time to be on here much, but I’m back now.

@Snowleopard3295 Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving, we don’t celebrate it here in the U.K although maybe we should!

Since the release of MSFS2024 I’ve only had a bit of time to check it out. Runs well on my PC but have to have all the settings on low for VR but I can honestly say I’ve fallen in LOVE with it. Can’t get PG to work due to my slow internet but there’s hope for the future, and that’s the main thing. I’m finding it hard to go back to MSFS2020 and only doing so for the PG.

I’ve ordered my new PC :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: and it’s a beast! It arrives next week! Ideal specs for MSFS2024 so I know I’ll see a huge improvement on 2020 and 2024.

So for now I’m going to stick with MSFS2020 just until they add Manual Caching to MSFS2024.

Right back on Topic…

Going to check it out now, thanks :+1:

All good choices! Can I just ask are these for MSFS2020 or MSFS2024 as I’d be interested to know how the PG is looking in MSFS2024?

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Welcome back mate! :wave: :salute:

I have my doubts that will even be an option. Wait and see, but don’t count on it. Might be time to think about how you can get better netspeed. Can you?

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These are all favourites from FS 2020.

I haven’t checked them all out in FS2024. Rome is a disappointment in 2024 so far (see screenshot below), lots of missing buildings and other bugs. Melbourne is OK, but lots of pop-ups. Hobart is good, but a bit washed out and although Mt Wellington above the city has better trees, there is an ugly pile of PG rocks that should be forest on the lower slopes. New York from the brief time there was OK. Bay of Naples was good, though I didn’t check out Pompeii.

I have 100Mbs fibre, but for some reason the servers were not using much of it to download data.

Rome with pink statues and missing buildings, Mussolini would not be happy. Nice trees though. :grin:


Thanks mate :+1:

It’s looking highly unlikely this year anyways. You would think in 2025 Dinnington that’s less then 10miles from Sheffield would have Fibre but again we’re in village that time has forgotten about lol!

If that’s the case though then it looks like I’ll be sticking with 2020 for now and just hope that in the future things will change. At least I’ll be able to bump things up quite a bit on my new PC so for me at least FS2020 will still be better then it was before. Happy days ahead regardless!

Thanks for the screenshot! Thing about MS2024 is the trees, lighting and the physics have been improved that much that in Non PG areas the sim just looks and feels fantastic and a joy to fly and with future updates it’s only going to get better!

I’m beginning to think that PG in FS24 is going to need some improving before it’s up to a par with FS20, so it’s looking more like I’ll be flying 50/50 on each Sim. Bush flying for MS24 and PG for FS20.
Get the best of both worlds that way :helicopter: :ga_plane:

This is why I LOVE the Manual Cache in FS2020. And that’s why my new PC is going to have a very fast 4TB NMve Drive lol

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PG in 2024 seems identical to PG in 2020, at least in the areas I have tested (around my hometown, Barcelona).
Some extra bugs added (like gigantic trees) and ground texture changed (which may be better or worse).
Some comparison shots

On every picture, the top image is 2020, the bottom one is MSFS2024.


Thanks for those screenshots. OMG wow! IMHO MSFS2024 wins! At least on your PC and with your internet haha so there’s hope for me yet!
I think if you’re willing to overlook the small glitches and imperfections and I for one would be lol, then it would be MS2024 all the way. I just need faster Internet!
I can’t be the only one in the U.K or the World for that matter that can’t get Internet speeds over 50MB. That puts a fair few of us behind the 8 ball with regards to being able to use the Sim to it’s full potential, however if MICROSOFT/Asobo could implement Manual Caching I’ll guarantee all the SSD companies will see a huge increase in their sales.

You can thank me later MICRO/Asobo for making so many more of your users HAPPY :laughing:

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Vote here everyone!


Thanks for that. Voted!

I’ve just been flying around Sedona, USA in VR FS2024 and I was truly blown away! It’s simply stunning and that’s putting it mildly! Think the servers must be running okay ATM just didn’t want to stop flying!
Now I’m on the look out for similar sorts of places haha!

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I don’t know what the problem is that some need to manual cache.

And no you’re not the only one with ■■■■ bandwidth, haha.

I have internet air, a cellular hub from at&t. It can go up to 150-250mbs when it’s working well…I put it outside a window on a stand…amazing since I’m in a rural location 1.5 miles from the nearest cell tower. Barely visible over the horizon and rolling hills and valleys in between.

but it doesn’t like our double-pane uv-proof windows!! If it’s raining or too cold/hot I have to bring it inside and shut the window, like today,
Bandwidth indoors is 35mbs/1mbs…how’s that?? Wanna trade? Lol

But I just flew London for 20 minutes, cleared the cache before, and PG was flawless, beautiful in the sunrise indeed.

With 35mbs download bandwidth.
Also, it has been working better indoors, I couldn’t leave it inside and fly last year. The house gets chilly in winter with that window open!

Anyway, bandwidth is not the problem. Not between you and your provider.

I’ve heard of people flying the sim with 5mbs dsl
But definitely they go to a fast connection to dl content or it would take weeks.

Sounds nice, I’d swap you any day haha but you can keep your “internet air” haha

That’s quite some difference in speeds, makes me feel better haha, I’ve not got it that bad :joy:

Totally get what you’re saying. In MSFS2020 when flying in PG areas, I don’t usually have a problem with download speeds, with 50mb/s it can run smoothly with little popping in of scenery so it’s bearable but anything lower then 20mb/s and its noticeable.

Now with MSFS2024 it’s the complete opposite for me. No matter how long I fly in circles round a PG area, It never fully loads up even though I’m getting 50mb/s downloads. Might need to tinker with some settings though.

Manual cached the area and it was the smallest download I’ve done yet. I covered the whole area which isn’t that big and it came to 4GB!
I have to say what a lovely location. Excellent job finding it! The PG trees seem to be top quality! As do the PG buildings, flew it in VR and I have to say the detail was crisp. Now that might have something to do with me updating my DLSS to latest version.
PG areas blend very well with non PG. Going to review it a bit more but I think that this one will probably score a 13/15 at least.