Which are your Top 10 favourite Cities with the best Photogrammetry to fly in?

Great! I was flying there myself yesterday, right up the valley to the end of the pg area and back again.

Couldn’t resist the temptation to set down the little R22 and check out the internationally famous art museum.

R22 great for getting in small places!

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Need to get back into Helicopters again. Too busy flying GA Planes at the moment. But the valleys and hills around Bilbao are just begging to be explored by chopper. Nice pic btw. Takes skill to land in that tight space :grin:

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Been messing around with the Manual Cache and I’ve found a couple of bugs and workarounds to those bugs. Be warned that in detailed areas it downloads quite a lot of data and the difference varies a lot between Spain, Australia and the U.K.
Downloaded the entire area of Cairns Aus and the size was pretty small compared to Spain and places in the U.K were even bigger.

Now for the bugs I discovered. If you don’t set the Manual cache to a big enough size you’ll find that just before you’re about to finish downloading a selected area it will just stall. Nothing else happens. Even if you try to pause or abort it the Sim won’t lock up the circle just keeps spinning. The only way around this was to close the sim and restart it. Then I tried to continue the paused download and it just sat there doing nothing for 2 hours. Got fed up and restarted the sim and tried to delete the area last downloaded area that was paused and it just wouldn’t delete it. The only workaround was to increase the size of the Manual Cache. So decided to try continue downloading the last paused area and it still wouldn’t download it. The only way was to delete the paused area and re-do it again and it worked. Everything seems to be working fine now. Its just a shame that there isn’t a way to see what space you have got left in your Manual Cache file. The only way to keep an eye on how much space you have left is to manually add up what you’ve downloaded so you don’t run out and that way you’ll avoid the bugs that took me so long to find out :roll_eyes:

ATM my cache is 250GB and growing but I know I’m going to have to buy a much much bigger and faster NVMe drive in the very near future only because the cache works so well and my internet is rubbish :laughing:


Wow that’s some good detailed info there, thanks!

Well done on digging into it to discover those bugs and causes of them.

I wonder if someone has any answers to those very sensible and should-be-obvious-features-that-end-users-would-need-when-using-this-feature? (thanks Asobo!!). lol.

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Thanks. Might do a bit more digging around on this forum first and if I can’t find any answers put in a Bug Report.

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Edit on my previous post about not being able to change the Manual Cache location. Found it, it’s at the top of the menu box :laughing:

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Pamplona at night is very good.

Copenhagen, if it hasn’t been mentioned yet.

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Pamplona is very good at night and so is Barcelona, Las Vegas and a few others. I think night lighting in MSFS2020 has improved over time although I do think that night flying is better in 2D then VR at the moment.

Don’t think Copenhagen has been mentioned yet but funny you should mention it as I was flying there late last night and flew over the Bridge across to Malmo and up along the coast to Landskrona which is all PG and highly detailed too!

Thanks for the suggestions, Going to try a dusk/night flight there later.

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Moved topic to World Discovery as it is a better fit.

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Another undocumented PG city
Bordeaux, France


Another one I found. Padova, Italy. Directly west of Venice. It’s PG all the way to Venice so I guess they “bundled” it with the Venice release note. But, umm, well it IS a different city with its own name heheh.

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@Snowleopard3295 Thanks for the suggestion. I actually noticed that Bordeaux France is the loaded area when you fire up the Manual Cache. Always wondered why the Manual Cache started there. I reckon its because Asobo’s Headquarters are based there. Going to fly there next :smiley:

@Baracus250 Thanks for your suggestion too. Will fly there after I’ve tested Bordeaux. Love it when they bundle areas together to make it bigger. Like L.A, but the only downside is it’ll probably be rather large to download using Manual Cache and I’m fast running out of space. Might be time to get a new NMVe Drive soon :joy:

I’m still checking out other areas in the U.S every now and again but a few Cities I’ve looked at the PG may be good but it isn’t blended in well with the surrounding areas and that puts me off flying there. They’ve done a fantasic job with the U.K. Everything especially south of the boarder with good old Scotland seems to be blended in that well it’s hard to tell where the PG ends until you’ve gone past it and see AI buildings.

I’m rather impressed just how good the PG is in Bordeaux France. Really crisp highly detailed. So many Churches and or Cathedrals, think I found where Asobo’s headquarters are. There’s what I think is a blue hot air balloon with THANK YOU on it :smiley:

The railway station is huge, shame some of the bridges are underwater but there are some good ones that are fine. Love the helipad that’s on the lawn in front of what I presume is a Hospital.

Surrounding non PG areas are blended in well too.

This is one place I’m adding to my Top 10 now. Will be Manual Caching it later although my slow Internet seems to have handled it rather well.

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What a place to fly. Flew all the way to Venice and I’m extremely impressed. The PG is crystal clear. Love the mountains behind as you leave Padova The rivers or canals all tick my boxes lol. It’s got a nice Industrial area. IKEA with that bridge or flyover is rather nice. Love the motorway and the railway line to the left of it (will be amazing when FS Trains does Europe!) Loads of places to explore that’s going to take a while to do :smiley: This is going in my Top 5 due to how big the PG area is. And Venice is stunning! Might try caching this area later just to see how much space it takes, but again my internet handled it very well. Seems to be very well optimised!

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Yea it’s a surprisingly massive area for them not to even mention it? lol :joy:

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Xbox sx.
I disabled the online traffic and finally I can see the London as it should be and without melting buildings. I have 300mb download and 30 up speed and I thought it was enough to support full online features

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Yet another PG beauty I don’t think I’ve ever seen mentioned
Rouen France.

Took off from the airport and the area was not PG but definitely around the river.

Seems fairly detailed

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Just checked it out and I agree it’s very nice quality PG just a shame its patchy coverage. Would be nice if they updated the area and other areas like this in future City/World Updates. Thanks for the suggestion :+1:

Tokyo already mentioned I think but I just got “Tokyo landmarks enhanced” by samscene3d in the sale and it’s very amazing imho for $6. The sky tree alone is worth a buck or 2.

I already like to get lost there, take the drone down to places that look interesting, now I’ll never come back…

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Thanks for the suggestion. I remember @Baracus250 mentioning Tokyo at the beginning of the thread and I’ve not flown there since upgrading my PC. Had massive stutters there before. Just been flying there for the last 2hrs and I’m blown away by how good it looks and runs in VR. Thanks also for the tip on the sales in the Marketplace. Will be spending some money there now. And at £4 its a bargain. Got my eye on Samscene3D Modern Cities 1 as well as it has Los Angeles one of my all time favourites, Miami which I’ve only flown in on my old PC but loved it at the time, so need to check it out again, as well as Boston which is really good PG just had a quick flight there and then Philadelphia which also looks really good. Can’t go wrong for 4 cities for £14.99. Although I promised myself I would not be buying anymore scenery till MSFS2024 comes out but oh well I just cant help myself :joy:

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