Which are your "Top favourite Cities/Places" with the best Photogrammetry to fly in? MSFS2024 + MSFS2020 LIST

As a guy who lives in rotterdam i can assure you that amsterdam is not as nice :rofl:. Also the photogram pictures are missing.

I did not know that the scenery of rotterdam was so special. Thought this was the standard. But you are right. Its gorgeous,also the harbours

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Any cities that match rotterdam with scenery and detail. I am new in msfs 2024 and thought this was the standard. :see_no_evil:

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Thank you from Catalonia! Indeed Barcelona is nice, from the sky and living. But, oh my, F2020/24 doesn’t show the spanification and globalization destroying it’s soul!
Anyway, your list becomes my to do list :wink:

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Is great fun (due to city layout) but not scoring that high for me. PG quality is pretty wonky, and the overall size is pretty small.

I re-discovered Detroit, Michigan today. Oddly, that one was not even on my “master list” I sent you for some reason! That has to be some of the very CLEANEST PG I have seen!!! All angles are straight, corners pin sharp, shop signs readable. After that, sorry but Melbourne has an appropriate rating already, IMO.

Porto definitely needs to come up a few tables though :slight_smile:

Miami is nice too. Goes for a very long way north up the coast. Not even sure what all the areas there are called that it blends in to (weirdly there is a Melbourne there too haha), but it is definitely including Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Port St. Lucie and probably more. Then there is some tiny patch of autogen, then PG again, then a gap of NO AG or PG (just flat sat imagery buildings) but then it’s PG again going up to the Kennedy Space Centre area. Huge!

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There are loads just as good as Rotterdam, They’re in the list. 15/15 are the highest scoring ones. If you click on the “Solution” at top of this thread I think, you’ll find the latest updated list.

Have fun exploring all these new PG Cities/Places :ga_plane: :helicopter:

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Right will have another look at that one.

That one was next on my list to try as well as Miami and Tampa.
I think I’ll have to agree with you on Melbourne especially after flying in Rotterdam - it just doesn’t compare, Think I might have just been blown away by just how good in FS24 it can look compared to FS20 along with all the flaws lol. So Melbourne will stay where it is :sweat_smile:
I did check out the entire Florida area in FS2020 but not been there in FS2024 yet. The World is just too big!
Time to check it out again.

Agree with you there!

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Do you guys run any map enhancer programs?

I don’t use any personally. Not sure about others on here.

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Nope, not in 24.

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Bing map of a area in Spain where I used to work is 16years old.
I did not expect this, but I could clearly recognize the autumn with its unique huge parts in front of a industrial complex which stayed there for 2months.

Today this place is entire demolished.

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Derby and Nottingham in England both have PG.

Derby looked poor when I first flew over, the large building in the center of town was truly Lovecraftian and I’m sure Cthulhu was watching me fly by, but it finally loaded all the data and looked good. Very small area.

Nottingham is a bit bigger and imo is very nice looking. Great ‘downtown’ area.

And I swear Barcelona has been upgraded, I’ve flown there a lot and don’t recall it looking quite that good, really amazing!

Getting ready for another winter storm here


Their PG has always been poor till now! Never thought about having another look at Derby & Nottingham in MSFS2024 till you suggested it, so thank you!

Just been flying over Nottingham and after some time circling around it started to look very good indeed. My Dad is from Derby, Nottingham area so these places are very close to my heart :heart_on_fire:

These will get added to the List. For Nottingham I think it scores a 12/15 in MSFS2024. Will test in MSFS2020 later. The PG is nice clean and crisp although it takes quite some time to download especially on a 50mb connection. The non PG areas blend in that well in certain areas that I thought it was still PG! You’re right they’re both small areas of PG but good enough, well at least Nottingham is to make it on the list. Derby will get added after reviewing it.

Going to look at Derby after my dinner :+1:

Right I was flying there last night and thought the same. Definitely a new skyscraper near the docks on it’s own.

I’m in the process of doing an update to the List and it covers this very thing… that Micro/Asobo are updating the PG all over possibly with new data or they might have worked out a way to improve the current data if at all possible and they’re not telling us about these updates. But we’re slowly discovering them for ourselves and I for one am not complaining!

There’s a few surprises in the updated list which I’ll upload in a few hours which mostly highlight PG Cities in the U.S.A and are NOT on the List, and these places all score 14/15 or higher!

Thanks for the heads up, guess we going to get the tail end of it again haha

Edit: After looking at Nottingham again in MSFS2024 & MSFS2020 I’m going to give it a rating of 10/15. Only because its such a small PG area.

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TOP PHOTOGRAMMETRY [PG] PLACES TO FLY in MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2024 & MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2020 :czech_republic: :hungary: :canada: :fr: :slovenia: :jp: :austria: :croatia: :wales: :sweden: :slovakia: :it: :es: :australia: :portugal: :ireland: :de: :us: :england: :bosnia_herzegovina: :denmark: :uk: :new_zealand: :scotland:

Total number of PG Cities tested and added as of 11/02/2025 - MSFS2024 = 62 & MSFS2020 = 134

Total number of Countries with PG Cities in as of 11/02/2025 - MSFS2024 = 21 & MSFS2020 = 24

Latest Update Information as of 11/02/2025

New PG Discovery - MSFS2024!

:new: Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A :us: - NOT yet Rated

This place is fantastic! Set the weather to clear skies and the month of July and fly over the downtown area. There you’ll find crisp clear PG and the trees are stunning! There are purple ones dotted about all over, these are Jacaranda Trees. Their flowers are purple and smell amazing. These trees are also found in Africa, Zimbabwe to be exact and we had one when we were growing up in our garden. Looking at the trees in the downtown area, they are all amazing and many different species. It really stands out and it blew my mind how Micro/Asobo can get things spot on at times. Out of the downtown area the PG trees are a mess and spoil it a bit, but overall this is a really cool place to fly. Rivers have nice detail. Nice quarries too. Its quite a large area to explore.

as @Snowleopard3295 mentioned in an earlier post “it’s nice to be able to zoom in on a place and be able to tell instantly if it’s PG”

New PG Cities Added

:new: New Orleans, LO, U.S.A :us:15/15 - Not tested in MSFS2020
:new: Denver, Co, U.S.A :us:14/15 - Not tested in MSFS2020
:new: Toronto, Canada :canada:15/15 - Not tested in MSFS2020
:new: Chicago, Il, U.S.A :us:12/15 - Not tested in MSFS2020 - PG in the Downtown area has improved vastly
:new: Nottingham, U.K :uk:10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) Thanks to @Snowleopard3295
:new: Derby, U.K :uk:10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) Thanks to @Snowleopard3295

Improved PG Cities in MSFS2024 ONLY

:arrow_up: L.A & San Deigo, CA, U.S.A :us:14/15 (prev. 12/14) - Downtown San Deigo has improved immensely as well as L.A & it’s suburbs

Update History Log & Credits

Added 13/09/2024

  • Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Bari, Italy Thanks to @Baracus250
  • Perugia, Italy Thanks to @Baracu250
  • Madrid, Spain Thanks to @ricdpm
  • Venice, Italy has been included with Padova, Italy
  • Rouen, France Thanks to @Snowleopard3295
  • L.A + San Diego, California now includes Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Palm Springs, Banning, Corona, Riverside
  • Nantes, France Thanks to @Snowleopard3295
  • Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A

Added as of 15/09/2024

  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Newcastle/Sunderland, U.K
  • Port-Vendres, France

Added as of 20/09/2024

Added as of 21/09/2024

  • Boston, MA, U.S.A 10/10 Thanks to @mbraortns
  • Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A
  • Miami, FL, U.S.A

Added as of 22/09/2024
Thanks to @Baracus250 for all of these and the notes to go with them

  • Salzburg, Austria
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Stuttgart & Esslingen, Germany
  • Seville, Spain
  • Vigo, Portugal
  • Jerez, Spain
  • Porto, Portugal
  • Coimbra, Portugal
  • Amiens, France
  • Bern, Switzerland
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Queenstown, New Zealand
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Liverpool, U.K
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Mannheim now Included with Heidelberg, Germany

Added as of 29/09/2024

  • Murcia, Spain Thanks to @Snowleopard3295
  • Linz, Austria Thanks to @Snowleopard3295
  • Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Kehl, Germany And Strasbourg, France
  • Košice, Slovakia
  • Hannover, Germany
  • Nuremberg, Germany

Added as of 05/10/2024
Thanks to @Snowleopard3295 for all of these

  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • Detroit MC, U.S.A
  • Albany, NY, U.S.A
  • Arlington, Tx, U.S.A
  • Boise, Idaho, U.S.A
  • Charleston, WV, U.S.A
  • Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A
  • Key Largo, Florida, U.S.A
  • Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A
  • Lynchburg, Virginia U.S.A
  • Olympia, Washington, U.S.A
  • Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
  • Paris, France Thanks to @Baracus250

Added as of 13/10/2024

*** Thanks to @Baracus250 for these***

  • Helsingborg, Landskrona, Lund & Malmo, Sweden 10/15 are all now included together - Airports to be added shortly
    Helsingor, Frederikssund, Roskilde, Odense, have all been added to Copenhagen, Denmark 10/15 - Airports to be added shortly

After reviewing Vienna, Austria again due to users requests it has had its rating increased to 14/15.

PG areas tested as of 14/12/2024 with the new ratings

  • London, U.K 15/15
  • Barcelona, Spain 15/15
  • Las Vegas NV, USA 15/15
  • Cadiz, Spain, 15/15 (FS24) - 13/15 (FS20) credit to @Baracus250 for suggesting this in FS24
  • Seville, Spain 15/15 credit to @Baracus250 for testing this
  • Zagreb, Croatia 15/15


PG areas tested as of 16/12/2024 with the new ratings.


  • Naples, Italy 15/15 - Looks amazing now. You’ll have to check it out for yourselves.
  • Seattle, WA. U.S.A 10/15 - PG is much the same as FS2020 but FPS issues have been fixed.
  • Montreal, Canada 14/15 - Looks amazing now, there are still trees in buildings downtown but seasons now make it an amazing place to fly.
  • Bilbao, Spain 12/15 - exactly the same as FS2020
  • Brisbane, Australia 15/15
  • Glasgow, Scotland, U.K 15/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K 15/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Liverpool, U.K 15/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Cardiff & Newport, Wales + Bristol & Bath, U.K 15/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Eastbourne + Brighton, U.K 15/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Dublin, Ireland 12/15
  • Kehl & Strasbourg, Germany & France 15/15
  • Linz, Austria 14/15
  • Cork, Ireland 14/15
  • Cairns, Australia 14/15
  • Townsville, Australia 14/15
  • Brno, Czechia 14/15
  • Košice, Slovakia 14/15
  • Plzen, Czechia 13/15
  • Malaga, Spain 12/15
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Bern, Switzerland 12/15 - Still has FPS issues
  • Hannover, Germany 12/15
  • Berlin, Germany 12/15
  • Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 12/15 - Issues with PG Trees
  • Cascais, Portugal 14/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Lisbon, Portugal 14/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Canberra, Australia 14/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Gold Coast, Australia 14/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Gothenburg, Sweden 12/15
  • Darwin, Australia 13/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Jerez, Spain 13/15 - Vast improvement in FS2024
  • Leeds/Bradford, U.K 14/15
  • L.A/San Diego CA, U.S.A 12/15 - No improvement in FS2024
  • Wellington, New Zealand 11/15 - No improvement in FS2024
  • Paris, France 7/10 - Slight improvement in FS2024


  • Naples, Italy 10/15 - Still has FPS issues
  • Seattle, WA. U.S.A 8/15 - Still has FPS issues
  • Montreal, Canada 11/15 - No change
  • Bilbao, Spain 12/15 - No change
  • Brisbane, Australia 14/15 - No change
  • Glasgow, Scotland, U.K 10/15 - No change
  • Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K 8/15 - No change
  • Liverpool, U.K 11/15 - No change
  • Cardiff & Newport, Wales + Bristol & Bath, U.K 10/15 - No change
  • Eastbourne + Brighton, U.K 12/15 - No change
  • Dublin, Ireland 12/15 - No change
  • Kehl & Strasbourg, Germany & France 12/15- No change
  • Linz, Austria 10/15 - No change
  • Cork, Ireland 14/15 - No change
  • Cairns, Australia 12/15 - No change
  • Townsville, Australia 14/15 - No change
  • Brno, Czechia 13/15 - No change
  • Košice, Slovakia 13/15 - No change
  • Plzen, Czechia 13/15 - No change
  • Malaga, Spain 12/15 - No change
  • Berlin, Germany 12/15 - No change
  • Bern, Switzerland 12/15 - No change
  • Hannover, Germany 12/15 - No change
  • Berlin, Germany 12/15 - No change
  • Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 12/15 - No change
  • Cascais, Portugal 12/15 - No change
  • Lisbon, Portugal 11/15 - No change
  • Canberra, Australia 12/15 - No change
  • Gold Coast, Australia 14/15 - No change
  • Gothenburg, Sweden 12/15 - No change
  • Darwin, Australia 12/15 - No change
  • Jerez, Spain 12/15 - No change
  • Leeds/Bradford, U.K 12/15 - No change
  • L.A/San Diego CA, U.S.A 12/15 - No change
  • Wellington, New Zealand 11/15 - No change
  • Paris, France 7/10 - No change

Added as of 27/01/2025

  • Only Tested in MSFS2024
  • Catania, Italy. 14/15 credit to @Baracus250 for the brilliant review on this.
  • New York, U.S.A. 14/15
  • Calgary, Canada. 14/15

Update 29/01/2025

  • Tested in MSFS2020 & MSFS2024
  • Prague, Czech Republic 11/15 MSFS2020 credit to @Snowleopard3295 for mentioning this ages ago and sorry for not adding it to the list
  • Prague, Czech Republic 14/15 MSFS2024 Apologies to @AboardFaun59134 for mentioning this again a while ago and me forgetting to add it to the list again! And thanks to @Scarmax68 for reminding me yet again. Apologies if I’ve missed anyone.

Update 01/02/2025 - Tested in MSFS2024

  • Porto, Portugal MSFS2024 13/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) credit to @SealedPaladin73 for testing it in MSFS2024
  • Vast improvement in MSFS2024 no improvement in MSFS2020

Added 05/02/2025

:new: Austin Tx, U.S.A :us:13/15 (to be tested in MSFS2020)
:new: Waco Tx, U.S.A :us:12/15 (to be tested in MSFS2020)
:new: Tucson AZ, U.S.A :us:12/15 (to be tested in MSFS2020)

Re Tested in MSFS2024 as of 05/01/1015

:repeat: Miami, FL, U.S.A :us:14/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Indianapolis, U.S.A :us:13/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Kansas City, U.S.A :us:13/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Turin, Italy :it:14/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Rouen, France :fr:12/15 (MSFS2020 7/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Geneva, Switzerland 11/15 :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Amiens, France :fr:12/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Virgo, Portugal 8/15 :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Bari, Italy :it:7/15 :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Charleston, WV, U.S.A 7/15 :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Dubrovnik, Croatia - Huge Improvement 10/15 (MSFS2020 7/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Lynchburg, USA 7/15 :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Salzburg, Austria 10/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Perth, Australia 9/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Melbourne, Australia :australia:10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Key Largo, FL, U.S.A :us:10/15 (MSFS2020 7/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Pavia, Italy :it:10/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Murcia, Spain :es:11/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Lille, France :fr: 11/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Combria, Portugal 11/15 (MSFS2020 8/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Valencia, Spain :es: 11/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Palermo, Sicily, Italy :it: 11/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Bordeaux, France :fr: 12/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Alicante, Spain :es: 12/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Aarhus, Denmark :denmark: 12/15 (MSFS2020 9/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Stuttgart & Esslingen, Germany :de: 12/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Stockholm, Sweden :sweden: 13/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Rome, Italy :it: 15/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Oslo, Norway :norway: 13/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Olympia, WA, U.S.A :us: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Nashville, TN, U.S.A :us: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Nantes, France :fr: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Montgomery, U.S.A :us: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Memphis, TN, U.S.A :us: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Maribor, Slovenia :slovenia: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Luxembourg, Germany :de: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Ljubljana Slovenia :slovenia:10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Linz, Austria :austria: 12/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Helsingborg + Landskrona, Lund & Malmo, Sweden :sweden: 13/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Halle & Leipzig, Germany :de: 12/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Frankfurt, Germany :de: 14/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Florence, Italy :it: 12/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Farmington, New Mexico, U.S.A :us: 11/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A :us: 10/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Cordoba, Spain :es: 11/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Copenhagen + Helsingor, Denmark :denmark: 14/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Atlanta GA, U.S.A :us: 14/15 (MSFS2020 10/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Tokyo, Japan :jp: 15/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Sarijevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina :bosnia_herzegovina: 15/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Port-Vendres, France :fr: 12/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Pamplona, Spain :es: 11/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Nuremberg, Germany :de: 11/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Munich, Germany :de: 12/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Montreal, Canada :canada: 12/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Madrid, Spain :es: 14/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Boise, Idaho, U.S.A :us: 12/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Arlington, TX, U.S.A :us: 11/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Albany, NY, U.S.A :us: 11/15 (MSFS2020 11/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Tuaranga, New Zealand :new_zealand: 12/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Plzen, Czechia :czech_republic: 12/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Perugia, Italy :it: 12/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Parma, Italy :it: 12/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Orlando, Florida, U.S.A :us: 13/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Milano, Italy :it: 12/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :left_right_arrow:
:repeat: Jerez, Spain :es: 14/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Bologna, Italy :it: 14/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :arrow_up:
:repeat: Berlin, Germany :de: 13/15 (MSFS2020 12/15) :arrow_up:

Added 02/02/2025

  • Lansing, Mi, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 11/15
  • San Antonio, TX, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 11/15
  • Detroit, Mi, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15

New Entry for MSFS2024 & MSFS2020

  • Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15

Quick Access to Top PG Cites by “Country” with it’s Rating

Australia & New Zealand

Brisbane :australia:MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Cairnes :australia:MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Canberra :australia: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Darwin :australia: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Gold Coast :australia: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Melbourne :australia: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Townsville :australia: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Perth :australia: MSFS2024 9/15 MSFS2020 9/15

New Zealand

Auckland :new_zealand: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Tuaranga :new_zealand: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Queenstown :new_zealand: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Wellington :new_zealand: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 11/15


Allicante :es: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 9/15
Barcelona :es: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Bilbao :es: MSFS2024 12/15 - MSFS2020 12/15
Cadiz :es: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Cordoba :es: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Jerez :es: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Madrid :es: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Malaga :es: MSFS2024 12/15 - MSFS2020 12/15
Murcia :es: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Pamplona :es: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Seville :es: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Valencia :es: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 9/15


Ancona :it: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Bari :it: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Bologna :it: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Catania (Sicily) :it: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 ??/15
Florence :it: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Naples :it: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Milano :it: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Parma :it: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Perugia :it: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Palermo :it: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 9/15
Pavia :it: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Rome :it: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Turin :it: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 11/15

England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland

Cardiff :wales: & Bristol :england: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Cork :ireland: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Derby :uk: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Dublin :ireland: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Eastbourne & Brighton :england: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Edinburgh :scotland: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Glasgow :scotland: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Leeds & Bradford :england: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Liverpool :england: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 11/15
London :england: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 13/15
New Castle & Sunderland :england: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Nottingham, :uk: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15


Aarhus, Denmark :denmark: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 9/15
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina :bosnia_herzegovina: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Bern, Switzerland :switzerland: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Brno, Czechia :czech_republic: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Budapest, Hungary :hungary: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Copenhagen + Helsingor, Denmark :denmark: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Dubrovnik, :croatia: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Geneva, Switzerland :switzerland: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Gothenburg, Sweden :sweden: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Helsingborg + Landskrona, Lund & Malmo, Sweden :sweden: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Košice, Slovakia :slovakia: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Linz, Austria :austria: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Ljubljana, Slovenia :slovenia: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Maribor, Slovenia :slovenia: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Oslo, Norway :norway: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Plzen, Czechia :czech_republic: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Prague, Czechia :czech_republic: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Rotterdam + The Hague, Netherlands :netherlands: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Sarijevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina :bosnia_herzegovina: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Salzburg, Austria :austria: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Stockholm, Sweden :sweden: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Stuttgart & Esslingen, Germany :de: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Vienna, Austria :austria: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Zagreb, Croatia :croatia: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 15/15


Amiens, France :fr: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Bordeaux, France :fr: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 9/15
Lille, France :fr: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Nantes, France :fr: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Nice + Monte Carlo, France :fr: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Paris, France :fr: MSFS2024 7/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Port-Vendres, France :fr: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Rouen, France :fr: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 7/15


Berlin, Germany :de: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Frankfurt, Germany :de: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Halle & Leipzig, Germany :de: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Hannover, Germany :de: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Heidelberg & Mannheim, Germany :de: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Kehl & Strasbourg, Germany & France :de: :fr: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Kiel, Germany :de: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Luxembourg, Germany :de: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Munich, Germany :de: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Nuremberg, Germany :de: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Stuttgart & Esslingen, Germany :de: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 10/15

Canada & U.S.A

AllenTown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 13/15
Albany, NY, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Arlington, TX, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Atlanta GA, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Austin, Tx, U.S.A MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 ??/15
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Boston, MA, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Calgary, Canada :canada: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Charleston, WV, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 7/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Chicago, IL, U.S.A MSFS2024 12/15 <MSFS2020 ??/15
Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Detroit MC, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Denver, CO, U.S.A MSFS2024 14/15 <MSFS2020 ??/15
Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Farmington, New Mexico, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Indianapolis, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Kansas City MO, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Key Largo, Florida, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 14/15
L.A/San Diego area, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Lynchburg, Virginia, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 7/15 MSFS2020 7/15
Memphis TN, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Miami, FL, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Montgomery Al, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Montreal, Canada :canada: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Nashville TN, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
New Orleans, LO, U.S.A MSFS2024 15/15 <MSFS2020 ??/15
New York City, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15
Olympia, Washington, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 10/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Sacramento CA, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 11/15
San Antonio TX, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 13/15 MSFS2020 11/15
San Fransisco CA, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Seattle Washington, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 8/15
St Louis Missouri, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 ??/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Tucson, Az, U.S.A MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 ??/15
Toronto, Canada MSFS2024 15/15 <MSFS2020 ??/15
Vancouver, Canada :canada: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 10/15
Waco, Tx, U.S.A MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 ??/15
Washington DC, U.S.A :us: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 14/15


Cascais, Portugal :portugal: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 12/15
Coimbra, Portugal :portugal: MSFS2024 11/15 MSFS2020 8/15
Lisbon, Portugal :portugal: MSFS2024 14/15 MSFS2020 11/15
Porto, Portugal :portugal: MSFS2024 12/15 MSFS2020 9/15
Vigo, Portugal :portugal: MSFS2024 8/15 MSFS2020 8/15


Tokyo, Japan :jp: MSFS2024 15/15 MSFS2020 11/15

MSFS2024 - 15/15 - Beyond Exceptional!

Number of PG Cities in each Country :bosnia_herzegovina: 1 :jp: 1 :es: 3 :australia: 1 :uk: 6 :us: 1 :it: 2 :croatia: 1 :de: 1 :fr: 1 Total of 17 PG Cities in 10 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Barcelona :es: Spain XL 3 Super Diverse - Nice Mountain Ranges to the East and North - Huge Port & Industrial areas - Loads of POI’s - One of the best Cities in MSFS
Brisbane :australia: Australia L 3 Super Diverse - Rivers are stunning! Nice Downtown area - Brisbane City Pack enhances it nicely
Cadiz :es: Spain XL 3 Super diverse - Highly detailed Marshes - Crisp PG - Non PG blends well - Very nice Coastal areas, Harbour & Bridge & roads all impressive
Cardiff & Newport, Wales + Bristol & Bath :wales: :england: :uk: U.K XXL 4 Super Diverse - Crisp PG continues across River Severn - Nice Docks and Industrial areas - Lots to explore
Glasgow :scotland: :uk: Scotland L 1 Super Diverse - PG extends quite far - Nice Architecture - It only looks better now in MSFS2024
Eastbourne + Brighton :england: :uk: U.K M 1 Quite Diverse - Top quality PG - Extends quite far East and West
Edinburgh :scotland: :uk: Scotland M 1 Super Diverse - Crisp PG - Stunning City - PG issues around the Castle now fixed in MSFS2024
Las Vegas, Nevada :us: U.S.A XL 4 Super Diverse with stunning Mountains and Quarries in incredible detail - PG blends so well with non PG that the entire area is stunning with Mountains all over
Liverpool :england: :uk: U.K L 1 Quite Diverse - Really nice buildings and architecture - Crisp PG - Nice Docks! - Non PG blends nicely
London :england: :uk: U.K XXL 2 Super Diverse - PG extends past Heathrow - Simply stunning in MSFS2024
Naples :it: Italy L 1 Super Diverse - Nice Hills & Mountains - A gorgeous City! - Far too much to see! - Crisp PG
New Orleans, LO :us: U.S.A XL ? Super Diverse - Clean sharp PG - Nice Bridges & Roads - Downtown is incredible! - Huge area to explore - One of MSFS2024’s prettier PG cities
Toronto :canada: Canada XL ? Super Diverse - Clean gorgeous PG - Nice Bridges & Roads - Downtown is amazing!- Vast area to explore!
Rome :it: Italy L 2 Very Diverse - Full of Italian charm - Lots to explore
Rotterdam + The Hague :netherlands: Netherlands L 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting City - Very nice PG - Amazing atmosphere - No FPS issues now
Sarijevo :bosnia_herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina M 1 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG - Amazing Landscape - Mon PG blended in nicely - Unique Architecture - Landable Helipad on one building
Seville :es: Spain M 1 Quite Diverse - Really charming City with some very interesting looking historic buildings - Super quality PG
Tokyo :jp: Japan L 1 Super Diverse - Skyscraper Heaven!
Kehl & Strasbourg :de: :fr: Germany/France M 3 Quite Diverse - Crisp PG - Nice Bridges, Roads & Rivers - A very interesting City - Lots of Motorway construction North of City - Non PG still not blended well
Zagreb :croatia: Croatia XL 2 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG quality - Amazing landscape, detail & character - Non PG blends nicely - Unique Architecture - Lots to explore

MSFS2024 - 14/15 - Exceptional!

Number of PG Cities in each Country :denmark: 1 :es: 2 :czech_republic: 2 :portugal: 2 :it: 2 :canada: 2 :ireland: 1 :austria: 1 :de: 2 :slovakia: 1 :uk: 1 :australia: 4 :us: 3 Total of 22 PG Cities in 13 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Atlanta GA :us: U.S.A XXL 5 Super Diverse - Very nice clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers - PG extends quite far and blends in with non PG well
Brno :czech_republic: Czechia M 3 Super Diverse with lots of Churches and Motorway bridges and roads are perfect- Non PG areas blend well
Cascais :portugal: Portugal M 2 Very Diverse - Crisp PG - Amazing rocky Coastline - Lisbon to the East - Rivers are not the best
Catania (Sicily) :it: Italy S 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting town with amazing Architecture - Nice Harbours & Coastline - Mafia Graveyard and all in the shadow of Mount Etna - Super crisp PG that blends well with non PG
Calgary :canada: Canada L 1 Quite Diverse - Very crisp clean PG - Non PG areas blend nicely now - Very nice in the winter with snow cover
Copenhagen + Helsingor :denmark: Denmark XL ? Super Diverse - High quality PG extends quite far - Lots to explore
Cork :ireland: Ireland M 1 Super Diverse - PG is exceptional - Nicely blended with non PG
Cairnes :australia: Australia M 1 Quite Diverse - Exceptional PG - Interesting city - Non PG blends nicley
Canberra :australia: Australia M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice City - Clean PG - Non PG blends nicely
Detroit MC :us: U.S.A XL 2 Super Diverse - Clean PG goes North a bit past Royal Oak and Madison Heights, East to St Clair Shores & West past Bingham Farms - Nice Bridges & Roads - Downtown is amazing!
Denver, CO :us: U.S.A XL ? Super Diverse - Crisp PG - Nice Bridges & Roads - Downtown is amazing! - PG extends quite far North and West to the Colorado Hills and Mountains
Frankfurt :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers - Interesting areas to explore
Heidelberg & Mannheim :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG - Really nice surrounding Mountains & Rivers - Very nice Industrial area in Mannheim
Jerez :es: Spain M 1 Very Diverse - A nice interesting City with above average quality PG - Can you find the race track!?
Košice :slovakia: Slovakia M 2 Quite Diverse - A nice interesting City with nice quality PG - Nice Industrial areas, Farms, Forests and Hills, Railway lines and a Quarry, Churches, a Lake and Dam in PG - Non PG blended well in some areas
L.A/San Diego area :us: U.S.A XXXL 24+ Super Diverse - Plenty to explore
Leeds + Bradford :england: :uk: U.K L 1 Quite Diverse - Really nice Buildings and Architecture - Very nice clean PG
Lisbon :portugal: Portugal L 3 Very Diverse - PG is crisp quality - Nice Port and Hills - Bridges are nice - PG all along the River
Madrid :es: Spain XL 2 Super Diverse - PG is high quality - Massive area to explore - Blended well with non PG
Miami, FL :us: U.S.A XXL 9 Very Diverse - Nice Skyscrapers - Nice PG quality that extends very far - Lots to explore - SamScene3d U.S.A Cities improves the area inc. Bridges vastly
New York City :us: U.S.A L 4 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Skyscraper Heaven! - Looks amazing now in MSFS2024 - Clean Bridges & Roads
Prague :czech_republic: Czechia M 1 Super Diverse - Crisp PG - Lots of Churches & Castles - Fps issues in VR but bearable
Townsville :australia: Australia M 1 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG - Non PG blends nicley
Turin :it: Italy L 5 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - Some areas have some broken PG - Amazing Landscape - Non PG blended in well - Unique Architecture
Washington DC :us: U.S.A XXXL 43 Super Diverse - Plenty to explore - Extends 45nm N, 36nm S, 30nm W & 34nm E
Vienna :austria: Austria XL 1 Super Diverse - Gorgeous City - PG on outskirts crisper then City centre - Loads to explore - Nice POI’s
Vancouver :canada: Canada XL 1 Super Diverse - Lots to explore - FPS issues in FS2020 & FS2024 near Vancouver International Airport

MSFS2024 - 13/15 - The Few Very Best

Number of PG Cities in each Country :de: 1 :sweden: 2 :norway: 1 :us: 5 :it: 1 :australia: 2 :portugal: 1 Total of 13 PG Cities in 7 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
AllenTown, Pennsylvania :us: U.S.A XXL 8 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG - Nice Farms, Rivers & Bridges - Loads of Railway lines, Hills & Quarries - Lots to explore
Ancona :it: Italy M 1 Diverse - Good PG - Amazing landscape - Non PG blended in nicely - Unique Architecture
Austin, TX :us: U.S.A XL ? Super Diverse - Exceptional PG - Nice Downtown area - Nice Roads, Rivers & Bridges - Lots to explore
Berlin :de: Germany XL 1 Super Diverse - Very nice clean PG covers outskirts and outlying Villages - Plenty to explore
Cincinnati, Ohio :us: U.S.A XL ?? Super Diverse - Interesting City - Good PG quality - Roads & Bridges all nice - Nice Downtown area - Too much to explore
Darwin :australia: Australia L 2 Quite Diverse - Nice City - Clean PG - Lots of interesting places to see
Gold Coast :australia: Australia M 1 Pretty Diverse - Nice districts - Crisp PG - Nice atmosphere
Helsingborg + Landskrona, Lund & Malmo :sweden: Sweden XL ? Super Diverse - Nice clean PG - Nice Roads & Bridges, Industrial areas & Ports - Nice Countryside - PG blended well with non PG areas
Indianapollis :us: U.S.A M 4 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG - Loads to explore - Lots of Skyscrapers - Home of the Indy 500
Kansas City MO :us: U.S.A L 5 Very Diverse - Interesting City - Nice clean PG
Lansing, Michigan :us: U.S.A XL 3 Super Diverse - Nice PG quality - Downtown is nice - Lots to explore - Nice Roads & Bridges
Orlando, Florida :us: U.S.A XXXL 6 Very Diverse - Nice quality PG - Nice Bridges & Downtown area - Vast area to explore
Oslo :norway: Norway L 2 Quite Diverse - Very nice Landscape especially in winter
Porto :portugal: Portugal L 2 Very Diverse - PG quality is good - Beaches, Rocky Coastline & Rivers are amazing - Perfect place to fly Helicopters - Amazing Architecture
San Antonio TX :us: U.S.A L 5 Super Diverse - Very clean PG - Nice Downtown area - Looks Amazing now in MSFS2024
Stockholm :sweden: Sweden L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - A very pretty City

MSFS2024 - 12/15 - Highly Rated

Number of PG Cities in each Country :austria: 1 :canada: 1 :it: 5 :denmark: 1 :fr: 3 :new_zealand: 2 :bosnia_herzegovina: 1 :czech_republic: 1 :switzerland: 1 :es: 3 :us: 3 :hungary: 1 :ireland: 1 :de: 4 Total of 28 PG Cities in 14 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Aarhus :denmark: Denmark S 0 Quite Diverse - Quality PG - Extends North past the big lake to Lystrup, West to Kolt & Horning, North along the coast to Skaering - Interesting area
Allicante :es: Spain S 2 Pretty Diverse - Nice quality PG - And a nice “Hill Fort” too!
Amiens :fr: France M 1 Diverse - Interesting place - A lot of the outlying Villages are covered and some interesting stuff to find, blended very well to the surroundings
Auckland :new_zealand: New Zealand XL 2 Super Diverse - Nice Port & Downtown area - Roads & Bridges all good - Lots to explore
Banja Luka :bosnia_herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina L 2 Really Diverse - Nice Hills & Rivers - Interesting area - Top quality PG
Bern :switzerland: Switzerland L 1 Super Diverse - Handcrafted Airport with nice detail! - A good few handcrafted POI’s to see - Fps issues with some users due to WU
Bilbao :es: Spain L 1 Very Diverse - Lots of Rolling Hills - Interesting area - Really nice Cliffs and Quarries
Bologna :it: Italy M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Architecture - Very nice PG
Boston, MA :us: U.S.A XL 23 Very Diverse - Nice Skyscrapers - Excellent PG quality - SamScene3d U.S.A Cities improves the area inc. Bridges vastly
Bordeaux :fr: France M 1 Really Diverse - Nice PG - Home of Asobo - See if you can spot the Blue Balloon :smirk:
Boise, Idaho :us: U.S.A L 14 Quite Diverse - PG extends along river to Nampa & Caldwell & Parma includes Homedale, Larkin, nice Mountains & Hills - Lots of Farms with Landing Strips on - Non PG blended well
Budapest :hungary: Hungary XL 6 Super Diverse - Lots of interesting things to see - Nice Bridges - Non PG areas blended in very well
Chicago, IL :us: U.S.A XL ? Super Diverse - Clean PG in Downtown area - Nice Bridges & Roads - MsAsobo seem to be improving this area - PG not so good out of Downtown area
Dublin :ireland: Ireland L 3 Very Diverse - Super detailed Moors & Quarries - Lost count of No. of Golf courses - Stunning Coastline with Railway line and tunnels
Florence :it: Italy L 1 Really Diverse - Nice Architecture
Gothenburg :sweden: Sweden L 2 Super Diverse - Nice clean PG - Nice Roads & Bridges, Industrial areas & Port - Nice countryside & lots of lakes - PG blended well with non PG areas
Hannover :de: Germany L 1 Really Diverse - Very clean PG - Interesting City - PG blended quite well with non PG - Nice Roads, Bridges, Rivers & Railway lines - Nice Industrial areas - Lots to explore
Halle & Leipzig :de: Germany L 2 Quite Diverse - Nice clean PG - Interesting areas to explore - Non PG blends well
Linz :austria: Austria M 2 Quite Diverse - Quite good PG - Nice “Old-Town section” - Nice Rivers & Bridges - Incredible Industrial sprawl along the River - Non PG blended very well with PG
Malaga :es: Spain L 1 Quite Diverse - PG all the way down Coast to Marbella and extends quite far inland - Loads to explore
Milano :it: Italy L 1 Super Diverse - Very nice PG - Edges of PG area aren’t blended well with non PG areas
Montreal :canada: Canada XL 1 Super Diverse - Lots to explore - Nearly every house has a pool!
Munich :de: Germany XXL 5 Super Diverse - Clean PG
Parma :it: Italy M 1 PG is exceptional! No AI trees!
Perugia :it: Italy L 4 Quite Diverse - PG isn’t the sharpest - Nice Hills, Mountains & a few Airfields in PG area
Plzen :czech_republic: Czechia L 1 Diverse - Very nice PG - Nice Quarries & Hills - Nice Industrial area - PG well blended with non PG
Port-Vendres :fr: France S 0 Interesting little area - PG is top quality - Nice Hills & Port - A few Hill Forts, old Ruins and Castles in PG
Rouen :fr: France S 1 Fairly Diverse - Interesting City - Very nice PG but patchy - Now blended in well with non PG
Stuttgart & Esslingen :de: Germany L 5 Rather Diverse - Top quality PG - Interesting areas to explore
Tucson, Az :us: U.S.A XXXL ? Super Diverse - Excellent PG - Nice Hills & Mountains - Plenty to explore - Non PG blends quite well
Tuaranga :new_zealand: New Zealand M 1 Quite Diverse - Very clean PG - Nice Port - Lots to explore
Valencia :es: Spain S 1 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG
Waco, TX :us: U.S.A XXXL ? Pretty Diverse - Plenty to explore - Very clean crisp PG

MSFS2024 - 11/15 - Top Rated

Number of PG Cities in each Country :de: 1 :sweden: 1 :es: 3 :fr: 1 :portugal: 1 :australia: 1 :us: 4 :new_zealand: 1 :it: 2 :switzerland: 1 Total of 16 PG Cities in 10 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Albany, NY :us: U.S.A S 2 Very Diverse - Large interesting PG area to explore - Nice Hills, Rivers & Bridges - PG blended quite well - Downtown is nice
Arlington, TX :us: U.S.A L 2 Really Diverse - PG quality is nice - Interesting area with lots to explore - Non PG blended quite well
Bari :it: Italy L 1 Diverse - Not best quality PG, but interesting more modern City - Lots of churches
Coimbra :portugal: Portugal M 1 Diverse - PG is okay quality - A more rural Location in the Hilly Countryside which is fun to fly low and slow in Helicopters
Cordoba :es: Spain S 1 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - A nice Roman Bridge! - Non PG areas don’t blend well
Farmington, New Mexico :us: U.S.A S 1 Diverse - Nice surrounding Bluffs in PG too
Geneva :switzerland: Switzerland L 2 Quite Diverse - Not the best PG - Stunning backdrop to the scenery
Lille :fr: France S 1 Diverse - Interesting place - Good quality PG
Murcia :es: Spain S 0 Quite Diverse - Very nice and detailed PG - Superb colours - A few more modern Buildings N and NW of Downtown - Nice Stadiums - Non PG very well blended with PG areas
Nuremberg :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Interesting City - Lots to explore - PG blends well with non PG in most areas - Nice German Architecture
Palermo :it: Sicily, Italy M 2 Quite Diverse - Nice PG
Pamplona :es: Spain S 1 Diverse - Very crisp PG - Looks very nice at night
Seattle Washington :us: U.S.A L 10 Super Diverse - Interesting City - Not best quality PG - No FPS issues now in MSFS2024
Stockholm :sweden: Sweden L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - A very pretty City
Wellington :new_zealand: New Zealand L 1 Super Diverse - Very nice Rivers that extend quite far inland - Very nice Hills

MSFS2024 - 10/15 - Next Level

Number of PG Cities in each Country :uk: 2 :de: 1 :slovenia: 2 :fr: 1 :us: 6 :australia: 3 :croatia: 1 Total of 15 PG Cities in 9 Countires

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Derby :england: :uk: U.K M ? Pretty Diverse - Clean PG - Interesting area - Nice Downtown area & Stadium - Non PG blends quite well with PG areas
Dubrovnik :croatia: Croatia M 1 Quite Diverse - Not the best PG in outskirts but interesting City - Gorgeous Mountains & Rocky Coastline
Eugene, Oregon :us: U.S.A L 3 Quite Diverse - Nice PG in some areas - Blended very well with non PG - Lots to explore - Nice Hills & Rivers - PG covers a large area - Nice Logging yards
Key Largo, Florida :us: U.S.A L 6 Slightly Diverse - Bridges are not the best - PG is okay quality - Interesting area to explore
Ljubljana :slovenia: Slovenia M 3 Nice Variety - Nice Hills & Rivers - Interesting place - Non PG not blended well
Luxembourg :de: Germany L 1 Quite Diverse - Nice clean PG - Interesting areas to explore - Non PG blends well
Maribor :slovenia: Slovenia M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Hills and Rivers & Bridges - Nice Railway lines - Non PG blended quite well
Melbourne :australia: Australia M 2 Very Diverse - Nice variety - Lots to explore -Lots of Skyscrapers Stunning City
Memphis TN :us: U.S.A L 2 Pretty Diverse - Very nice clean PG - Nice Downtown area - Interesting area - Non PG blends well with PG
Montgomery Al :us: U.S.A L 2 Quite Diverse - Clean PG - Nice Downtown area - Non PG blends well with PG
Nantes :fr: France M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - Loads to explore
Nashville TN :us: U.S.A L 4 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers
Nottingham :england: :uk: U.K S ? Pretty Diverse - Nice clean PG - Really nice Buildings and Architecture - Nice Downtown area - Non PG blends very well with PG areas
Olympia, Washington :us: U.S.A L 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Logging Yard - Not the best PG quality but blended well with non PG
Pavia :it: Italy S 1 Diverse - Good quality PG - Unique Architecture - An interesting place
Perth :australia: Australia L 2 Very Diverse - Not best quality PG, but interesting City
Salzburg :austria: Austria M 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting area with very nice terrain - Not best quality PG - Handcrafted Airport - FPS issues with some users at LOWS

MSFS2024 - 8/15 - Above Average

Number of PG Cities in each Country :portugal: 1 Total of 1 PG City in 1 Country

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Vigo :portugal: Portugal S 1 Quite Diverse - PG quality is above average and blended really well with the surroundings - Airport is in non PG area

MSFS2024 - 7/15 - Still worth a look

Number of PG Cities in each Country :it: 1 :us: 2 :fr: 1 Total of 4 PG Cities in 3 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Bari :it: Italy L 1 Diverse - Not best quality PG, but interesting more modern City - Lots of churches
Charleston, WV :us: U.S.A L 3 Quite Diverse - PG melted in some places - Non PG areas not blended well - Nice PG tree colours - Nice Bridges & Hills - PG north all along the River with a lot of Industrial areas
Lynchburg, Virginia :us: U.S.A L 2 Quite Diverse - PG is not the best - Nice Rivers & Bridges - Lots to explore - Non PG blended quite well
Paris :fr: France L 1 Very Diverse - Interesting City - Not best PG quality & patchy areas - Not blended in well with Non PG

MSFS2020 - 15/15 - Beyond Exceptional!

Number of PG Cities in each Country :croatia: 1 Total of 1 PG City in 1 Country

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Zagreb :croatia: Croatia XXL 2 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG quality - Amazing Landscape, detail & character - Non PG blended in nicely - Unique Architecture - Lots to explore

MSFS2020 - 14/15 - Exceptional!

Number of PG Cities in each Country :es: 2 :australia: 2 :ireland: 1 :austria: 1 :canada: 1 :de: 1 :us: 2 :uk: 1 Total of 11 PG Cities in 8 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Barcelona :es: Spain XL 3 Super Diverse - Nice Mountains - Huge Port - One of the best cities IMHO
Brisbane :australia: Australia L 3 Super Diverse - Muddy Rivers are stunning!
Cork :ireland: Ireland M 1 Super Diverse - PG is exceptional - Nicely blended with non PG
Heidelberg & Mannheim :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG - Really nice surrounding Mountains & Rivers - Very nice Industrial area in Mannheim
Las Vegas, Nevada :us: U.S.A XXL 4 Super Diverse - Stunning Mountains and a Quarry in incredible detail
London :england: :uk: U.K XXXL 2 Super Diverse - PG extends past Heathrow
Seville :es: Spain M 1 Diverse - Really charming City with some very interesting looking Historic Buildings - Super quality PG
Townsville :australia: Australia M 1 Super Diverse - Exceptional PG
Washington DC :us: U.S.A XXXL 43 Super Diverse - Plenty to explore - Extends 45nm N, 36nm S, 30nm W & 34nm E
Vienna :austria: Austria XL 1 Super Diverse - Gorgeous City - PG on outskirts crisper then City centre - Loads to explore - Nice POI’s
Vancouver :canada: Canada XL 1 Super Diverse - Lots to explore - FPS issues in FS2020 & FS2024 near Vancouver International Airport

MSFS2020 - 13/15 - The Few Very Best

Number of PG Cities in each Country :us: 1 :it: 1 :czech_republic: 1 :es: 1 :slovakia: 1 :uk: 1 Total of 7 PG Cities in 6 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
AllenTown, Pennsylvania :us: U.S.A XL 8 Really Diverse - Exceptional PG - Nice Rivers, Bridges - Loads of Railway lines, Hills & Quarries - Lots to explore
Ancona :it: Italy M 1 Diverse - Good PG - Amazing Landscape - Non PG blended in nicely - Unique Architecture
Brno :czech_republic: Czechia M 3 Super Diverse - Lots of Churches - Motorway Bridges & Roads are perfect - Non PG areas blended in very well
Cadiz :es: Spain XL 3 Super Diverse - Nice Marshes - Nice quality PG - Very nice Coastal areas
Košice :slovakia: Slovakia M 2 Quite Diverse - A nice interesting city with nice quality PG - Nice Industrial areas, Farms, Forests & Hills, Railway lines and a Quarry, Churches, a Lake & Dam in PG - Non PG blended well in some areas
Newcastle + Sunderland :england: :uk: U.K L 1 Super Diverse - Crisp PG blended well with non PG - Interesting City with awesome Dry Docks - Loads to explore

MSFS2020 - 12/15 - Highly Rated

Number of PG Cities in each Country :new_zealand: 2 :bosnia_herzegovina: 1 :de: 3 :switzerland: 1 :es: 3 :it: 4 :us: 5 :hungary: 1 :australia: 4 :portugal: 1 :ireland: 1 :uk: 3 :sweden: 1 :fr: 2 :czech_republic: 1 Total of 32 PG Cities in 15 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Auckland :new_zealand: New Zealand XL 2 Super Diverse - Lots to explore
Banja Luka :bosnia_herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina L 2 Really Diverse - Nice Hills & Rivers - Interesting area - Top quality PG
Berlin :de: Germany XL 1 Super Diverse - Very nice clean PG covers outskirts and outlying Villages - Plenty to explore
Bern :switzerland: Switzerland L 1 Super Diverse - Handcrafted Airport with nice detail! - A good few handcrafted POI’s to see - Fps issues with some users due to WU
Bilbao :es: Spain L 1 Very Diverse - Lots of Rolling Hills - Interesting area - Really nice Cliffs and Quarries
Bologna :it: Italy M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Architecture - Very nice PG
Boston, MA :us: U.S.A XL 23 Very Diverse - Nice Skyscrapers - Excellent PG quality - SamScene3d U.S.A Cities improves the area inc. Bridges vastly
Budapest :hungary: Hungary XL 6 Super Diverse - Lots of interesting things to see - Nice Bridges - Non PG areas blended in very well
Cairnes :australia: Australia M 1 Quite Diverse - Exceptional PG - Interesting City
Canberra :australia: Australia M 1 Rather Diverse - Nice diverse City - Clean PG
Cascais :portugal: Portugal M 2 Very Diverse - Crisp PG - Amazing Rocky Coastline - Lisbon to the East - Rivers are poor though
Darwin :australia: Australia L 2 Quite Diverse - Nice City - Clean PG - Lots of interesting places to see
Dublin :ireland: Ireland L 3 Very Diverse - Super detailed Moors & Quarries - Lost count of No. of Golf courses - Stunning Coastline with Railway line and Tunnels
Eastbourne + Brighton :england: :uk: U.K M 1 Diverse - Top quality PG - Extends quite far East and West
Gold Coast :australia: Australia M 1 Pretty Diverse - Nice Districts - Crisp PG - Nice atmosphere
Gothenburg :sweden: Sweden L 2 Super Diverse - Nice clean PG - Nice Roads & Bridges, Industrial areas & Port - Nice Countryside & lots of Lakes - PG blended well with non PG areas
Hannover :de: Germany L 1 Really Diverse - Very clean PG - Interesting City - PG blended quite well with non PG - Nice Roads, Bridges, Rivers & Railway lines - Nice Industrial areas - Lots to explore
Jerez :es: Spain M 1 Very Diverse - A nice interesting City with above average quality PG - Can you find the race track!?
Kehl & Strasbourg :de: :fr: Germany/France M 3 Quite Diverse - Clean PG - Nice Bridges, Roads & Rivers - Very interesting City - Lots of Motorway construction North of City - Non PG areas not blended well
L.A/San Diego area :us: U.S.A XXXL 24+ Super Diverse - Plenty to explore
Leeds + Bradford :england: :uk: U.K L 1 Quite Diverse - Really nice Buildings and Architecture - Very nice clean PG
Malaga :es: Spain M 1 Super Diverse - PG all the way down Coast to Marbella and extends quite far inland - Loads to explore
Miami, FL :us: U.S.A XXL 9 Very Diverse - Nice Skyscrapers - Nice PG quality that extends very far - Lots to explore - SamScene3d U.S.A Cities improves the area inc. Bridges vastly
Milano :it: Italy L 1 Super Diverse - Very nice PG - Edges of PG area aren’t blended well with non PG areas
Orlando, Florida :us: U.S.A XXXL 6 Very Diverse - Nice quality PG - Nice Bridges & Downtown area - Vast area to explore
Parma :it: Italy M 1 PG is exceptional! No AI trees!
Perugia :it: Italy L 4 Quite Diverse - PG isn’t the sharpest - Nice Hills, Mountains & a few Airfields in PG area
Plzen :czech_republic: Czechia L 1 Rather Diverse - Very nice PG - Nice Quarries, Hills & nice Industrial area - PG well blended with non PG
Rouen :fr: France S 1 Fairly Diverse - Interesting City - Very nice PG but patchy - Blended in well with non PG
Tuaranga :new_zealand: New Zealand M 1 Quite Diverse - Very clean PG - Nice Port - Lots to explore

MSFS2020 - 11/15 - Top Rated

Number of PG Cities in each Country :us: 7 :de: 3 :portugal: 1 :uk: 1 :es: 2 :canada: 1 :fr: 1 :czech_republic: 1 :new_zealand: 2 :bosnia_herzegovina: 1 :jp: 1 :it: 1 Total of 22 PG Cities in 12 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Albany, NY :us: U.S.A S 2 Very Diverse - Large interesting PG area to explore - Nice Hills, Rivers & Bridges - PG blended quite well - Downtown is nice
Arlington, TX :us: U.S.A L 2 Really Diverse - PG quality is nice - Interesting area with lots to explore - Non PG blended quite well
Boise, Idaho :us: U.S.A L 14 Quite Diverse - PG extends along river to Nampa & Caldwell & Parma includes Homedale, Larkin, nice Mountains & Hills - Lots of Farms with Landing Strips on - Non PG blended well
Detroit MC :us: U.S.A XL 2 Super Diverse - Clean PG goes North a bit past Royal Oak and Madison Heights, East to St Clair Shores & West past Bingham Farms - Nice Bridges & Roads - Downtown is amazing! - Some abrupt change in the developed areas between detail levels
Kiel :de: Germany M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice quality PG - Non PG blends well with PG - Very nice Port area
Lansing, Michigan :us: U.S.A XL 3 Super Diverse - Nice PG quality - Downtown is nice - Lots to explore - Nice Roads & Bridges
Lisbon :portugal: Portugal L 3 Very Diverse - PG is decent quality - Nice Port and Hills - Bridges are nice - PG all along river
Liverpool :england: :uk: U.K L 1 Quite Diverse - Really nice Buildings and Architecture - Nice clean PG - Nice Docks
Madrid :es: Spain XL 2 Super Diverse - PG is high quality - Massive area to explore - Blended well with non PG
Montreal :canada: Canada XL 1 Super Diverse - Lots to explore - Nearly every house has a pool!
Munich :de: Germany XXL 5 Super Diverse - Clean PG
Nuremberg :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Interesting City - Lots to explore - PG blends well with non PG in most areas - Nice German Architecture
Pamplona :es: Spain S 1 Diverse - Very crisp PG - Looks very nice at night
Port-Vendres :fr: France S 0 Interesting little area - PG is top quality - Nice Hills & Port - A few Hill Forts, old Ruins and Castles in PG
Prague :czech_republic: Czechia M 1 Super Diverse - Nice PG - Lots of Churches & Castles - Interesting City to explore
Queenstown :new_zealand: New Zealand M 1 Quite Diverse - Not the best quality PG - Nice atmosphere - PG on the Hills with stones is very good - Lots to explore
Sacramento CA :us: U.S.A XXXL 8 Super Diverse - Lots to explore
San Antonio TX :us: U.S.A L 5 Super Diverse - Very clean PG
Sarijevo :bosnia_herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina M 1 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG - Amazing Landscape - Mon PG blended in nicely - Unique Architecture - Landable Helipad on one building
Tokyo :jp: Japan L 1 Super Diverse - Skyscraper Heaven!
Turin :it: Italy L 5 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - Some areas have some broken PG - Amazing Landscape - Non PG blended in well - Unique Architecture
Wellington :new_zealand: New Zealand L 1 Super Diverse - Very nice Rivers that extend quite far inland - Nice Hills

MSFS2020 - 10/15 - Next Level

Number of PG Cities in each Country :us: 13 :canada: 1 :uk: 4 :denmark: 1 :sweden: 1 :es: 1 :it: 5 :austria: 1 :slovenia: 2 :australia: 1 :fr: 2 :norway: 1 Total of 34 PG Cities in 11 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Atlanta GA :us: U.S.A XXL 5 Super Diverse - Very nice clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers - PG extends quite far and blends in with non PG well
Calgary :canada: Canada L 1 Quite Diverse - Very crisp PG - Non PG areas not blended in well
Cardiff & Newport, Wales + Bristol & Bath :wales: :england: :uk: U.K XXL 4 Super Diverse - Good PG that continues across River Severn - Nice Docks & Industrial areas - Lots to explore
Cincinnati, Ohio :us: U.S.A XL ?? Super Diverse - Interesting City - Good PG quality - Roads & Bridges all okay - Nice Downtown area - Too much to explore
Copenhagen + Helsingor :denmark: Denmark XL ? Super Diverse - High quality PG extends quite far - Lots to explore
Cordoba :es: Spain S 1 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - A nice Roman Bridge! - Non PG areas don’t blend well
Derby :england: :uk: U.K M ? Pretty Diverse - Clean PG - Interesting area - Nice Downtown area & Stadium - Non PG blends quite well with PG areas
Eugene, Oregon :us: U.S.A L 3 Quite Diverse - Nice PG in some areas - Blended very well with non PG - Lots to explore - Nice Hills & Rivers - PG covers a large area - Nice Logging yards
Farmington, New Mexico :us: U.S.A S 1 Diverse - Nice surrounding Bluffs in PG too
Florence :it: Italy L 1 Really Diverse - Nice Architecture
Frankfurt :de: Germany L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers - Interesting areas to explore
Glasgow :scotland: :uk: Scotland L 1 Super Diverse - PG extends quite far - Nice Architecture
Halle & Leipzig :de: Germany L 2 Quite Diverse - Nice clean PG - Interesting areas to explore - Non PG blends well
Helsingborg + Landskrona, Lund & Malmo :sweden: Sweden XL ? Super Diverse - Nice clean PG - Nice Roads & Bridges, Industrial areas & Ports - Nice Countryside - PG blended well with non PG areas
Indianapollis :us: U.S.A M 4 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG - Loads to explore - Lots of Skyscrapers - Home of the Indy 500
Linz :austria: Austria M 2 Quite Diverse - Quite good PG - Nice “Old-Town section” - Nice Rivers & Bridges - Incredible Industrial sprawl along the River - Non PG blended very well with PG
Ljubljana :slovenia: Slovenia M 3 Nice Variety - Nice Hills & Rivers - Interesting place - Non PG not blended well
Luxembourg :de: Germany L 1 Quite Diverse - Nice clean PG - Interesting areas to explore - Non PG blends well
Maribor :slovenia: Slovenia M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Hills and Rivers & Bridges - Nice Railway lines - Non PG blended quite well
Melbourne :australia: Australia M 2 Very Diverse - Nice variety - Lots to explore -Lots of Skyscrapers
Memphis TN :us: U.S.A L 2 Pretty Diverse - Very nice clean PG - Nice Downtown area - Interesting area - Non PG blends well with PG
Montgomery Al :us: U.S.A L 2 Quite Diverse - Clean PG - Nice Downtown area - Non PG blends well with PG
Nantes :fr: France M 1 Quite Diverse - Nice PG - Loads to explore
Naples :it: Italy L 1 Super Diverse - Very interesting City - Really nice PG
Nashville TN :us: U.S.A L 4 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Lots of Skyscrapers
New York City :us: U.S.A L 4 Super Diverse - Clean PG - Skyscraper Heaven!
Nice + Monte Carlo :fr: France L 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting place - Spectacular terraforming along the Coast - Plenty to explore PG isn’t the sharpest
Nottingham :england: :uk: U.K S ? Pretty Diverse - Nice clean PG - Really nice Buildings and Architecture - Nice Downtown area - Non PG blends very well with PG areas
Olympia, Washington :us: U.S.A L 1 Quite Diverse - Nice Logging Yard - Not the best PG quality but blended well with non PG
Oslo :norway: Norway L 2 Quite Diverse - Very nice Landscape especially in winter
Philadelphia, PA :us: U.S.A XL 7 Very Diverse - Excellent PG - PG extends quite far along the River - SamScene3d U.S.A Cities improves the area inc. Bridges vastly
Rome :it: Italy L 2 Very Diverse - Full of Italian charm - Lots to explore
San Fransisco CA :us: U.S.A L 9 Super Diverse - Very nice PG - Lots of Skyscrapers
St Louis Missouri :us: U.S.A L 1 Super Diverse - Very clean PG - A very pretty City- Lots of Skyscrapers
Stockholm :sweden: Sweden L 1 Super Diverse - Clean PG - A very pretty City
Stuttgart & Esslingen :de: Germany L 5 Rather Diverse - Top quality PG - Interesting areas to explore
Venice + Padova :it: Italy XL 2 Super Diverse - PG from Venice to Padova - Very large area to explore

MSFS2020 - 9/15 - Below Next Level

Number of PG Cities in each Country :denmark: 1 :es: 2 :fr: 1 :it: 1 :australia: 1 :portugal: 1 Total of 7 PG Cities in 6 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Aarhus :denmark: Denmark S 0 Quite Diverse - Quality PG - Extends North past the big lake to Lystrup, West to Kolt & Horning, North along the coast to Skaering - Interesting area
Allicante :es: Spain S 2 Pretty Diverse - Nice quality PG - And a nice “Hill Fort” too!
Bordeaux :fr: France M 1 Really Diverse - Nice PG - Home of Asobo - See if you can spot the Blue Balloon :smirk:
Palermo :it: Sicily, Italy M 2 Quite Diverse - Nice PG
Perth :australia: Australia L 2 Very Diverse - Not best quality PG, but interesting City
Porto :portugal: Portugal L 2 Very Diverse - PG is not as sharp but the Terrain and Architecture is interesting
Valencia :es: Spain S 1 Quite Diverse - Very nice PG

MSFS2020 - 8/15 - Above Average

Number of PG Cities in each Country :fr: 2 :portugal: 2 :uk: 1 :us: 2 :es: 1 :it: 1 :austria: 1 Total of 10 PG Cities in 7 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Amiens :fr: France M 1 Diverse - Interesting place - A lot of the outlying Villages are covered and some interesting stuff to find, blended fairly well to the surroundings
Coimbra :portugal: Portugal M 1 Diverse - PG is okay quality - A more rural Location in the Hilly Countryside which is fun to fly low and slow in Helicopters
Edinburgh :scotland: :uk: Scotland M 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting City - Some broken PG areas near Castle in MSFS2020 (Fixed in MSFS2024)
Kansas City MO :us: U.S.A L 5 Very Diverse - Interesting City - Nice clean PG
Lille :fr: France S 1 Diverse - Interesting place - Good quality PG
Murcia :es: Spain S 0 Quite Diverse - Very nice and detailed PG - Superb colours - A few more modern Buildings N and NW of Downtown - Nice Stadiums - Non PG not very well blended with PG areas
Pavia :it: Italy S 1 Diverse - Good quality PG - Unique Architecture - An interesting place
Seattle Washington :us: U.S.A L 10 Very Diverse - Interesting City - Not the best quality PG
Salzburg :austria: Austria M 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting area with very nice terrain - Not best quality PG - Handcrafted Airport - FPS issues with some users at LOWS
Vigo :portugal: Portugal S 1 Quite Diverse - PG quality is above average and blended really well with the surroundings - Airport is in non PG area

MSFS2020 - 7/15 - Still worth a look

Number of PG Cities in each Country :it: 1 :us: 3 :croatia: 1 :switzerland: 1 :netherlands: 1 :fr: 2 Total of 9 PG Cities in 6 Countries

City Country Size :flight_departure: Notes
Bari :it: Italy L 1 Diverse - Not best quality PG, but interesting more modern City - Lots of churches
Charleston, WV :us: U.S.A L 3 Quite Diverse - PG melted in some places - Non PG areas not blended well - Nice PG tree colours - Nice Bridges & Hills - PG north all along the River with a lot of Industrial areas
Dubrovnik :croatia: Croatia M 1 Quite Diverse - Pretty poor in outskirts but interesting City
Geneva :switzerland: Switzerland L 2 Quite Diverse - Not the best PG - Stunning backdrop to the scenery
Key Largo, Florida :us: U.S.A L 6 Slightly Diverse - Bridges are not the best - PG is okay quality - Interesting area to explore
Lynchburg, Virginia :us: U.S.A L 2 Quite Diverse - PG is not the best - Nice Rivers & Bridges - Lots to explore - Non PG blended quite well
Paris :fr: France L 1 Very Diverse - Interesting City - Not best PG quality & patchy areas - Not blended in well with Non PG
Rotterdam + The Hague :netherlands: Netherlands L 1 Quite Diverse - Interesting - Not the best quality PG - FPS issues with some users
Rouen :fr: France S 1 Fairly Diverse - Interesting City - Very nice PG but patchy and not blended in well with non PG

A huge thank you :pray: to everyone who has contributed to this Topic and especially @Baracus250 for all his help with everything :pray: :clap:
A massive thank you also goes to Microsoft & Asobo for creating this “Truly Amazing Flight Simulator” because without them this Topic/Thread wouldn’t Exist!

If you want to include any notes on any of the Cities or suggest any changes in the “List” please let me know and I’ll only be too happy to add and or edit it.


Hi Rhodie, Found another great bit of scenery at Shellharbour NSW Australia. Give it a look I think you will like it. Cheers Mike ,ex jappie living in Oz

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Hi Mike, thanks for the suggestion. I know that area quite well. Used to fly from Shellharbour to Sydney in MSFS2020 but not flown there for at least two years now so I’ll check it out now and it’ll get added to the List tomorrow.

I do remember it being a rather nice flight. The PG went quite a ways along the coast but wish it had gone all the way to Sydney and at Shellharbour it could have done with PG extending to the hills at least but I do remember it being very crisp clear PG and stunning colours probably the most realistic in FS2020.

I’ll re do that flight now in a Cessna 152 to try and re create those happy flights I did there in FS2020.

Will post it’s rating in MSFS2024 later on tonight.

Happy flying :helicopter: :ga_plane:

Cheers Paul :+1:

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Have you flown down the coast to Alicante from Barcelona? The whole Alicante area is wonderfully rendered.

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You were right. It’s amazing in MSFS2024! Didn’t make it to Sydney haha, too busy exploring the entire Shellharbour area. Think it gets a 13/15. It’s a decent size PG area. It has a Handcrafted Airport too. It’s a gorgeous part of the world. The landscape, rivers, coastline, beaches, hills and the Industrial areas are all crisp PG. Stunnning!

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Alicante is stunning now in MSFS2024, I haven’t flown from there to Barcelona yet but judging by the way MSFS2024 renders the landscape in other areas I bet it looks amazing and the fact that non PG areas can now blend so well with PG areas is just a bonus in my book.

News flash Improved MSFS2024 PG!

Salt Lake City in Utah, U.S.A :us: now has very nice PG.

I only checked it out the other week and the PG was terrible, so well done Micro/Asobo for improving this! Unless I’m imagining things and it always looked this good :thinking:

It’s a very large area and the mountains are simply stunning. The non PG is blended the best I’ve ever seen!
Loads more exploring to do before it gets rated and added to the List but currently I’m thinking it rates at 13/15 possibly 14/15. Time will tell.

Enjoy folks :ga_plane: :helicopter:

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So are they constantly updating the photogrammetry but not announcing it?

They really do a terrible job with highlighting the good areas to fly. There should be a map view with a heatmap with the resolution of the terrain and photogrammetry areas highlighted.

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