Which MSFS 2024 version should I buy?

You are correct, but perhaps you didn’t READ the OP already bought the Premium Deluxe MSFS2020. (Perhaps before you…)

I have the PD version of 2020 and bought the standard 2024. Glad I did because some of the additional 2020 inclusions in 2024, such as the T6 and P51 are those from the Reno pack, for example, and not really worth having due to their limited functions and flight models. The new aircraft/helicopters are OK, and worth having, although not necsessarily ones I will use that much.

Follow-up question:

If I decide to get the “standard” ($69) version, is there any possibility of upgrading later at the difference in price?

i.e.  If I purchase the $70 version to verify if it’s even worth it for me and, (for whatever reason), I later decide to get the ultra-fancy &200 version, is it going to cost me $200 or $130, ($200 - $70)?

I do notice that in the Microsoft Store, it says that I “own” :man_facepalming: the Premium Deluxe version, however it notes that I do NOT “own” the standard or deluxe versions, which are included within and subsumed by the premium deluxe version.  IMHO that gives the impression that all I get is the difference between the prior versions and the Premium Deluxe version.  Also (IMHO), since the Premium Deluxe version includes, (subsumes), the content and functionality of the prior two versions, shouldn’t they be marked as “owned” too?

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Oh, so it’s an accurate simulation of a Boeing aircraft, especially the 737 MAX?


LOL ouch!!! :rofl: :joy:


I decided to “bite the bullet” and purchase the 2024 version of MSFS, just to see what all the shouting’s about.  Note that I bought the super-duper-hyper-deluxe (Aviator) edition specifically to see how it handled importing content from sub-versions, (i.e. Standard, Deluxe, and Premium-Deluxe versions), as I have heard rumors about 2024’s handling of sub-versions of the version bought.

Also, nobody has ever accused me of being sane!  (IMHO you have to have a couple of head-bolts loose to be a software tester.  Being a card-carrying member of the American Society of Masochists is an important credential too.)

I haven’t gotten to the “flying” part yet, but getting the software loaded and set-up was an adventure all its own.

There I document my system in detail and what I’ve noticed while getting the game to start and run.

I strongly suspect that the adventure is just beginning! :rofl:

I am an aviation enthusiast who owns two real airplanes, four hang gliders and lives on an airpark (an airport with houses built around it). I also enjoy drones and flight simulator programs. I own several versions of X-plane including 11 and 12. I could not tell you how many versions of MS Flight Simulator (starting with Sublogic versions) that I have purchased since the early days of home computers.

I have spent quite a bit on add-ons for X-Plane, and MSFS over the last 10 years. Fortunately, many of the aircraft and other add-ons that I purchased for 2020 are already working in the Aviator Edition of 2024. Even some of my favorite Just Flight aircraft will likely be working soon. Most of the aircraft that I purchased previously were not actually included in the Aviator edition.

The difference in price between the base and Aviator editions was $130. The base includes a generous 70 aircraft, the Aviator Edition includes 125 aircraft. The additional 55 aircraft compared to the base edition are worth the extra money for me. With 2020 I already had the base version from Microsoft but bought the Deluxe version from Steam when it went on sale to get a few extra aircraft and take advantage of aircraft sales on Steam that were better than what the Microsoft/Xbox Store offered.

I realize that most people pick one or the other… but it is unfortunate that aircraft purchased from the Store built into MSFS will only work in either the Steam or Microsoft version depending on which version that you purchased it in. If you purchase the same aircraft from the developer or a source such as flightsim.to you can use them in both versions.

Most of the extra aircraft that I like to use that I purchased in the Steam version were included in the Aviator Edition of 2024, the majority of the aircraft that I purchased in the Microsoft edition were not. This might be a little hard to follow for people who do not use Steam, but I had an incentive to purchase the Microsoft/Xbox Store version of the Aviator edition.

I was hugely disappointed with the roll-out and felt cheated, but now that the worst bugs have been ironed out and most of my favorite aircraft are working, I am feeling pretty good about my decision. There are some extra features that I am learning to use and am happy with. Overall, I would still advise most people who are using 2020 or X-plane 12 to hold off for a while longer, but 2024 represents the future.

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I was thinking to get the premium deluxe as on standard cannot buy the pc 24 but first want to see in market place when will be available the prices to buy additional planes.