Which upgrade will get me the C172 with dial gauges?

I bought the entry-level sim a few months ago. Now I discover it doesn’t include a C172 with dial gauges, only the G1000 version. I’m going to take flight lessons in the dial gauge version. I’m told some of the upgrades have that option. But it’s hard to tell which upgrade from the marketplace I should get. Deluxe, etc. Any ideas?

As an aside, why the heck do the upgrades cost so much that you’re paying almost double the price than if you had bought the original deluxe package? It’s absurd.

Depends how you look at. if you actually use all 5 airports and all 5 aircraft regularly it is a bargain per airport/aircaft . Of course most people do not use all 10 items.

The steam gauge 172 is part of the deluxe pack:
Beechcraft Baron G58
Cessna 152 Aerobat
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
Diamond DA40 TDI
Diamond DV20

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I feel that A2A (a renowned developer) will bring their 172 to MSFS as it will sell very well. Might want to wait for that.


Alternatively get either the C140 or C170 . They are tail draggers though.

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@EdamllamaB Thanks for your input but I’m talking about the upgrades purchased from the marketplace AFTER purchasing the standard version. First of all, the upgrades have confusing names: “Deluxe,” “Premium Deluxe”, and “Premium”. What is the difference between “Premium Deluxe” and “Premium”? Because I probably won’t get my money back I want to be really sure I’ll get the steam gauge 172. And the cost is $80 to $90 for these upgrades! After paying $60 for the base version. For a total cost of $140 to 150 to end up with the deluxe or premium version. . I would get most expensive upgrade to be sure, but the most expensive upgrade does not list the 172, which is confusing. Surely you would get the 172 as part of the most expensive upgrade? Given that this is uncertain, I’d like to be confident of what I’m getting before I plunk down another $90 and then have to fight for my money back.

My first flight lesson is in two weeks and I’d like to get some practice in the steam gauge 172. Not able to wait for new 3rd party aircraft.

I hope these two images might help:

If all you are interested in is the C172 steam gauge then you only need to purchase the Deluxe upgrade from the in game marketplace.

However, if you were to ever decide you want any of the aircraft (or airports) included in the premium deluxe package then you would have to spend another hefty amount to buy that further upgrade.

Hence, my advice would be to choose very carefully if going down the marketplace upgrade route.


The C172 should be in both the “Deluxe” and the “Premium Deluxe”.

Premium Deluxe is just the Deluxe 5 planes and the Premium 5 planes in a bundle.

Note that too much unsupervised flight sim time while training can sometimes be detrimental. let your instructor know you are doing it and he may have some pointers or restrictions.

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The marketplace lists a “Premium” upgrade and it’s the most expensive one. It doesn’t list the C172. I’d like to purchase it so I don’t have to spend even more on further upgrades – it’s only $5 more than the “Premium Deluxe” upgrade – but I’d like to resolve this fishiness before I purchase something. Note there is no such things as a “Premium” version of MSFS when you buy the original.

The issue is that the market place lists THREE upgrades, called “Deluxe,” “Premium Deluxe,” and “Premium” There is no “Premium” in the original version, so something is off.

If I were in your position I’d try the basic 152 or the Robin DR.
That will give you a pretty nice idea regarding flying analogue.


It is my understanding that if you have the standard version and want to upgrade to the premium deluxe version then you purchase the Premium Deluxe upgrade package.

If you have the standard version and want to upgrade to the Deluxe version then you purchase the Deluxe upgrade package.

If you have the deluxe version and want to upgrade to the Premium Deluxe version then you purchase the Premium upgrade package.

The route standard-Deluxe (via upgrade)- Premium Deluxe (via another upgrade) is a very expensive route.

If you want an official answer then you could always submit a request to Zendesk to ask them for clarification.

From this article:

Q: Can I upgrade editions?

A: Yes it is possible to purchase Upgrade bundles from the in-game Marketplace, but the most cost-efficient way to purchase Microsoft Flight Simulator is to buy the edition you are interested in. If you purchase an upgrade from the Marketplace, it is more advantageous to purchase the Premium Deluxe Bundle.


The Deluxe Edition has the C172 steam gauge model.

That’s a pretty confusing list.
Standard, deluxe and premium

The MS Store says
Standard, deluxe and premium deluxe.

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I took some virtual flight lessons with an actual CFI so I already had supervised sim time. But that was in the G1000 version. I just want to practice a little oriented myself to the different look of the gauges (practicing a pattern – what he showed me). We practiced v1, vrotate, flap speeds, etc. in a 172 and I’ll be taking a lesson in a 172 so I want to reinforce the speed lessons, so the 152 might not be ideal.

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What’s V1 in a 172?

The stock (free demo) of Xplane 11 comes with a steam gauge version of the 172 if it’s that important for you to get some practice with a 172.

The only thing you’ll be missing is the low-altitude eye candy, which is fantastic in FS 2020.

Wayyyyy back in the old-time days (before electricity was invented :slight_smile: ) we would go out to the flight school and just sit in the REAL aircraft. As long as the hobbs wasn’t turning most FBO’s don’t care as long as they know you’re a student pilot training with them.

Unless you’re using multi-thousand dollar flight controls, you’ll never “feel” the difference between a 152 or a 172 in FS 2020. It’s not that sophisticated. :slight_smile:

I fly dial gauges with C152 in MSFS

Please see the list at the bottom of the Official MSFS Zendesk FAQ:


Notably both the C172 with a primary analog (dial - i.e., “Six Pack”) instrument display is available in both Deluxe and Premium. It’s unfortunate the marketing branding is clearly inconsistent depending on where you look. But the table is very specific - buying ANY version greater than Standard gets you the plane you’re looking for.

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GA Piston Singles do not have a certified V1 of course. Most likely cos they stop on a dime anyway so there is no need for a speed where you are committed to take-off. (what is probably more significant in an emergency in a 172 is total amount of runway left rather than speed)

They probably mean Vr .