Description of the issue:
While loading the MSFS2024 (taking sometimes more than 30 minutes to complete when I’m lucky) my i5-7600K PC with Windows 10 is completely stuck with CPU at 100% (and barely useable) all the time actually doing nothing as it stays at 100% CPU while taking more than five minutes just to load a single SimObjects
I’m really wondering if the loading procedure is just looping crazy asking the server few bytes of data
Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? Community items are not affecting at all the scenario
How often does this occur for you? Every time the sim loads up
Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue. Just load the sim on a i5 CPU system
Probably it would be better to add something like “try to contact the server, if no answer put the load in pause for a second doing NOTHING then try again”
Actually I knew that but I’m anyway wondering how that “just” loading procedure can be so heavy
Moreover when I’m in the sim (after 30 minutes or more) my i5-7600K CPU can cope with it quite well and with mid-high settings I can reach 15 FPS (doubled with LossLess scaling)
I’m really curious to understand how the loading procedure could be more impacting than the sim itself
I agree. When I fly ( after very very long load time ) I see no problems at all. But loading, only the loading is extremely slow. I average 25-30 minutes.
The loading procedure is always going on hold for minutes while loading SimObject 6 but after overcoming it is going on really slowly with CPU always at 100%
Actually using the devmode launcher the intro videos are automatically skipped
One thing I anyway noticed using your suggested method is the loading progress bar is showing different labels (like “VFS Activating packages”) as the procedure is following a different (it seems faster) path and that is interesting to understand
At least the Loading SimObjects phase seems considerably faster even if it can depend by the network load of the moment and you know it: it’s like magic on that side