Why allow GPS in the Bush Missions?

I love the bush missions - except for one thing. In the description they say they put your skills to the test by not using a GPS. However, two of the three sets takes place in planes that have a GPS included! Why did they do this?

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What’s even more silly is outside of the california bush tour, not only do you have GPS, but you can just hit autopilot and it will take you to every place, all you have to do is watch (and land, and hit the refuel hotkey before you hit the parking brake, lol)!

I think if someone made great 3rd party bush trips, maybe with a campfire to find at dusk, little additions to the scenery, to somewhere through utah or idaho or BC or norway, with charts and maybe even scripted audio, I’d consider paying for that. Maybe I can figure out how to make it myself!


Funny you mention Idaho:


Neat! That’s totally in the right direction, pretty close to the ability of the stock trip too! I think where I’d like to go with it would maybe draw back to the missions of way back in fsx where you might find a stranded plane on the way, or you could add some interactions to go with the navigation. I’m curious what people are able to do beyond some well crafted .pln files, but I will definitely try this, thank you!

My idea of bush flying is Savage Cub, a sectional, and a E6B.


I am flying the Idaho trip now. Only up to leg 4 so far, but liking it. I had to make my own path down the valleys for leg 4, because the poor XCub couldn’t make it on the direct route twice.

There’s an improvement mod for the XCub, if you want to give it a try:

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