Why are refunds for FS2024 being refused?

Got my refund from the MS store in 5 days.

The only reason why I donā€™t ask a refund is because international sales in my country have a 50% tax, and the refund wonā€™t cover the local taxes, so if in the future I want to buy it again, I would have to pay taxes again (the taxes are applied after the sale is made by my bank, thatā€™s a national regulation).

But to be honest, this was a scam. We received a piece of software completely broken and full of bugs. Weā€™ve been treated with a total lack of respect by telling us the issues were server outages but the sim works perfectly, when reports about things not working are everywhere and cover every part of the sim. Weā€™ve also been mistreated and lied to.

What can I say, one of the biggest disappointments Iā€™ve had. Could have saved the money and buy better christmas gifts. For some of us spending 120USD is an effort.


My first refund application was turned down (too many refunds already, sheesh, this was the first time everā€¦), so I applied again, and now I have received a refund.


I canā€™t agree with this. The new sim has been working perfectly for me (and many others) for days ā€” so whatever the issues are, theyā€™re likely regional and thus not embedded in the software.

As for bugs, there has not been a single MSFS release that hasnā€™t contained more than its fair share. As simmers, we know the score by now: buy now, hang around waiting for things to get fixed. But they do get fixed, eventually.

We buy into an ecosystem valid for at least four years. If you paid $120 for it, thatā€™s $30 per year. Even if you spend the first year tearing your hair out in frustration (not likely), itā€™s still only $40 a year.

If anyoneā€™s to blame, itā€™s the penny-pinchers high up at MS, who Iā€™m sure basically forced the MSFS team to meet the 19th Nov dealine.


Iā€™d suggest to take a look at the bug reporting hub and aircraft feedback.

From non working cargo/fuel/passenger/callsign/route finder/LIDO charts EFB, to systems badly developed (to the point that the steam gauges 172 canā€™t be started or the SkyCourier need anti ice enabled to start), passing through all the hiccups derived from streaming everything, itā€™s hardly a perfectly working sim. Even career mode has bugs (the flaps bug for example).

I understand that in its current state for some people might meet their needs, but itā€™s impossible to say that this works perfectly. Might be ā€œfor my personal usageā€, which is very different.


I canā€™t agree with you.
Let me phrase something I found in this forum:

In the UK, the sale of DLC is governed by the Consumer Act 2015, which states that any DLC must function as advertised and to a degree satisfactory to what the average person should reasonably expect. When I buy an add-on airport, itā€™s reasonable for me to expect it to function with the sim. The response I got suggested deleting all my WUs (I only have 4 installed) and any other games I use (none, I use MSFS exclusively). Now, is this a reasonable expectation? And if so, why do the other 60-70 airports I have installed work without consistently crashing the sim?

ā€¦I have a hard time swallowing the fact that a huge household name like Microsoft can continue operating an online store in this manner. Ultimately, they are responsible for whatā€™s for sale in the MP, and if some of it doesnā€™t function as advertised/expected, the customer should have every right to a refund or exchange/credit note. It might not be MSā€™s fault the content is dodgy but, by the same token, the customer is not at fault either.

So should MS adhere strictly to the rules of each country in which it operates, or should there be a blanket policy of satisfactorily addressing customersā€™ concerns about below-par content? From a conscience point-of-view, the latter is the better way to do business ā€” but that would of course involve a more stringent vetting process and, therefore, even longer wait times for third-party content to appear in the MP.

You could replace MP with MS Store and replace DLC/add-on airport with MSFS2024.
I totally agree with your earlier made statement! :wink:
It is funny to see how the perspective changes if you are on the other side of the story.

EDIT: BTW I think this was a well written statement and I could not agree more with your former you.

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I never said people donā€™t have a right to a refund ā€” because it is my belief that they absolutely do, in the case of the sim in its current state (Iā€™ve actually said as much, possibly in this exact thread). What Iā€™m saying is that it wonā€™t remain broken for long (I hope). I believe there is a patch coming today, followed by another on the 9th.

When I said I disagree, I meant with the assertion that the sim is unplayable, is some sort of scam or that weā€™ve been deliberately mislead. None of those statements are true.

Personally, I can see the huge potential in the new sim and am prepared to hang around for a few short months till the majority of serious bugs get addressed.

Personally I do have more then 130 CTD vs. 10-12 successful start of flights. I would consider this as broken and unplayable.
in its current state and if it would not be MS but just a small indy developer this might even be a real scam.
Therefor I said I cannot agree with your statement.
I do have a high end system with a lot of other applications running without any issue.
To just lable this as it is a you or region problem does not relive MS from their obligation and responsibility.
The patch is due in the week of Dec 2nd, same as the other one in the week of the 9th. That does not mean on Dec 2nd, it does mean sometime during this week.

I do also see the huge potential and I still hope they will fix it. That is the reason I am still here and have not completly moved on. I am passionated as you are. But at this point, unfortunally I am at the wrong side off the story.

And it was not to attac you. I think you made the right comment by saying

It might not be MSā€™s fault the content is dodgy but, by the same token, the customer is not at fault either.


so whatever the issues are, theyā€™re likely regional and thus not embedded in the software

Would indicate to me that you think it is not the responsibility from MS/Asobo. It is part of the software they are selling. They made the code. If it is not working in specific areas of the world they need to fix it and not the customer or any other third party. If they know it does not work at specific areas they should not sell it there. Or even continue to sell it there. And if they know it does not work in specific areas of the world and still sell it I would call this a scam. Not saying it is one!

Let me be very clear on this again:
If they can fix the issue with a patch, the problem is part of their code and therefor embedded in the software - lead to the conclusion broken software.
If they are not able to fix it and still sell it to customers well knowing the cannot fix it. How would you call this? In my world this is the definition of a scam.

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He can look at the bug reporting hub, but his statement was it was working perfectly for him.

I would like to add that with over 30 hours of flight time and no CTD yet I am really having fun, there are bugs of course ( most new games do), but then i only do GA, VFR with a little bit of IFR, but Free flight, the other stuff in MSFS2024 doesnt interest me, so are all the problems on that side, everything other than free flight that is?
I run max setting at 5120x1440 400/200 lod DLSS and FG btw

Have you ever heard of conformity principle?

This states by law that what is delivered must comply with what the customer can expect from it. A release version must do what the manufacturer or developer has made known in its product specifications.

Microsoft and Asobo pretended that the new simulator would be better, more stable and faster than the old one.
In all respects however, Asobo delivered a Beta version that was wrongly labelled as its the release version.

Unstable from the start and full of bugs, no working marketplace, no stable support for 3d party product, etc. Much problems that had been corrected before the final release.

This gives the customer the right to request a refund and the developer not the right to refuse this!


In all fairness, he has not rejected the right to claim a refund.
At the end it was more about the wording regarding the status of the sim and if someone could call this a scam.
At this point I still believe you could rightful claim you feelt scamed. I do not see this as a scam at all.
MS will fix it over time. There we can all agree. And in the unlikely event of not beeing able to fix it the will refund.

They didnā€™t fixed a lot of bugs/flaws in MSFS2020 so that would be doubtful at best.

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SylvesterRocket is a big optimist.

Asobo promised a lot, but there are a lot of things they has not fixed in four years time. I believe they will do the same with MSFS2024 and maybe in 2028 we start all over again. They better can optimise there old sim before launching a new one.


I do not argue with you about this. Anyhow if there is no hope I would just walk away. I am not at this point until now.

Anyone in the UK who made a deposit with debit card has consumer rights and can request a refund from their bank.
If you online bank you can access your account and should have the option to select the specific transaction and open up a dispute payment option for not getting the goods or services you expected as per your consumer rights,

Microsoft know that and therefore i had my refund from Microsoft very quickly.

I havenā€™t been granted for refund after five days waiting. :unamused:
Edit. just got refund.


Just after I wrote this, I got an email from Microsoft, that they are refunding 140ā‚¬ for my premium deluxe version of MSFS2024.
Thank you MS!



Iā€™m waiting for the Dev stream. Itā€™s their last chance to convince me not to refund