I hope they don’t start with their usual spiel about problems at launch and other ****. I want them to get straight to the point and not mince words.
Got my refund today. If you want some you definitely must place the issue within 14 days of the order…
If it is the “order” date that they used, that would have been weeks ago, for most, when the pre-order launched. Surely they must use the release date?
Cannot say that. I luckily ordered mine on the release date as I was first at my local tec dealer and wanted to buy a hard disk and was frustrated that they not had the game and that I had to buy it for the first time online
I did order mine around september 21st and got my refund during the first week of the launche.
Just as reference.
Ok Dev stream done. Refund request put in.
I would certainly argue that the release date is the only relevant date. Or the date of purchase if you ordered after release. There is no way of knowing the product is unsuitable for your purposes until it actually released. That being said, those two weeks are pretty much up.
Yep. They’re not serious.
Same for me!
The release day starts the 14 days counter for pre-release buyers!
That shouldn’t matter when we haven’t been given what we were promised.
Just got my refund issued just now. Wheni requested it, it was over 14 days. In the text box i had written how i only bought this streaming based sim because we were told before launch we would be able to locally install things.
We’ll re-buy it then when it’s ready
lol what?
This isnt crowdfunding a kickstarter project. (Even though it seems like it).
It is being sold as a finished product, just like anything else you buy in stores.
If this was a crowdfunded kickstarter project in early alpha I would agree, but that is definitely not the case.
Not only are they asking for full Retail cost and even premium cost, they are even expecting us to bugtest/betatest for them. And enough people will happily pay for doing just that, which is why this keeps happening.
Im not paying for a single item anymore.
Also - most of us didnt expect to be forced into actual 17 hour flights in career with grind that will tke literal years.
Its not an accessible game anymore and I want a refund - unless they add options for casual simmers to be able to progress through career.
That is not what actually is happening. The main map might say the mission is worth 5,000 Cr. But the actual mission with bonus’ might yield 20,000 Cr. It goes faster after earning more certifications. As for the “17 hour” flight… once you takeoff and establish stable flight, use “sim rate” for those exceedingly long flights. You do not get penalized for using it.
I just requested a refund on Steam. I bought the version that cost over $200, and I know the return window has expired, so it’s likely pointless, but after three patches and almost a month, I’m convinced we’ve been deceived. I can’t even bring myself to call this a simulator—it’s a complete disaster of a game. It’s not just a few months away from being polished; it’s at least two years from even coming close to what MSFS 2020 is today.
I’m still struggling to understand how they had the audacity to release trailers that are nothing like the product they’ve delivered. What we have here is an alpha version, funded by thousands of people who truly believed they were purchasing a finished product. There are no excuses left to make. I did not pay for what I received, and at the very least, I should have the opportunity to get my money back.
On the very first day, Steam showed over five hours of playtime, even though I hadn’t even gotten past the introduction. Days have passed, and it’s only more frustrating to see the overwhelming pile of errors and half-finished features. This game is nothing like what they sold us on for months.
The worst part is, they knew exactly what state this game was in, yet they shamelessly pushed it to market anyway. You could call this behavior many things, but the most honest term is deception. I understand there are people willing to forgive this, claiming it’s normal, that the industry operates this way, and that we should accept it because this is a complex product. Sorry, but no. No excuse can justify this.
I would have gladly paid twice as much for a well-finished product. Those of us who take simulation seriously already spend significantly more on peripherals, but what we have here is half-baked and nowhere near what was promised. This is not something that can be fixed in a few weeks. I feel deeply disappointed, and this will be the last time I ever buy something at launch from this company and allow myself to be treated like a guinea pig.
I don’t mind the hundreds of ‘little’ bugs (which I consider all other but these mentioned), but when the graphics are degraded and blurry both the scenery and planes, there is no way one could fly this sim.
So I refunded.
I’m gonna buy it again when this thing is corrected, not a day earlier.
I think it’s pretty simple to understand. I paid around $200 for something they sold me as an improved and innovative product compared to MSFS 2020, and what I received was an ugly duckling. I understand that there are people especially in this game-simulator who are content flying a Cessna over their house. But many others, like me, have been playing flight simulators for nearly 25 years.
What we’ve been sold is a completely broken product in that regard. It absolutely does not deliver on what was advertised for months not in content, polish, performance, or stability. It’s an outright disaster, to put it mildly.
It’s like buying a new car that you saw in perfect condition at the dealership, but when you go to pick it up after paying, you find three flat tires and a broken air conditioning system. Then the salesperson tells you not to worry, that it’s normal, and that in about a month, you’ll be able to use it, promising it will be repaired. It makes no sense whatsoever. Just as I can understand that some people tolerate these things, you should understand that the vast majority of us find it unacceptable.
Calls to refund were valid, it was a dreadful launch.
Some have done so, others are enjoying the journey anyway as the sim has improved hugely from the the first 3 days, though some issues remain.
Either way, there’s a point after which customers are ‘deemed to have accepted the product’ and I suspect more than three weeks post-launch is well past it.
Indeed, I just received an email from Steam with the only response I was expecting, but I had to at least try:
“On this occasion, we are unable to refund this purchase to your PayPal. The playtime for one of the included products exceeds 2 hours (the maximum allowed by our Refund Policy).”
The first day’s download was already counted as playtime, and I didn’t see the game’s introduction until after 5 hours…
In my country, we have two sayings that perfectly describe this situation: “Lies have very short legs” and “Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow.” I remember MSFS 2020—it was a disaster, and many people fell into the trap. History has repeated itself, and this time it’s even worse, if that’s possible. That old excuse about server issues in the early days no longer holds water.
The game itself is a collection of problems of various kinds, some of them truly significant. I’ve gone back to MSFS 2020 in recent days, and I’m genuinely surprised that it not only looks better but also performs much better, with most of the aircraft I use being properly polished. It’s not just that MSFS 2024 doesn’t feel like a new product—it doesn’t even qualify as an update.
In the short term, these situations primarily hurt users, but in the end, companies pay the price sooner or later. This isn’t the first company in the industry to fall because of such dishonest practices…