Why are refunds for FS2024 being refused?

I’m finding 2024 hugely enjoyable (remaining bugs accepted). It has brought me back when 2020 had lost my interest.

Your nautical mileage may vary. :relieved:


Just requested my refund, what a load of rubbush this game is


i play it via gamepass so i hold on for now.
But what boggles me is that i see a fair amount of streamers really loving the sim and they report not 1 bad thing about graphic glitches and things not working of being slow the last few days (a lot did at the beginning).

The problem i have with the sim and why i sometimes not get the reaction when people say give it time, its a sim, not a game.
I want something playable from the moment i buy it. If i buy shoes i want laces in it, if i buy a car i want seats in it… and wheels…
They should have released a good sim from the getgo. period. Pathches and updates should be for small things, not for the big errors there are at the moment, they just should not have released this sim at that moment…


But they did. Now you have two choices. Stick with 2024 or go back to 2020. The refund window is closing fast.

Whether Microsoft should or shouldn’t have released is now irrelevant. They did. The question is where do they go from here. And that means frequent patches and lots of communication. What is obvious is that Microsoft has a hell of a lot of work to do to rebuild the huge amount of good will lost in the release process.


It’s very smart from them with the release, because with the initial start you pass the limit play time to be able to refund.

I’m back to 2020 and be very careful with future releases.

To Asobo…Microsoft and Steam.

Your product is faulty and was on release.
Those of us who simply can not get your faulty product to operate deserve/demand a refund.
You should introduce a limitless refund for your customers untill your product (msfs2024) is usable.
There are a few who can get it to work but a large majority can’t.
Those now have given you money and have an unusable/unplayable sim and have had refund requests turned down due to time limits.
Reinstall refund options now.
I and others want our money back.


We know that 2020 wasn’t a smooth release either. But when 2024 was in the works, do you remember all the hype that both MSAsobo and the streamers gave us? That 2024 was stunning, incredible and awesome in all ways and would leave 2020 in the dust?

Then came the Alpha test, and numerous testers on these boards gave caution noting that something wasn’t right. But then the MSAsobo apologists came out and said no, you’re wrong, you’re playing an older version and the game won’t be like this on release day. I along with many others were sucked in and I couldn’t wait.

I don’t have to explain what happened and what is STILL happening.

And now to the point of my entry. The problem here is that if and when 2028 comes out, we’ll trust MSAsobo to give us a better experience because … well, they learned on 2020 and 2024, right? So the future lesson is, no pre-purchase and WAIT to see if it’s worth it before you buy.

What is clear is that MS should no longer trust Asobo, it is well known in the industry that they are mediocre and MS should never have let Asobo develop a flight simulator. If you are hoping for fixes, I am sorry to tell you that you will only see 1 bug fixed and 4 new bugs generated. Asobo can’t be trusted and their margin of confidence for me is zero.


Where do you read that or who said that?
Most likely the competition!

Don’t forget, Microsoft releases this product and not Asobo.
Asobo works on it and Microsoft sells it.


I lost 100 euros and back to 2020…. Feature releases I will be very careful and probably stick to 2020 for as long as possible, I use Xplane as well so I’m not relying on all this streaming nonsense.

The title lost its “simulation” label and went to a “game”


Asobo created the great A Plague Tale 2, a very, very good game, maybe even a little underrated. They have some competent developers.


I enjoyed MSFS in the late 1980’s.
It was always (and still is) both a simulator and a game.

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Same here, really enjoying it and I’m back in the “Game” ! Yes there are some bugs, but it was to be expected, 2020 release was worst in my opinion. It’ll get fixed , half of them but it will. Flight simming is an enormous beast with many complex integrated aspects of flying. Winds, aircraft 3d model, instruments, the map is the whole world, the weather, and so on. Everything needs to be perfect or people will complain. If you play call of duty, you have a small map and guns. No weather, no instruments in vehicles, basic everything. This simulator is 100x more complex than a shooter. So it’s normal that bugs will be there and 2020 is no different, it’s still buggy.

The simple reason is , they get paid to stream on you tube , via adverts , developers sponsorships etc :
That’s why they talk about new stuff for MSFS 2024 , how much improved it is blah blah blah !!

They don’t mention MSFS 2020 now as its 'old hat ’ and the masses that bought MSFS 2024 generates income for them …that IMHO is why they do it , its all about the $$$$$$

yep Game not simulator if you lost interest in 2020 then something is wrong you’re not playing a flight simulator for being a flight simulator you’re looking for something else which maybe 2024 with its gimmicks provides

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I gave up on MSFS 2024 yesterday. I had Game Pass so I stopped that, uninstalled 2024 , and purchased MSFS 2020 40th Anniversary Standard Edition for $29.99.

Maybe in six months to a year I will revisit MSFS 2024. I really liked it but way too many bugs for what I am trying to do. Which is to learn how to fly a Cessna and get my PPL within the game. We’ll see if I go for the PPL in real life. :slight_smile:


lol , I used the brackets especially for that reason. Using it as a sim but it’s still a game. I have over 800 hours on msfs 2020 so let me tell you this was not only gaming gameplay. I flew Cessnas in real life, I know what it is and even though people would really like to call it a simulator , it’s a simulator game. But to me , it’s a really good one for the price tag. Even with the bugs , I call this a masterpiece :blush:

I reinstalled it after the patch and then went back to the forums to see what others said. Truth be told, I tried it once but I guess I was spoiled by MSFS 2020 because they made the controls relatively easy.

I’ll go back to it eventually.

FS2024 is half cooked product. building and tree inside the airports taxi ways . and now they r refusing refund . Scam ??? what happened to the 14 days refund policy ?


I got denied as well just today waiting for these updates that really never did much, The Airbus and Boeing controls no longer are plug and play. I say 30 - split between several days- hours on the ground just trying to figure it all out and still never could really get on with it. I wanted to fly the only plane I really like, the CRJ - that was not an option. I tried the Fenix airbus and well as soon as I plugged in the MCDU, the throttles are not working. It’s just a mess. I am much happier in MSFS 2020 and so it my mental state. There are a few lawyers out there with petitions, there has to be heavy numbers involved with some loopholes in the digital rights area. Right now, everyone is staying quiet, but honestly, I do not think many Simmers and simmers alike will stand for the slap in the face that was received on launch. I have stopped ordering anything in regard to flight simulation and must going to hold back while I fly in 2020. It’s sad how it came to this and just pathetic that this is good business sense. I feel sorry for the ones in charge of this project. I am still fighting with XBOX for a refund, sending postal letters to XBOX as well.
I really do not want this game. I could care less how they improve it. Once they stop supporting MSFS 2020, it’s time to go to something familiar like Xplane. There is a cost trying to be the best, just makes me sick thinking about it.