Why haven't you bought MSFS yet?

I haven’t bought MSFS yet, and a couple of reasons for it, are:

  1. I’m not sure that my Machine will be able to run it in ultra, and that I have to turn the settings down, so I will be disappointed that I can’t get it to look like what we see in videos or screenshots.
    (PC specs: Intel I7-4790 @4Ghz, GTX 970, 16GB Ram)
  2. Although I know ALL games needs updates after release to be “perfect”, I’m still surprised of how much that needs fixing, AND especially, why each update causes new problems or ruins things that already worked in previous versions. And why is updates mandatory, why can’t we choose if we want to update or use a previous version?
    What’s your reason for NOT having bought MSFS yet?
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Gamepass for 1st Month for a dollar is your easiest trial to figure out if MSFS is for you. It’s stable enough now that you’ll have an idea out of the box if it’s worth your time and money.

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I play via Game Pass, and since I use it for other games as well, there’s no real upside to buying at the moment.

As CasualClick said, try it for $1
I also have an i7 4790@4Ghz 16GB- a GTX980Ti is the only difference. All my settings are High rather than ultra and I’m certainly not disappointed - quite the opposite. I was quite prepared and able to buy a new computer - but I’ve not bothered basically because the improvement in performance of the sim over my 10 years of FSX experience has been nothing short of stunning. It’s smoooth, no stutters, no holding your breath for 3 seconds 10 feet above the runway waiting for the next frame.

Updates - yes can be a trial, and as a livery painter thats had to update my repaints after a patch more than once I could be on the grumpy side too, it’s a kinda 2 steps forward, one back sort of thing - more good than bad though.
Why are updates mandatory? - this sim is a 2 way street - so much is real time access to the ‘big back end at the other end of the internet’ the scenery, weather, traffic etc is all real time communication with MS servers - for which we need very coordinated clients and servers.
The only reason I’d have for NOT buying MFS would be ‘I only fly tubeliners’ (and I used to do just that) P3d and XPlane with high end payware AC do still do that better. But the challenge of flying low and slow in the mountains and weather of PNG has made me totally phlegmatic about how long PMDG take to finish the 737. GA is what MFS does best and is indeed a quantum better than what we’ve had until now so why haven’t you bought it ?

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Thanks for your help and opinions. I will not try the game pass method, as I have seen several post about if I decide at a later time to buy the Premium Deluxe, it will be a lot more, than just buying the PD version from the beginning.
I sure will give it another consideration, if I shall give MSFS a try and hope for a decent performance.

Why you will “need” to run MSFS in ultra?, You could always run the game with your personal settings. For example I don´t like the motion blur option, that is on ultra settings, and is a frame killer. Or I don´t use ambient occlusion on max settings. If you put MSFS on ultra, there is no big noticeable visual difference than mid/high settings. Flight sim always is about to find your right settings, is much more than to choose only between Low/Mid/High/Ultra presets settings.


No, you are confused.

If you purchase the STANDARD version of the sim, it will cost more the upgrade to Premium Deluxe later on.

As far as I am aware, if you purchase via game pass, you can still then purchase the sim for the normal price of the premium deluxe so long game pass is inactive and whatnot (not sure if that could cause an issue but I heavily doubt it)

OK, I may have gotten it wrong then, good to know. Thanks.

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You may be right, so maybe it’s time after all to give it a try, Thanks for the advice.

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