Why I think airport interior's are important

First of all, I fully understand that for some this isn’t important at all and that’s fair enough, but I often see the question why airport interior’s should be included at all and for me, these are the reasons:

  • Immersion. It’s awesome to fly around in MSFS, as it’s the first sim that captures the world in a realistic way, but if you pull up to a terminal and see those horrible opaque window textures and lack of detail and autencity kinda ruins the experience, even if the plane and scenery are great. To see an airport that is true to real life and that feels alive adds a lot to my experience.

  • Aviation. An airport is a crucial part of aviation, without those working with maintenance, baggage, customer service, security etc everything would come to a halt. Hence I feel a well-made airport also represents a crucial part of the aviation industry.

  • Airport Enthusiast. I like airports, sure I could be without the queues and all that, but it’s so cool to explore an airport in MSFS that you either recognise from RL or you might get inspiration to visit! I always spend time to explore every nook and cranny of a well-made airport in the sim! Why not take a moment to get into the tower and enjoy the views? :smiley:

  • Craftsmanship. I can truly appreciate the work and skill put into a great airport. Nice modelling, texturing and attention to details is something that makes me smile!

  • Technology. MSFS is about pushing flight simming forward and airports are part of that. We have the technology to do it and there are lot of really detailed airports that come with better performance than much less detailed ones if same size. It’s been really cool to follow the best devs and how they’ve just during three years pushed whats possible forward.

For me the more the merrier, but at least the main part of the airside should have an interior. I understand if other parts are missing for time or performance reasons, but if the are included, then it’s definitely a plus in my book, as my flight experience starrs when I enter the terminal!

In 2023 and MSFS, I get disappointed if there’s not at least some airport interior’s included.

For those of you who enjoy when airport interior’s are included, what are your reasons?


Totally understand you desire. :sunglasses:
Just remember there is a definite performance hit to complicated airports/airfields and the more complicated, the higher the performance hit.

I like to look around a new terminal that’s been modeled to see what they did. Some have great detail and clearly reflect a lot of work. But once I’ve seen it, I don’t intend to look again. I get that some people like the immersion, but an empty terminal with no movement isn’t realistic either (and I’m not wanting to relive the COVID times). So you get an empty terminal and for that experience you’re paying wiith lower performance in some cases.

I like improved external views - make the buildings look more like the actual ones so when I pull up I can see what a real pilot would see, but that’s about it for me.

I agree, but until we can go inside the terminals, make some duty free purchases in the shops inside, have a pint or two in the bar and then use the toilets, the sim is broken for me.

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I agree with everything you have stated. The key item for me is immersion.

I am a VR flyer and a few months ago I tried a new AC without reading the manual resulting in a stressful flight and that stress created supension of disbelief so i literally felt like I was in the AC, struggling. I managed to land at Belfast, came to a stop at the gate, let out a breath and that’s when Pyreegue’s masterful rendition of the airport extended the immersion completely. That’s what I am after with MSFS VR, maximum immersion and suspension of disbelief.

By the way, Pyreegue has just released his EGNX and it takes this concept to the next level. Just taxiing in VR at dusk with restaurant lights and logos shining through the windows, passengers animated in realistic sequences, just the right amount of clutter on the apron, it’s a key ingredient for me to maximize enjoyment of an A->B flight in MSFS.

Having said that, I’m primarily a VFR guy so I can see how a procedure-focused tube pilot might not care much for terminal interiors and stress about FMC quality instead.

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Perhaps you care to read this comment below posted by a FBW developer on another forum explaining that airport interiors (or aircraft cabins) have little importance on the performance:

Quote: "Implementing a cabin doesn’t have any effect on fps because of scoped rendering. If you’re not looking at it, it’s not rendered.

you’re leading cause of fps loss is display drawing then comes your avionics. Modelling and texturing are pretty low when it comes to draw calls.

im not sure why some simmers keep bringing this up. " Unquote

Other devs have said similar. Apparently, a couple of complex, 5-LOD fire tenders can chew through as much memory as a fairly well done terminal interior. That said, there does often seem to be a palpable difference in performance between similarly sized airports when one features internal modelling (unless your name’s Pyreegue!).

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I’d like to see VIP lounges modeled. Preferably hosting PC workstations with widescreen monitors, where the discerning traveller can play MSFS while waiting for his flight :sunglasses:

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Naughty, naughty :smile: