Why is the RNAV approach mode not working on B747 since AAU2 update?

When doing final approach to the runway - normally you would press the APPROACH button on the flight deck catch and intercept the GLIDEPATH.

Would happen all the time before the AAU2 update.

Now it doesn’t do it.

I only executed a successful RNAV landing ONCE

The approach mode button worked as it did before.

But now when I press the approach mode button rather than automatically descending to the runway - it just flows over the runway approach…

Is anybody having this issue?

The GP (glidepath) is in white - I snap shot late - but you can see the glide path is not in GREEN as it used to be where it would automatically descend.

Even in the official updated logbook it doesn’t give guide to RNAV landing just ILS landing however the concept (used to be pretty much the same) just intercepting G/S or G/P depending upon what approach you choose in the world map or FMC by selecting APPROACH button.

When I had the ONE successful RNAV landing in the B747 I noticed all 3 CMD lights illuminated.

Something is not right since this AAU2 update regarding approaching - before the approach mode button did what it was supposed to do - now not so much.

G/P illuminated in GREEN captured - but not the case…

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I really thought you were about to provide a solution :rofl: I guess I will fly the A320neo for now till more information regarding the B747 and B787 AAU2 version come to light.

It doesn’t work for any other planes in the Sim…smh

LOL it works on A320neo (Asobo version) and others - just the B787 and B747 defaults new updates I think FMC has a lot to do with it. But as time passes things will get clearer!

Not the 737 and Kodiak 100

I have figured out how the RNAV and ILS works on the updated 747 and 787 after sooooo much attempts LOL nothing wrong with update just the mastering!

What did you do to get it to catch the glidescope :question:

Make sure the runway ILS frequency is in the FMC Nav-Rad page, in this case from ENGM, and confirm localizer mode is active in the PFD control panel. Upon reaching the glideslope, activate the approach mode. Later in the glideslope pattern Land 3 , roll-out and flare become active and just let the aircraft descend to the runway. Turn of auto throttle just before landing and the aircraft will automatically flare and keep the runway centerline. Apply reverse thrust and brake. Working perfect, thanks Microsoft and Asobo, wonderful update!

The AI pilot doesn’t work correctly lots of missed approaches wont catch the glide path or spiral crashes for no apparent reason

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Well I set my flight up on the world map though the answer from the other guy is excellent.

Can I ask - when you put the ILS or RNAV frequency in the FMC do just type in the frequency decimal number into the FMC and then it automatically shows you the runway options etc?

I am still trying to get my head around how to perform and AUTOLAND - can an AUTOLAND be done in RNAV mode? Or only ILS?

IIRC, autolands can only be performed at airfields where you have a CAT II ILS or better. Both the localizer and glideslope (plus the aircraft itself) must be certified for this specific type of approach. Unless there is some new technology, RNAV approaches cannot be used for autoland.

For your reference, here’s a link to FAA information on ILS approach checklists. There is plenty of additional information there with the FAA, so poke around some.

Also, here is a video tutorial on the B747-8i by a very prolific real-world pilot on YouTube. There is much to learn from watching his content. Give it a look.

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Use the FMC Dep/Arr index mode page, click Arr and select your ILS runway. The ILS frequency is set in the FMC Nav-Rad page. True all the way down RNAV approaches seem not to work at the moment. I tried in vain to set this up (see the white in stead of purple diamond in the screenshot)