Why is there no support for VR controllers?

I’m for having both mouse and controller support, not against that in any way, shape or form and sometimes it is easier to grab the mouse when you’ve got one hand on the yoke and need to fiddle with something. What gets me is the mouse and the interaction with the UI, also when you look up and scroll to something you get a giant mouse cursor in your face until it realizes you’re looking in a different direction and adjusts. I’m sure all this will be tweak and fixed, I hope so anyways.

I was just a bit surprised by the lack of support for VR controllers, mainly when you’re in the UI because I don’t know what they did but they seem to try and get the mouse to be in a 3D environment while still technically being in 2D and it just feels off and I find some of the menus especially the top bar hard to navigate around if the mouse isn’t tracking right in the “3D” environment.