Will there be a mod for Boeing 747 like for the A320?

So I really like the 747 but it kind of frustrates me that there are so many unclickable clicks that I would like to click so I’m not flying it. For me it feels like 3/4 of the cockpit is unoperable and we only have the essentials (thrust, autopilot etc). I would LOVE to see something like the FBW version of the A320 Neo but for the 747. I heard about the mod from Salty, but it appears dead because the last update was quite some time ago.

So I am pretty interesded in any info about potential mods/extension :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank you!


Yeah, the salty mod added some improved flight characteristics, new EICAS pages and improvements, and some work to the VNAV system. It makes the aircraft more enjoyable to fly and I think that was their goal which is why you don’t see any recent updates. Unfortunately there is no one going any deeper in this that I have heard of. It is a shame because she is an amazing aircraft.

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A PMDG 747 is coming next year. THAT will be the ultimate 747. I have it on P3D and it’s incredible.


There is a mod for the 747. It’s from … wait… ahh, I remember now. CS. They call it 777. :grin:


It’s the one plane I really miss is the PMDG 747…I’m really excited to see what they can do with it in MSFS.


Here’s are the github and discord links to above mentioned Salty Mod. Its started to pick up lately in terms of updates:

GitHub - saltysimulations/salty-747: An open-source modification for the default MSFS 747-8, aiming to improve the lacking features and realism of the default aircraft.

Hi there, since we’re talking about mods, I moved your post into Third Party Addon Discussion.