Hi there,
I was just curious if there is going to be a dvd disks for the sim for USA? Just in case. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Well, not 100% sure but I wouldn’t count on it; I myself have the standard dvd version but I think every add-on or country update from MS will be download only
Doubt there will be. Also, it’s pointless. If future patches improve it, you’ll have to download the updated version anyways.
There’s a reason the minimum specs make mention of a minimum required internet bandwidth. This is a mostly ‘always online’ streaming sim. Relatively fast Internet is required.
I agree with you on all points
I only got the box set (10 DVD) because I wasn’t able to purchase on MS store at the time, and I don’t need anymore DVDs lol
afaic, DVD’s are pointless in this day and age.
Not able to buy the digital download version? First time I’ve heard that Then again, I went with the Steam version.
No I could not
I even bought through Amazon and could not download, soI was refund, strange … but disc installation went smooth and fast
None of my PCs have had a disk drive since 2012
I have the DVD set because I couldn’t download the initial packages from the server.
It only contains the base packages as they were at release - you still have to download the installer and all updates.
Yup. DVD are a dying format. They still have their place for movies to an extent, but in terms of removable mass storage for a computer, they’ve pretty much gone the way of the floppy disk.
With the cost of digital storage it surprises me that publishers don’t distribute software on sticks. I still like having a hardcopy of software for archival storage. The cost of a thumbdrive that replaces a dozen dvds is negligible.
I know they initially talked of a DVD release for this game, I think Aerosoft was doing the distro. I just don’t see how… I mean it sucks if you have poor/capped internet but this game is not in the state for that. Just the regular (required) updates are 4-12 GB how can they ever release this on DVD?! They should have been honest with people…
Unless you need to circulate a piece of software to a few people and ensure that it doesn’t get altered going from hand to hand. A thumb drive or zip can be altered very easily. But if you receive a disk that doesn’t have my signature in ink on the top side, then you know not to run it.
How do you burn mixed music cd’s to give to your friends?
well, it helped me getting the sim
I didn t get it for having a poor connection I have more or les 450mb/s fiber but at the time of release I could not download for a reason I don’t now so it is useful for some and yes it is Aerosoft
happy flights;)
Those were the days!
It’s compared to dvd’s really expensive.
For a game like MSFS you need a 100GB Stick. costing 2-3€. (1 dvd cost 1-2 cents).
What makes it expensive is that you have to copy the software on it. that’s time consuming and hard to automate. so also expensive.
There is a reason only Nintendo is using flash memory for their software (and it’s more a size reason)
Plenty of people who want boxed versions want them for their collection, not necessarily for installation.
The actual burning may take time, but that doesn’t mean you have to babysit each disk and loose productivity. With the right tech, all it costs is the blank media and about 5 minutes to start the run, then you’re on to something else. So pretty cheap…
sorry you misunderstood me.
copying data on dvd’s is not time consuming. they are allready manufactured with the data on it (dvd pressing) not burned. that’s why they are so cheap when massproduced.
You can’t press flashmemory data. you have to copy it on it. That’s why it’s expensive.
So short: CD/DVD/Bluray cheap to manufacture (when you have a lot of them)
flashmemory (Memorycards, usb drives…) expensive.
Buy a portable cd/DVD reader& burner, check Amazon and use Imgburn or CDburn or tons of other software, and you can convert your cd to .mp3 and mix and burn.