Not so sure I like the sound of that idea, for so many reasons …
I am 100% for Moders getting compensated for their work, but having a mass of Mod, on the Marketplace, DRM locked, may not be the best answer.
Then Complication of Mods interacting with each other.
Who is going to check that a new Mod, is not going to break another Mod - massive task as Mods increase.
Many Modders learn how to mod by example. Locking up those examples in encoder DRM packages, will limit that spread of knowledge.
Personally I would far prefer to see Asobo approach a Modder who has produced something that Asobo believe is worth while adding to the Sim, make then a fair offer for its use, and then Officially include it, or an Asobo updated version of it, into the Sim, fully integrated with whatever else it needs to work with.
Then, we are back to the more Repeatable and Stable condition, that the Sim should work, reliably for ALL with nothing in Community, rather than the alternative, of many have a differing selection of Mods and not knowing what is messing up what.
Maye the plan is to just have “THE ONE BIG ASOBO CONTROLLED MOD” – that one can opt to use or not … but that still presents problems.
The idea situation would be if NO mods were Needed, and the closest way to get to that is to have Mods include and integrated into the base package ??
That’s just my thoughts — … I think it should be up to the Modders to have the majority say in how this should work, and how their IP should be used and compensated for.