Well this is exactly what concerned me that this early release would see so many problems that they will be debugging forever.
We can forget VR and helicopters and gliders and fast jets for a while . These developers will be back pedaling for a very long time .
Why? Because you say so? Is there any source for your statement?
It’s an opinion based on speculation of the fact that this sim is full of bugs, has half the functions of existing sims , is based on DX11 which is two generations behind the latest DX 12 ultimate Graphics API .
Please save the standard fan boy line “have faith in the devs and have patience “ as that my friend is pure speculation.
I will gladly do that if you promise to never ever put your own speculation/opinion into some fact-claiming wording around here again…
Yarp. To get back to the point or question as it was discernable between the ranting, VR is on the roadmap. I would expect it soon. There’s more than one person working on this sim and they do prioritize work like any other software outfit.
Is it possible it’s delayed due to some release issues and a lot of Zendesk Reports? Yea possible… Will it be delayed past a dx12 conversion? Very unlikely.
Caviat: @BatsCorn7433396 I’m staying an opinion based on what they have so far delivered and state my faith in their ability to deliver. If you don’t like or agree, kindly move on 
I am allowed to have an opinion and I am certain you will keep expressing your unbridled support for the developers that released a half finished title at 2 times normal price . I tried it on steam and got a refund it was so bad .
Wasn’t it already put out there, that vr was going to be released in line with the release of the new HP reverb vr headset. Then other models would be supported soon after.
Also just to add, just because there are bugs which is to be expected in something as big as this sim doesn’t mean they don’t have others working on new things separate.
Yes I think everyone knows VR is on the roadmap but you missed my point didn’t you ? Not saying it’s not on the road map just saying they have a lot to fix before they get to VR town or in my road map helicopter town.
Here we go with the “have faith” fan boy line . Not interested in having faith with your pie in the sky , I’ll believe it when I see it and it’s using an up to date API as we all know that until P3D and X Plane changed to the latest API VR was difficult to implement.
No I didn’t miss you point I answered your question in the topic and ignored the inflammatory rant in the message. As I said kindly move along your opinion has been stated, mine was too, conversion over. Enjoy your day 
Thank you for your feedback. This is literally your 25th message with the statement you want VR and helicopters. The point is clear.