Dear all,
I face currently issues to start and run MSFS2020. It is not running at all.
MS Store App shows no updates for MSFS2020, and a recent update for XBox app was installed.
MS XBox app can not be started, but simply shows a screen: “You are stranded, please try again”
After the first try to start MSFS2020 from the taskbar link the link disappeared and a simple message appeared (similar to) “Problem. Check MS Store page for details”.
The MSStore page for MSFS2020 shows not Start Button (as before), but now displays “Download”
Does someone faces similar issues? (Probably connected to XBox issues?)
How can this be solved without reinstalling everything?
Win10 is uptodate. No updates waiting.
I am not amused.
If there are similar threads (and solutions!), which I did not found, please move the thread there.
Thank you! Unfortunately no change in the results.
It seems, there is a rabbithole full of advises, opinions and reports about “Xbox app - Looks like you’re stranded error”.
Apart from Reset, uninstall/install the XBox app I did not followed any of the myriad of suggestions. XBox app is still not starting (only into the error screen).
This discussion here helped me in the end. Xbox App Stuck on “Looks like you’re stranded…” - Microsoft Community
It pointed to a manual download and execution of the “Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC”: Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC | Xbox Support
Afterwards XBox App showed again initially the “stranded” error screen, but finally I got a login box to the MS Konto and the App started. It still shows from time to time a “connecting error to my store account”, but the fix-it button supressed it and on the other hand my X-Box profile information was displayed all the time.
Finally I was able to start MSFS2020.
It leaves a bad taste and I wonder, if I can trust a MSFS24 installation in stability and speed, which is completely cloud based. Not for now, I guess.