Wind and turbulence in the Career Mode is ridiculous

What works as a workaround is to have live weather enabled in the settings like normal, pick your mission and then disable live weather before you confirm the start of the mission while still on the earth map.

Someone else mentioned this earlier and sorry, I forgot who, but thank you.


Hit or miss for me.

It works some times and itā€™s great, not having to deal with varying wind. Heck, I even had a ferry that had consistent 30kt wind, but it was at least predictable.

On the other hand, it did not work the time I did a skydiving trip, constant 10kt-8kt-14kt every second. Couldnā€™t keep the plane steady to do a drop.

This issue is real and the assigned runway is always crosswind too. I will stop doing career mode until this is fixed.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OPā€™s steps to reproduce it?

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It started as soon as I got my instrument rating and started using live weather. I have not been able to complete any missions since without crashing. This is game breaking and need to be addressed immediately.

Looks like this got upgraded to bug-logged so yay?

This needs a fix, pronto

Same here. Just started Career Mode tonight, passed the PPL and got a Scenic Flight to take a couple around nearby. Both going to the location and flying back I was shot up in what had to be a 4000 FPM updraftā€¦ so I just aborted the mission. Pretty disappointing. They should have just renamed MSFS 2024 to 2025 and left it in testing another 5-6 months.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OPā€™s steps to reproduce it?
ā€¢ Yeah the plane is shaking in 6kts of crosswind like its gusting 45.
winds dont work like this IRL.

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ā€¢ other things of note, if you increase the simrate. the AC cant hold ALT in perfect conditions

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I guess this is where I should be i having trouble with landing smooth over 50%and I think it because of the weather but I donā€™t have no idea

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OPā€™s steps to reproduce it?
ā€¢ Yes (PC, TrackIR, X52Pro, Logitech Pedals, and Flight Multi Panel)

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ā€¢ Fun is deadā€¦ anywhere in the worldā€¦ any planeā€¦ when flying at 1000ft for photo tour for example, usually wind vary from 5-10 or 10-15ā€¦ several times par secondsā€¦ and the plane is litteraly SHAKINGā€¦ this is clearly NOT realisticā€¦ shaking the joystick from left to tight at 3 or 4 full 100% left-right move par seconds is mandatory to maintain a straight lineā€¦

guysā€¦ this is a gameā€¦ and there is no fun hereā€¦ did you even tried to play yourselves ? i doubtā€¦

Just had a flight where I experienced what some others have described. I was happily going along with AP on. All the sudden stall warning. I was doing 90 knots and the AP was keeping me straight but I was losing a ton of altitude. The stall warning persisted. I thought, ok Iā€™ll take control. The second I turned AP off, I was thrown into a downward spiral and the wind was so intense coming from the left I was unable to compensate with my yoke. The crosswind must have been something like 100kts. Should mention this was in a 172 at 5k feet. I hope the residents of Michigan are ok.


Another flight. Kind of sad when this is considered getting lucky with the wind bug lol. Turbulence still an absolute nightmare even on the calmest days.

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Can you clarify the discrepancy youā€™re trying to illustrate? Or are you saying thatā€™s correct?

METAR says real life wind is 6kts, in game itā€™s 29kts. I did set the time to live as well so it should not be using historical weather.

Try to find a mission with calm weather. Fly with Cessna 172 and quickly find out that the turbulence is always overly exaggerated.

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Whatā€™s your altitude?

Iā€™ve already submitted a bug report regarding the wind discrepancies and Iā€™ve noted the turbulence. Iā€™m asking that poster what the issue is specifically.

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The issue is the same issue that has been reported and logged. I was just sharing another example. Iā€™m going to go back flying now :slight_smile:

Okay, but what was your altitude when you took the pic of the wind indicator on the G1000? Thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m asking.

Judging by the depiction of the water features in the SVT, Iā€™m guessing you were at least a few thousand feet aloft.

Hereā€™s the deal: the METAR is a single-point observation made at the surface, in this case made at an airport 18nm away (KTMA maybe?). Due to friction and several other factors, wind at the surface is often much calmer and from a different direction than the winds aloft. The sim has no other way to get the winds aloft other than to use the forecasts (which are generally pretty accurate) made on a grid, at various altitudes and interpolate in the spaces between.

The closest textual forecast winds aloft in that area today at 2000z are from Tallahassee (KTLH):

TLH 3627 3115+06 2934+03 2752-03 2768-16 2779-27 771042 783050 771158

So at 3000ā€™, theyā€™re out of the north at 27, 6000ā€™ out of the northwest at 15, and at 9000 out of the west northwest at 34.

You can see why on the 12z 850mb (around 5,000ā€™ MSL) ensemble run:

Meanwhile, the KTMA 2000z METAR was

KTMA 291955Z AUTO VRB06KT 10SM SCT140 SCT250 11/04 A3011 RMK AO2 T01120040

You chose to disengage so I donā€™t know what time you took that picture, exactly where you were, or at what altitude you were flying, but this is an example of how different the surface winds and winds aloft can be over the same area.

I have no doubt that the wind and live weather can be messed up in the sim right now, but we canā€™t use METAR to judge winds aloft and report it as a bug, because it confuses the issue. At minimum, we need to provide more info so folks can properly troubleshoot.

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