Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Can reproduce. In smooth straight and level flight, the aircraft (C172 and others) yaws left and right all the time, sometimes quite violently. In free flight mode, turning the turbulence effects down to medium or low makes this more realistic than the realistic mode that you are stuck with in career mode.
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Flying in Queensland Australia (but issue occurs anywhere in a career mode mission). Conduct a simple cargo flight with a long straight enroute phase, during cruise aircraft is constantly yawing left to right.
Have tried removing controllers etc, these are not causing it. It seems crosswind effects are affecting yaw rate too much rather than affecting lift.
Which absolute rock for brains designed some of these missions to takeoff and/or land in wind conditions that exceed the aircraft’s limits?
The one medium cargo Cessna 208 mission that lands in RJTQ? 40 knots direct crosswind. 208 xwind limitation? TWENTY.
Not even my E175 IRL is certified to land in anything above direct 38 knots.
And to reply to the guy above, 15 knots in a 172 is not scary. I’ve landed a 172 in a 25 knot crosswind IRL and that got my blood pumping sure but it wasn’t impossible to land. The current sim is NOT realistic. The turbulent setting of “realistic” is absolute garbage for GA planes.
Sharing this as it relates to this post. I hope this isn’t the entire fix, and that as stated in the QA Stream more is to come in patch 3, as gusting isn’t the only issue. Still, good news!
See @GaugeForever ‘s post above. It looks like the real-world gusts have been bleeding through the preset missions like that one, even when it’s supposed to be relatively calm. Looks like it will be fixed shortly!
I totally agree with this man’s information. I am doing a charter in Japan and I have “managed” to take off with a wind of 230/“20” twenty knots, it is hell to lift the plane without crashing, not even the flaps stabilize the takeoff and the efb does not have the wind control so it is not possible to fly a cessna in winds greater than 10! since it is a suicide but I managed it
I don’t know if the issues are related or not but the whole live system seems to be broken in career mode. I have encountered number of times where I would launch a “live” mission (ones with red dots) and the weather and the time would be completely random. Furthermore I would launch another live mission right after that one and would get completely different time and weather in the same location within a few minutes apart.
Crosswind is just out of control. I teach on a 152 and can smoothly fly in 15 cross with zero problems. there’s this action/reaction for the plane to wobble and shake in a crosswind. all that should happen is the nose should point into the wind (roughly) and the plane will slip/ crab in the direction of flight. right now I’m flying with 7-5kt crosswind and the plane is acting like there’s a 35kt gust direct cross.
I’ve been trying this mission for two days. Same thing - 30-40 knot crosswinds every time. It’s just not realistic to land a loaded C208b in that kind of crosswind, especially on the downwind side of a mountain. I think I’ve crashed a dozen times using every trick I can think of. The crosswind gusts take me out every time.
If you’d like a workaround just to get through this mess of a mission, try landing straight into the wind on one of the taxiways instead of the runway. Don’t worry about hitting parked planes, they don’t register as a crash.
Yes, this is still happening with me. I’m currently in a 172 doing a Ferry Flight and randomly, the plane violently yaws from right to left for no reason.
With me, I put the plane in auto pilot, and that calms it down for a little bit, but I still get the often violent yaws (that the auto pilot now takes care of). So for me, auto pilot doesn’t stop the bad yaws, it just knows how to handle them.
Here’s how I took @MasterM1964 response: from this screen, click on the gear in the upper right hand corner. Then in the “online” menu (under “General”, I think), turn off live weather and save and back. Then come back to this screen and accept the mission. I tried all this, and my takeoff had much less yaw, but it would still yaw violently throughout the flight.