So i just read news that windows 11 is release in 2 days later.
This means more fps decrease for msfs right? Because msfs is too sensitive that need tweaking 7/24hrs.
So i just read news that windows 11 is release in 2 days later.
This means more fps decrease for msfs right? Because msfs is too sensitive that need tweaking 7/24hrs.
Ah my bad. Ok
Eughh… which news are you getting this from? I think there’s a lot of rumours and speculations and assumptions from “news” sites these days. One is saying is release in 2 days. While another is saying that in 2 days there will be an Announcement, not a release.
This is why I don’t like reading news sites that are reporting “rumours” rather than actual fact. Too much speculations and everyone making assumptions. Just wait for the official Microsoft announcements. Until then, as far as I’m concerned, It doesn’t exist.
Lol idk, we just wait and see hahah
I think it is wise not to get Windows 11 for a while but that’s me
I’m the kind of person who needs to have the latest and greatest as soon as possible. So I’m getting Windows 11 on day one as soon as it’s available. If there are issues, I work around them. That is, until it is officially announce, I’m going to say that Windows 11 doesn’t exist yet.
It is not Windows-11, that is only a nickname. It will be Windows 10, Sun Valley release 21H2, which will be announced for the press tomorrow. Actual release will be somewhere in October, November… MS is not giving us a release date yet. It will be optional. And also, I’d be carefull installing it, before any news about it on this forum !