Despite the fact that is was declared fixed in SU10 I still cannot get the sim to remember the size and position of the ATC and VFR Map windows. What’s the secret to getting this to work?
Does anyone else have this problem, or is it only me?
Despite the fact that is was declared fixed in SU10 I still cannot get the sim to remember the size and position of the ATC and VFR Map windows. What’s the secret to getting this to work?
Does anyone else have this problem, or is it only me?
I have the issue, too. I wish it worked.
The whole implementation is kind of half-baked IMHO. Only glass screens from the planes are remembered. And it’s not on a per-plane basis, but rather on a per-avionics basis. And if you happen to move monitors around, it will still pop out windows to coordinates on what is now a non-existent monitor and you can’t see it nor move it around anymore. At least not in the sim natively.
If you use any kind of popouts, including game menu bar items, I would recommend using Popout Panel Manager. It basically overrides all the shortcomings of the built-in popout system, and will also do the game menu bar items. And it will pop them out for you automatically at the start of the flight.
I already use POPM for instruments, but this is not about popouts, just normal positioning and sizing of things like the ATC menu and VFR Map on the main display and getting MSFS to remember where you put them and the sizes.
So far only one person has confirmed that this problem still exists. I would like to get this bug re-opened if there is enough confirmation from others.
Didn’t you do this already in the Beta forum? I just voted, now we have two votes.
Anyway, I don’t think this will get us anywhere even if more people would join. The development of this version of the sim is all but over and they showed again and again that this bug/feature is not a priority.
No I never do betas and have nothing to do with the Beta forum.
Yeah they said that they will continue to support it but never said to what level, but if the bug is acknowledged as still existing maybe it will be fixed in the next version at least.
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