Wingwing Ursa minor

I can try. Not sure if it will work. Like I said in my previous post, the custom profile for the Fenix A319 only does gear up/down effect. I had to go back to the default profile.

The Asobo A320 Worked right away with the default profile



OK, Installed the update to the SImAppPro, and yes ended up at the same screen (I had the 320 selected)
Next question when you go to Advanced and enter a new Profile you can edit the vibration parameters. I can’t find any tutorial to help. Have you found one anywhere?

I just try to unplug other devices (Honeycomb Bravo and Saitek Flight Rudder), enable default profile and the issue is always the same.

Your previous screen showed that the vibration motor was active.
Unfortunately the parameters are very limited - I only really see the vibration effects for gear up/ down.

I noticed when advanced mode is selected (custom profiles) only gear up/down is recognized regardless of activation of other variables

Yeah, I’m quickly realising that WinWing have released the Ursa Minor product with limited support. They need to address the MSFS market and not just use the DCS background hoping it will be OK.

Yes, It also seems like there are factors that affect the functionality of the vibration function that we do not know about. I remember making a custom profile and also downloading one from the cloud for the Fenix A320 in one of the previous versions of Simapp and it was working like a charm. Updates have added other airframes but crated other bugs.

Let’s keep reporting it to their tech support by creating tickets. That is the only way to try to get them to fix it. When I first reported the problem, they said it was not happening on their end and no other tickets had been opened about it.

sorry not to be with you to test with the joystick, mine arrived last week but I’m away from home
I read all your exchanges in the post I expected limited vibration functions but the same for everyone
I ask you, their sw (simapp) should be used, in addition to configuring the peripherals, to use proprietary functions excluding possible variables of different operating systems? (eg api)

You can successfully configure the UM joystick in MSFS2020.
You don’t need the SimAppPro unless you want to try the vibration features.