Wish for VR Implementation: Make it possible to accurately and quickly turn knobs and switches in the cockpit

Just a wish. I’d love it if MSFS2020 could get pressing the cockpit buttons and knobs right - in virtual reality.

My major challenge in VR (and the reason why I didn’t spend a lot of time in FlyInside) has been to accurately get a switch flipped or a knob turned.
When flying maneuvers IRL this has to go swiftly and precisely. I’m not a pilot but I presume it’s comparable to pressing a button in your car - which normally is doable. And IRL you make sure you got the right button before pressing it. In existing VR implementations and sometimes in the 2d virtual cockpit it’s really hard to do this.

I don’t prescribe a specific implementation here - I just would like you to consider the requirement.

  • When turning a knob - only turn this knob - not others because your hand moved an inch.
  • Make it somehow transparent which button you’re about to press. (I could see something like a highlighted button which you then lock in and then manipulate it with motion or another controller button.
  • Transport tactile feedback to the controller

Thanks and keep up the great work.

Yes. Also if we could grasp the yoke and mixture, prop, throttle knobs/levers that would be nice. We wouldn’t need real yokes. (Too bad for Logitech and others though. :frowning:

And if we can grasp the yoke it should be a toggle. I mean we shouldn’t have to press and hold a button to keep grasping it because, unless on autopilot, we’ll have our hand(s) on it a lot. For most knobs and switches though pressing and holding the grip or trigger button would be fine since interaction is brief.

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Not grasping the real thing can get real tiresome!


VR MUST work with yokes and joysticks!! a 3D mouse or/and hand controller for buttons and switches.


I wish they copy VTOL VR with it’s snapping of controls to buttons/controls, makes it easy to turn them. Aerofly FS2 and DCS allow you to turn knobs by highlighting with the mouse and scrolling the mouse wheel, that works pretty good too. Left button push, right button pull.