WMR Scaling and Dev Tools - Some Explanations

this is a bug with v105 (preview) only when you enable motion smoothing (auto or always) and you’re using SS50 or SS55. In addition, when enabling motion smoothing and SS60, the image is less sharp in the G2 than when disabling motion smoothing (which in any case doesn’t kick in for me either).

More comments here

It is just a shorter way to tell both FS2020 Render Scaling value and Antialiasing setting in a convenient 3 letters label. Mind you, besides TAA mode, all others are causing shimmering and would require MSAA or similar to compensate. Therefore it is easier for me to just say for example:

  • “TAA 60” is FS2020 Render Scaling 60% with TAA mode
  • “WMR 150” or “SS 150” is OpenXR Render Scale or SteamVR Super Sampling 150%

I’ll post about this soon, I’m nearly done!

I used to use 1.13 with the Index during the beta and for a few days with the G2 with great smoothness, until SteamVR pushes the following 1.14 and 1.15 updates which were not as good for me. How did you manage to install the older version? I didn’t find the correct combo of pack and app id to use in the Steam Console?!

The idea is to balance the two not for extra fps, although these are like a system of 2 equations with many optimal values. It is rather a balance for best legibility up close, or in the distance, or both, depending on your priorities and type of aircraft. For example flying with only analogue gauges you can balance for great outside visuals, and flying mostly EFIS you can balance for great EFIS legibility.

Having said this, thanks to the G2 panel resolution, you can find a sweet balance between the two and I’ll post my recommendations soon!

OpenXR Dev Tools just gives you extra controls to further adjusting the balance for your hardware and headset resolution. Otherwise you might want to wait a little longer until I publish my G2 recommendations and use these as a starting point?