WMR Scaling and Dev Tools - Some Explanations

I’ve been comparing a lot WMR OXR and SteamVR OXR with the G2 today. Although I don’t find any conclusive difference in terms of performance (probably slightly better overall with WMR OXR) I believe I’ve found why some are reporting not so great details even when using WMR OXR 100% scaling:

  • You have to disable any OXR Dev Tools Motion Reprojection
  • Otherwise it will be using a smaller non optimal resolution!

I just wanted to try out capturing a through the lens view of what I get in terms of smoothness with the Reverb G2

I can tell you it is really very close to what you can perceive wearing the HMD, and this shows how 30fps in a simulator can be smooth as long as there is no stutters and the simulator is delivering a constant stream of images at 30hz.

NB: it is not about resolution in this video because the shot is far from perfect in terms of alignment and is therefore showing a lot of CA but it is more about showing the overall smoothness.


I tried to adjust the settings of SS & TAA. But it seems nothing was changed.
Do I need to restart the game and WMR Portal?

@NebulaeFalcon Usually you exit VR (CTRL+TAB), close WMR Portal window, Open OXR Dev Tools and change settings there, then close OXR Dev Tools. Here I suggest you wait 5 secs before entering back into VR mode (CTRL+TAB).

This should resemble this:

NB: if you plan to raise OXR Scale, make sure to lower TAA before leaving VR mode otherwise if the 2 are two much you’ll have a hard time clicking on anything with the UI at 10fps!

Oh, I see.
I didn’t restart WMR portal and OXR Dev tools before.
I think this would be the reason.
Thanks mate :slight_smile:


Where will you be posting your next guide? Can you send me an exact link please?

Also, for your next guide, can you please include a definition of every acronym you use within reason? Thank you for your efforts.

I’ll post in these forums, like I’ve posted these other guides in the past:

My 2070 SUPER 4K settings and suggestions - episode 2
My 2070 SUPER VR settings and suggestions (Valve Index)

NB: at least 80% will be identical between the Index and the G2 recommendations, but I’ll try my best for the acronyms.

There’s nothing even approaching this fluidity I could do with my G2 / 3080 / 3700X @ 4.3 / 64Gb RAM, no matter what I tried. It’s all a stuttering mess and a vomit comet…

When doin g a G2 guide, please note your windows and driver version and everything you can. I will try to reproduce it.

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Don’t worry, this dude’s gonna cover everything.

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Looking forward to the full guide. I have a 3900X/3080/G2, and was able to get relatively playable FPS with OpenXR scaling at 70% and TAA 100%. Fully agreed at this point that Reprojection needs to be OFF.

But I’m worried that with TAA 80% the panels will be less readable. The big breakthrough for me was realizing that it is better to underscale in OpenXR tools rather than in game for good panel legibility.

Still, that video looks incredibly smooth. Eager to see the settings and see if I can reproduce it with good panel legibility – I’m more of a jets/IFR flyer.

I have been using the steam vr beta. Is this different than steam vr for WMR beta?

Yes, the steamVR app is the VR application for steam. Steam for WMR is a “bridge” that allows steamVR games to run on wmr headsets. It isn’t used here due to OpenXR but works for playing all other current steam games on the platform.

Do you have a WMR headset? If so, my advice is to also download the “Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR Beta”, and that’s besides the SteamVR Beta itself. In my case the WMR SteamVR Beta took care of the jerkiness you are referring to.

Just a quick question (it’s not a request, though): Are you also planning to make a guide for the G2 and using SteamVR? Asking because I want to use OVR Toolkit in VR and need the SteamVR layer for this to happen.

Thanks a lot for what you’re doing for the community!

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Tried that, and it is much improved. I still think I prefer the WMR OXR over Steam VR. Steam OXR is too jerky, and crashes a lot - also crashing MSFS withi it.

The OVR Toolkit works with the WMR OXR; you can use WMR OXR in Steam VR (in fact, that’s the default). At least it works for me.

Edit: Just saw the faq on the orv toolkit wiki. I am wrong apparently.

Thank you all for your kind words! I’ll try my best covering everything I can.

Please note in the video above it was only WMR OpenXR (no SteamVR OXR). I’ve tried both and with SteamVR OXR it was not the best. Having said this there seems a lot of people are wanting to try out comparing both and there is some confusion. I’ll try to explain (I might be wrong but it seems fairly unlikely).

  • OpenXR is the API the application talks to VR. It can access the HMD, get the orientation/position, send the views to the eyes etc… It doesn’t depend on any specific HMD.

  • SteamVR is the Valve API and ecosystem for VR. It manages headsets and offers a public API to the hardware (OpenVR) which resemble OpenXR with additional Valve specific features.

  • Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) is the Windows API and ecosystem for VR. It manages headsets and offers a proprietary API to the hardware.

You can therefore use the Reverb G2 with the following application stacks:

a) FS2020 -> OpenXR API -> WMR OpenXR Driver (OXR to WMR) -> WMR Portal (headset I/O) -> Reverb G2

b) FS2020 -> OpenXR API -> SteamVR OpenXR Driver (OXR to OVR) -> WMR for SteamVR (OVR to WMR) -> WMR Portal (headset I/O) -> Reverb G2

The OXR to WMR, OXR to OVR and OVR to WMR are thin translation layers because most of these API are working the same with similar parameters and feature set, which means they are not the main resource consumers. What is different in each however is the reprojection algorithms and implementation details, as well as everything related to timing, such as telling the application how long, and how, to wait before sending the next views.

I hope this will clears up some of the terminology and how this fits together.


Did you find some way to Alt-Tab to access OXR tools? I have to leave the sim completely due to the full-screen issue we discussed in the other thread.

Yes it is easy: just don’t set FS2020 full screen!

Make sure to first configure:

  • WMR Settings > Headset Display > Input Switching > “Manually Switch using…”


  • ALT+ENTER to display FS2020 in a window frame.
  • WIN key to open the Windows Start Menu and releasing the mouse from the FS2020 window frame.
  • Now you can launch apps from the Windows Start menu or ALT+TAB to switch apps.

For example once FS2020 is in a window frame and not full screen, you can do:

CTRL+TAB to exit VR mode first, WIN key to get mouse control then close the WMR Portal Window





It’s amazing the blind spots we’ll develop for simple things like this! I’ve been deep in the weeds of OXR runtimes etc and I couldn’t remember something simple like this!