How to get rid of the White dot in cockpit view (Not working under SU12) (Xbox, controller only)

After being stuck with the white dot of death since the last beta update, i’ve been trying everything to find a way to get rid of it. If like me you only fly using the cockpit view, you know how annoying this is to have this white dot on your face everytime you want to look around.

Good news is that i have found a workaround, not sure how long this will work though.

Sorry in advance if my explanations aren’t clear, i’m still learning English.

So, here’s what do to (Be sure not to move your camera while doing this):

  1. Press the Left Analog stick to trigger the cursor mode (the one with the big toolbar on top of screen)
  2. Press Dpad left (should be assign to brake but it doesn’t matter, you can press it again if needed). This will take you out of the cursor mode.
  3. Press the left analog stick again, you’ll notice that it won’t trigger the cursor mode this time and that if you move around, the white dot is gone.

Do exactly as i say and you won’t see the white dot unless you press the left analog stick again.

If i’m not clear, please let me know and i’ll try to explain the best i can.

EDIT: Someone found an even easier way to kill the white dot.


Hey there!

I also found this workaround to get rid of it, but the problem is that as soon as we move the left analog stick to control the aircraft, the whole cursor (not only the small dot) will immediately show up again. This is absolutely frustrating!

Cheers from Rio de Janeiro!

Edit: Sorry, I still didn’t test doing this third step, pressing the left stick again. Will check and report.

The third step is the most important actually haha
Other people tried and it worked for them as well, so i hope it will for you too :slight_smile:

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Just to confirm that it really works! Thanks so much!

Of course, compared to how it worked before, it’s a huge pain doing this in crucial moments like take off or landing, but at least we can do something.

They really need to fix this!

Thanks again!


Yeah i agree that they need to sort this out. In the meantime, at least we can get rid of the white dot of death :smiley:

Glad i could help

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As soon as you change camera view it will reappear. The dot simply needs to be gone. No one uses it.


No it won’t reappear, it shouldn’t. If it does, you’ve done something wrong. It doesn’t for me, even if I change camera view or use the drone for a while and come back to the cockpit.

Thanks, will try again, I guess this could be becuase I have reassigned most controls on the controller.

I am on Windows here and use the XBox controller when I don’t have time to plug in the rudder pedals and yoke.

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The white dot is on PC as well if using a gamepad for flying. It’s not an Xbox issue per se.
I usually press something the D-Pad and it disappears until it comes back again later…


Yes we’ve been campaigning to get rid of it (PC) for a long, long time.

Everyone knows how to remove it temporarily, the point is to stop it altogether.

I always try to reply to threads that mention this white dot, in the hope it will raise awareness.


Another way to get rid of it without adjusting the parking brake is to enter into cursor mode using left analogue in. Press up on the d-pad twice and then left analogue in again to enter out of cursor mode.

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No worries. Could be the issue but to be honest i don’t know.
I find myself lucky to have found this workaround cause since the update it was really driving me crazy.
On Xbox (maybe the same on PC ?) it used to be super easy to get rid of the white dot. Just pressing any Dpad would make it disappear. But since the last beta it’s not working anymore.

Hence why i’ve tried all sorts of stupid things and finally found out my little workaround.

Basically it’s just one more step to do so not a big deal from my perspective. But still, would be nice to just have a toggle option

It sounds more complicated that just clicking L, pressing Dpad once and clicking L again.
But as long as we all find something that works for us, that’s a win

To make it clear btw, just in case my initial post isn’t.

If you do the 3 steps, the white dot won’t come back (you can change camera view, drone view, free look mode etc…). The only way to have the white dot back is to click L stick again (which will trigger the cursor mode).

I know it’s not perfect and depending of how you play, it might not be good enough, but i personally don’t use the cursor mode that much after the cold start, it’s very rare.

Also, if the white dot comes back, you can take it away by doing the same 3 steps again.

Hope it helps

It’s absolutely an immersion breaking annoyance and needs more Attention.

It’s sersiously one of the reasons why I fly in XP12 as well recently. (I also fly in MSFS).

Spent a hundred bucks for XP12 and two addons, which I otherwise would have spent for MSFS Marketplace payware content. Just saying.


I use xbox controller on pc and the white dot is a nightmare.


Xbox X, I’m having a different issue with the White Dot and mouse pointer. I use a standard Xbox controller and I also have a Microsoft wireless mouse.

Previous behaviour was that if you moved the mouse, the pointer would appear on screen, and then when you stopped moving, it would disappear and be functionally inactive.

Now, it disappears visually, but if I left the pointer somewhere in the middle of the screen, and pan my view, any button or control that goes under the disappeared mouse pointer highlights in blue as if the pointer is still visible… so now I have both the white dot, and an invisible mouse pointer, both “highlighting” controls when I want neither!

I’ll try to take a screen shot to desribe. Super annoying while trying to land!


I’ve noticed the same problem. Frustrating as when something is highlighted (especially when the dot is nowhere near it), you can’t control the throttle with the A&B buttons.



What really makes me frustrated is that Asobo have spent so much time working on giving us a beautiful visual side to the sim. And then insist on overlaying dots and borders and (the thank god it’s already removable, top toolbar arrow).

It’s like taking the Mona Lisa and then adding a big white dot on her smile saying “look here”.

The rest of the painting would be ruined by that, as the dot just draws your focus instantly.


Here you go, what do you think?
