Working Title CJ4 ideal cruise altitude for shorter trips

For long trips the ideal cruise altitude is FL450. Is there a rule of thumb for ideal cruise alt at shorter trips? For say 100 miles, 200 miles…?

I fly the WT CJ4 from NY City , NY to Newark, New Jersey.
Low Altitude IFR/ILS at 3000 feet.
This is around 16 miles.

Works fine.

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I heard in a video some time back 1000 ft for 10 miles distance. I dont remember which aircraft it was but know it was either TBM 850, KA350 or CJ4.
So for example a 90 mile flight I would aim for around 9000 to 1000o ft.
I may have dreamed all of this so use at your own peril! :slight_smile:

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There is a rule of thumb to get a good order of magnitude, but I don’t remember the exact rule.

Talk to the WT devs; they’re always available on Discord, and some even fly the real thing.

For a 100 nm flight id suggest FL240, anthything like a 200nm-300nm about FL320 anything longer and you should expect at least FL400

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There’s a chart at the end of this Checklist from the Working Title team (last page, lower right).

WT CJ4 Checklist.pdf - Google Drive

Link to their website (lots of good stuff including their Discord)

Working Title