*Worldly Whisperjets* 02 Culiacan, Mexico - Monterrey – Houston, Texas (Mon)


Worldly Whisperjets 02 Culiacan, Mexico - Monterrey – Houston, Texas (Mon)

June 12th, 11:30AM-2:30PM,(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 16:30 UTC

Voice Communications: TexasPropsCrews Discord Server

Server : South-East Asia

Settings : All Players, No Traffic, Live Weather, Local Game time as desired

Plane: AIRLINER of your choice is needed. (430 kt groundspeed is needed, to at least TRY to keep up) The flights will typically be 2.5 – 3.5 hours.

Departure Airport : Culiacan Intl (MMCL) airport, in Mexico…

Duration: 2.5 hours – 3.5 hours

How you NAVIGATE is totally up to YOU! Today we go from MMCL – MMMY - KIAH. Dust off your PASSPORT and fuel up the JETs! So, you like SimBrief? Go for it (We won’t stop you)! You don’t have (or want) SimBrief? Load into the MSFS World Map and Let’s FLY! You can make it as REAL as you WANT it to be! And LIVE WEATHER is ALWAYS encouraged.

Welcome to the Texas Props *****Worldly Whisperjets ***** Series. We are starting at Los Angeles, and we will go around the ENTIRE GLOBE and end up back at LAX. This series will be running for almost a year to complete. You may have bragging rights to circumnavigating the World, when we are done. Don’t plan on any VATSIM in here! There are NO controllers in the vast areas where we are going, and there are a lot of pilots who can’t use VATSIM anyway, because of hardware limitations. We will not stop you from using VATSIM, but you will NOT be able to see the group, and we won’t entertain complaints of US interrupting YOUR VPilot comms with controllers, and the group will NOT be using it. And how you land is also up to YOU! Gravity is 100% foolproof! You WILL land. Pick your own Visuals, SIDs or STARs, and fly the jet like you OWN it! The joy is the JOURNEY. Are you up to the challenge? Join us for a few, or for all of the trip.