Hello. I bought the CD version of the new MSFS2020 and I already install it 3 times, but I’m having constantly the same problem. When I open the WorldMap, and after selecting the departure and arrival airport, I select the “FLY”, so I can start flying. The problem is the game won’t start. I click several times on the FLY button and nothing happens! All others work: Tutorials, Challenges, etc. The WorldMap, it doesn’t!
Can someone help me, please!
arfff… i did the modification in my window account and my Microsoft account.
unfortunatly, the problem is Always the same.
If you have another idea, your welcome.
Same issue!! Can someone please help!! Everything works but the world map… I can do the challenges and the flight lessons, but when I try to fly on my own, I get a black screen… then the second time I try, I get stucked on the fly button… HELP !
I just solved the problem by fully reinstalling windows on the machine and naming the windows session without special character or space in the name.
I also put a short computer name and no special character
I proceeded to completely reinstall FS2020 and a test that has worked immediately without any difficulty.
Problem solved but real error in development that does not allow support for special characters.
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