Would be interesting to know how many VR users are Beta testing

It’s completely understandable that VR has lower numbers, that much is obvious, what grinds my gears though is the regressions to VR that go ignored and then Jorg (as the link below details) claims they are not when clearly they are. Multiple VR bugs & issues since SU5 are still not fixed, Why?

Why is it that VR users are treated this poorly? Why is it that MS/Asobo find it acceptable to regress this area and not fix it thereafter? Take the toolbar usage, it is worse (and this is a fact, not an opinion) than it used to be with various actions not working since SU7 - which was released one year ago.

This is why I’ve given up testing, what is the point of having a voice and helping when they don’t actually help themselves? See the following link, tell me they’re doing everything they can to improve VR and then tell me why these bugs & issues have gone ignored for so long - I’m sorry but I don’t find this acceptable when it worked just fine in older Sim Updates.


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