I set ATIS in COM2 and selected “monitor”, but there was no audio.
ATC windows was correctly showing the weather info scrolling.
The volume indication on the audio panel doesn’t show the volume setting (is it supposed to?).
I tried rotating the knobs, but this didn’t have any effect.
What am I doing wrong?
I haven’t had this issue in the G1000 or G430/G530 yet.
Hi @dr34dl0ck4727
Are you showing the comm volume screen? When you’ve got the nav/com softkey pushed, make sure you press the “audio & radios” button just left of the comm 2 freq display. You should get a screen where you can select “comm2” and make sure the volume is at 100 (or whatever you like).
Yes, I was on that screen with COM2 selected (and then the knob label read COM2 volume). However, no, my screens don’t show the shaded triangle area for the volume for some reason, and turning either knob had no effect. This was in the HJET.
Ok, thanks.
Two things…
I don’t have that plane,
But more importantly, I wasn’t thinking about the fact that I’m running the beta, which greatly enhances the G3000.
My bad, sorry.
The good news is that AAU 1 is scheduled for release in January, so hopefully that fixes the issue you’ve got with the volume.
Thanks for this topic, as it answers a question I had in the 930: I was looking for how to swap over COM 1 and COM 2. Looks like in this system you don’t swap, but just activate the COM 2.
Question for real pilots - would you routinely have guard (121.50) up on the COM 2, except when bringing up the ATIS?