WU5 update freezing


I had the very same issue already with SU4 but managed to finish installation eventually.
Issue is simple: MSFS will freeze at a random point when doing the update. When ist’s loading smaller files I manage some until I got the freeze so I can slowly work myself to the end. but now I’m stuck with one big file where the download will freeze anywhere between 0 and 80% (that’s the most I’ve seen)

Any recommendation on how to solve this?
Tried starting as admin, firewall and Antivir is disabled… Before SU4 I’ve never had any issues with updates.
I didn’t play after SU4 so cannot say if i might have gotten freezes there too…


Try disabling any CPU over clocking as well XMP profiles that might be enabled. Just for the download. Re-able after installed if need be.



Thanks for your suggestions. Again I was finally able to finalizte the update with many retries - no issues since in the game.
While all those tipps seem reasonable (not overclocking tough) I see the problem on the Programm’s side as there were no issues pre SU4…
Will try tough if I come across the issue with the next update.

Thanks again.