WU6 ... lack of vegetation (trees) in Germany (e.g. near Würzburg, Dortmund, Koblenz, Ramstein etc.)


same issue near of Minden / Weser Mountainarea.


Read post directly above yours


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Hi DensestSnail693,

I did read your post. Thanks for the tip. A loading error is possible but unlikely in my case. As I had the problem since the WU VI and did all the suggested steps before (like deleted Rolling Cache, emptied Community Folder, let MSFS added new Community Folder… eg)


I would agree.

Running into loading timeouts is always possible … but those events are stochastic and different for everybody.

A) But what we seem to be seeing is the same results for the same regions for different people … but then the scenery features change after some time

B) Clearly if you still have the “incorrect” data in the cache it will “persist” until you clear the cache …

C) but (B) IMHO should only happen if you “correctly” received the “incorrect” data. Otherwise it is/would be a little strange in itself, as I would expect a retry from the sim to fetch content where it did run into a timeout (instead of caching “timeouts” forever). So “timeouts” should heal once you get to the same location at some future point in time.

I still think … the data on the server(s) is “morphing” underneath our feet in those regions.

… just to “stress that point” … I am not saying that there are no “timeout” or “failed connection” issues. I would even suspect that there are far more of those then ever before … and they most likely play some role in that confusing picture.

E.g. I have never before seen a product in the Marketplace where the big splash images in the background went black (=did not get loaded) … like this:

I had this so many times in the last few days that this seems like a clear sign that something is “not happy” on the backend side.

But this “tree” issue must be something else, mainly because different people have the same lack of trees (3D assets) in exactly the same place.

Thank you for the good advice, the problem is solved.

i flew here (EDDK to EDDS) today. For me (based in germany) it looked like on the pictures, for a friend on the US westcoast, even though we flew on the same server in a group everything was fine as i could see on his discord stream?

I can confirm missing trees (I also deleted the Rollingcache) at EDFS (I’m also from Germany):

I found your missing trees… they are in austria now xD Since WU6 there are so many trees on fields where they really should not be. I hope this will be fixed soon.

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Setting trees at medium often helps with this (but not low as they morph like crazy)

No trees in germany.


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Unfortunately, this “bug” is still not fixed. On the two screenshots below you can see Würzburg, Germany and on one tile the trees are all over the place (basically on every green patch on the imagery, pre-WU6 everything looked good) and on the other side and also based on the color difference there are almost no trees, only scattered on mostly (looking to be) random places sporadically. This issue appears for me in most of south germany, probably more.

And if you look closely, you can see that even the autogen buildings on the side without trees are inaccurately colored compared to the “good” Side or even completely missing. It seems to be a problem with the whole autogen, not just Vegetation.

It would be helpful, if somebody else could take some screenshots of Würzburg to compare and see, if it is only a server or cache issue on my end (rolling/manual cache deleted, no third party addons installed).

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I would agree with this assumption.

It seems like the “updated sat images” did not match with the patterns with the AI code was trained on … and so the AI did not recognise most parts the vegetation etc. anymore.

Somehow this must have slipped pasted the quality check which MS (most likely) does apply prior to world updates.

After doing some helicopter flights at 500ft all over Germany and Poland I have to say that Blackshark AI seems to still need a lot of training before it really becomes a reliable tool that doesn’t need human intervention.
There are numerous forest patches where there are no trees, then you will find agricultural fields with either random houses or trees in the middle that don’t belong there, you’ll get the wrong type of trees, and finally at least 10% of the houses in the ground image do not have a autogen building on top of them.
I have the suspicion that the AI is only capable of recognizing a build structure if OSM data of this structure exists. Whenever a house is missing in the data, the AI will ignore it and not draw any autogenbuilding on the ground.

And finally the dataset MSFS is using is lagging months behind what BING actually offers at this point. There are huge stretches in Poland and Lithuania with updated groundimages in BING that now show summer, while in MSFS you still get washed out late winter pictures with remnants of melting snow or even default textures where the old image needed to be touched up because of clouds.

I thought these were constantly updated and retrained with Blackshark as soon as they are released on Bing, but that does not seem to be the case at all.

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The relationship of Blackshark output to OSM data seems to be a “complicated” one indeed.

I would have expected that correctly tagged land usage patches would at least get an elevated probability of getting drawn in that way. But at least for land use there seems to be no correlation. I know of some OSM forest patches which basically have zero tree in MSFS.

So yes … there is a looooot of room for future improvement of the autogen assets.

I have no trees worldwide. Can’t use MSFS like this.

Aftet what I saw ob my recent flight around Wurzburg and Bad Windsheim, the tree issues still seem unsolved.

Kind regards.


The same here on south/east of Belgium (ex: EBSP) : No more trees !

The deleting of the cache did the job for me !
My trees are back !

So … with the latests City Update for Western Europe I did recheck the “hills right north of Würzburg” … and the trees are still gone.