Xbox App will not let me install the Sim (or anthing else)


Xbox app will not let me get passed choosing a file location, ive tried everything i can find on the microsoft forums minus a clean install… any ideas? (minus a clean install of windows)

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Have you tried doing it from the Windows Store directly, rather than using the xbox app?

it forces me to the xbox app

I just went through this and plan to provide some feedback but this appears to be related to the Gaming Services App that gets installed either via a Windows Store update or when you initially launch the XBox App. (Blue banner at the bottom).
To resolve:

  1. Open PowerShell as an admin/ elevated
  2. Run the following to remove the Gaming Services app
    Get-AppxPackage -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allusers
  3. Open the XBox App and then try to install Flight Sim 2020
    (Do NOT click the request to add component if you see the blue banner)

So i ended up giving all the profiles on my computer full access controls and it worked. For some reason my user profile didnt have full control of my C drive and it worked once given full control… weird issue.

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