Xbox Game Pass for PC leaves beta next week, gets price increase

Attention all those which has FS2020 on gamepass:

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Thanks for update…will have to see what the next update to MSFS brings to see if it is worth continuing with this game.

i bit the bullet on steam. i just hope they dont make us pay an xbox gold subscription for online connectivity.

How often, if at all, do they have sales on MS Store? I’m on game pass and wouldn’t mind switching over to outright purchase, although I’m in no immediate rush as MSFS offers me very little at this point due to third party stuff still being in development.

I’ve not seen mention of it but wondering how the Gamepass Ultimate price will be affected

I’m hoping to get an Xbox Series S for my son for Xmas with the All Access deal which includes 2 years of ultimate so hopefully it won’t make much difference to me either way.

yea… they gave me the impression they are matching the xbox gold price for the pc. meaning it will be $10/mo each to play online. im confused, i bought forza h 4 ultimate for pc and currently dont need gold to play online. it will be disappointing if i have to pay a subscription to play online games that cost hundreds of dollars. soon i will need a subscription to turn on the pc. wow i just realized, my online existence cost me more per month than my house payment… whats another $10… lmao…

Not at all. Game Pass Ultimate is not changed, only the PC-only Game Pass (which was always clearly marked as time-limited beta offer) is.

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This was a BRILLANT marketing move by Microsoft to get people hooked on access to MSFS. Even at $5/month they are going to make a killing. Unfortunately for us pilots who want to fly with realism we are going to be bombarded with 12 years old who want to fly a 747 upside down above KJFK and imagine how much crazier it’ll be when released for the XBOX. But either way they’re going to make big money on this one.

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Good to take advantage of that if you were a tad cautious re purchase…pity they didn’t offer the same beta deal with MSFS