XBOX VR calling

Oculus Quest outstrips the sales of Xbox in 2022 it’s a shame that the head of Xbox doesn’t believe in VR :crazy_face::rofl:

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I would buy an Xbox (cheaper than a pc) if I could fly in VR, in the meantime I’ll stick to my pc and my Oculus Rift CV1.

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The team at Xbox need to seriously wake up ASAP. if they can’t see the need to have a VR HMD then the head of the team deserve sacking

Not sacking, just an education on what people want, not what they want!!

Ok not sacking just a reorder of the team the head can always deliver the mail. :innocent:

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“Nobody is asking for VR” is becoming a meme :rofl:. He doesn’t understand that consumers don’t “ask for” things. If you put up quality stuff in your store, they’ll just buy it.

I think if Xbox dos not come out with a VR head set in 2022 then they just have no idea :crazy_face:

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