You can reduce your installation size

You can make MSFS (i have standard edition) a few GBs smaller, if you want, by deleting items you dont want to use.
You can delete all airports.
All aircraft, except the TBM and Cessna 152.
All bush trips.
All flight training.
All landing challenges. Except asobo-landingchallenge.
What you cant delete will be downloaded again, if you did delete the wrong one, when you start the sim. If you want the deleted items back in your sim, go to profile, content manager and download them again.

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why would you delete all airports/aircraft though? Wouldn’t it be less of an issue to just download the entire thing rather than saving a couple of gigs and having to download everything back again.

some people only fly around a certain region. some people have no interest in landing challenges and bush flights. Some people don’t see themselves flying to a particular country, so no reason to have a high quality airport when they’re rarely gonna fly that way. Like the graphics settings, everyone is gonna have/want something different.

This is why Flight Simulator, fundamentally, is a sandbox game. Sure, you might need to shell out $30 for a program that adds passengers or real world airport charts but it makes up in the number of free scenery and plane addons that are/will be available in the coming years. This stuff will take up space on a storage device as well, especially the more complex/expensive the addons get. Being able to remove default addons (i.e bush flights, landing challenges, airports) just gives you the space for the nicer stuff that is/will be available today

I have 1tb SSD where the game is installed plus another 1TB thats still pretty empty. I also just purchased a 500gb m.2 and should i decide to install MSFS2020 on it, i may consider removing the bush flights and some of the HQ airports. Even if i install a fresh OS, that’s still about 480GB available(ish) and MS2020 alone will eat up more than a good chunk of that. Not to mention my data cap (i work from home and i regularly push the limit of 1.2tb)

Anyone knows why the 152 can’t be deleted?

It’s not listed in Content Manager and yet it’s in my hangar.

I’ve already deleted all training lessons, bush trips, landing challenges etc.

I wonder if doing this would cause CTD. I honestly only fly with B787,747 and A320 and never done the bush trips, landing challenges or training lessons and I don’t have much space in my SSD. I would be so glad to remove all the unused aircraft in my situation, but I guess it’s also wise idea to have a copy of the original folder before doing that.

In addition to this what’s gonna happen in the next sim update? Will the removed ones be installed again as the sim realizes some of the folders are missing ?

Isn’t the C152 the plane that shows to other players when they don’t have the plane you are flying? Example: a marketplace plane or you have deluxe when other player has standard.

That may be why it’s required to be present.

Bonanza is the default plane in multiplayer according to multiple reports.