I started this topic in March 2022 as a bit of fun, as I was interested in what peoples favourite aircraft to fly were. I suggested this need not necessarily be the ones you have spent the most time in, but ones that you really could not live without. Since then it has evolved into an ongoing “Top Aircraft Charts” and we have had a brilliant response with regular contributors here to discuss the merits of aircraft they love (as well as a bit of mildly off-topic fun), as we all discover new ideas, remind ourselves of planes we may already have bought but rarely fly, ask questions about any aircraft you’d like to know more about and to chat about upcoming and brand new releases. Please join in!
I invite you to please list your favourite aircraft to count towards the Charts.
NOTE that a VOTE is PER PURCHASE. So (for example) the PMDG 737’s, 777’s and Black Square Dukes, please write WHICH VARIANT your vote is for.
We would also REALLY appreciate a few words about your decision for each one (but it’s not necessary… it just adds nicely to the context to understand your reasoning, and that may help other users identify with their own thoughts to help them make a purchase decision).
The system is described in more detail below and you can scroll down to see the current latest Chart summary.
The latest full chart summary POST is a clickable link in the SOLTUTION at the end of this post
- List your Top 10 Aircraft.
- A vote is PER PURCHASE (so for example the PMDG 737’s, 777’s and Black Square Dukes must be listed per-variant. PLEASE WRITE WHICH VARIANT YOU ARE VOTING FOR!)
- You can submit UP TO 10 votes for your favourite individual aircraft (if you fly less, you don’t NEED to give 10).
- The Monthly update will happen on the nearest Sunday to the end/start of the next month.
- I encourage re-voting each month, even if you just keep the same list. To make that fast you can just say “No change here” and I will reuse your previous list.
- No POINTS, we will only count single votes per aircraft, so the ORDER you list them in doesn’t matter. Of course you can still put your favourite at the top so other readers know it’s your fave
- In the case of a tie the YOUNGEST (newest released) aircraft goes above an older one. This will give a small boost to new releases to help them rise.
- The update posts will have the ALL TIME TOP 10 shown with MONTHLY TOP 25 below that, so the focus is still really on the Global Time Charts. The up / down arrows will compare to the previous month.
- Full details of all aircraft and all months will be available in a downloadable PDF each month.
- The same PDF file and link will be updated so we can also track how many total downloads it receives.
Calendar icon = number of weeks in the Charts.
==== 2025’s TOP 25 ====
==== THIS MONTHS TOP 25 ====
Want to see more awesome aircraft?
You can download the entire Charts Pack as a PDF here. This file includes the main All-Time Chart and a page for every month listing all votes, so you can see aircraft that fall outside of the Top 25 above.
Download the PDF here:
The Monthly Top Aircraft can be found by clicking the Solution at the bottom of this post to jump to the latest Chart Update post.
Final 2023 Charts - Backup PDF
This was the final PDF of 2023: Dropbox
Final 2022 Charts - Backup PDF
This was the final PDF of 2022: Dropbox
Original Post Archive (from March 2022)
Thought it would be a fun new topic if everyone wrote their TOP FIVE AIRCRAFT, with a short reason why. Number #1 being the BEST. I’ll award points based on the order and we’ll see what happens
UPDATE: As this thread has turned into an ongoing Top 5 Charts, please can I request that if anyone wants to update their original choices in future, please mention that it’s not your first post here when you give an updated list. In those cases, I will unwind your original choices and scores, and put the new ones into the table. This will adjust the Snapshots to be dynamic and current, rather than inflating it with older Aircraft from the past! Thanks!
ALSO: please do try and rank the choice from 1-5 (1 as your best). I am assigning points from 5 to 1 in order of your choices to boost those that a lot of people put higher in their list. If you really can’t decide, then all choices will get 3pts each.
====== MY ORIGINAL POST ======
I wrote today on the Big Radials Goose thread that it has jumped to within my top 3 (such an awesome plane) but then I thought more about it and realised I have so many planes that are really brilliant that I started thinking deeper about my top 3 and whether I could even decide!!
Here goes my Top 5!!
#1 Just Flight Hawk T1 (awesome sounds and agility, challenging to fly hard, nice control on landings, can really feel “at one with the machine” easy to fly but hard to master. And of course because I’m British, the fact it is the iconic Red Arrows aircraft plays a role!)
#2 Flying Iron Spitfire (beautiful, graceful, amazing character and sounds!)
#3 Big Radials JRF Goose (brilliant feeling of weight, engine management important but not too “serious/study level” for me, water landings and take offs make it versatile - really well done water physics and animation, stunning sounds - actually the best sounds)
#4 Just Flight Piper Arrow Turbo (realistic feeling, “simple” yet complete. My favoured GA)
#5 India Foxt Echo F35 Lightning II (B variant mainly, does things no other aircraft can do due to VTOL capability. Fits any mood or purpose from low level fast flying to very slow - even hovering - for sightseeing the beautiful world. The plane that does it all!)
I could happily expand this to a Top 15 though. So hard to decide. Also love the DC Designs Stearman, Bell helicopter, GotFriends Optica, SWS Kodiak 100, Parallel 42 Freedom Fox, GotFriends Discus-2c Glider, AirCreation Trike Ultralight, PMDG DC6, GotGravel Monster NX Cub, Aerosoft Twin Otter (with sound mod for now).
Related to the paragraph above, please check out this complimentary thread run by @OneToBeamUp3871 and go list your Honourable Five there that don’t make your Top 5 here!
Also check out my other similar Charts for other Top Mods and Airports - please come add your favourites!
Click to see links to those topics
“World Enhancement Mods” - vote for your favourites here:
Your TOP 5 World Enhancement Mods
“Your Top Airports” - vote for your favourites here:
Epic Bush Strips: As I have been on a bit of STOL binge, I started to list out great bush strips. Feel free to add any you have discovered to this spreadsheet:
To jump to the latest Charts Update post, click the SOLUTION below: