02-05-2023 14:52:08.794 INFO Main: Starting plugin (4.0.0 )... 02-05-2023 14:52:08.795 INFO Main: Done initializing! 02-05-2023 14:52:08.795 INFO Main: Serving forever... 02-05-2023 15:11:37.436 INFO SimConnectHandler: Received SimConnect Open event 02-05-2023 15:11:38.002 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 6870) 02-05-2023 15:11:38.002 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 7126) 02-05-2023 15:11:38.002 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "si/backlight_intensity" with unit "DOUBLE" 02-05-2023 15:11:38.002 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TITLE" with unit "string" 02-05-2023 15:11:38.005 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 42729) 02-05-2023 15:11:38.005 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 42985) 02-05-2023 15:11:39.291 INFO SimRemoteServer: Accepted connection from 02-05-2023 15:11:42.005 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT PANEL" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:42.008 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT NAV" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:42.011 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE" with unit "volts" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.959 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG FUEL PUMP SWITCH:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.961 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATC ID" with unit "string" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.963 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT LANDING" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.965 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT STROBE" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.968 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MASTER BATTERY" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.970 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.973 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.976 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.979 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG STARTER:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.980 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG MANIFOLD PRESSURE:1" with unit "inhg" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.982 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG RPM:1" with unit "rpm" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.984 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AIRSPEED INDICATED" with unit "knots" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.987 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG FUEL FLOW GPH:1" with unit "gallons per hour" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.989 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL TANK LEFT MAIN QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.992 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.994 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL BATTERY VOLTAGE" with unit "volts" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.996 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL BATTERY LOAD" with unit "amperes" 02-05-2023 15:11:57.997 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.000 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "BRAKE PARKING POSITION" with unit "position" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.002 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG FUEL TANK SELECTOR:1" with unit "enum" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.005 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR CENTER POSITION" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.008 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR LEFT POSITION" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.010 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR RIGHT POSITION" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:11:58.012 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR HANDLE POSITION" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:12:08.000 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 6870 02-05-2023 15:12:08.000 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 7126 02-05-2023 15:16:15.233 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "FUEL_SELECTOR_RIGHT" 02-05-2023 15:16:22.976 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "PARKING_BRAKES" 02-05-2023 15:16:24.648 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "FUEL_SELECTOR_LEFT" 02-05-2023 15:25:18.116 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "H:AS3X_Touch_1_Knob_Outer_R_INC" 02-05-2023 15:25:19.113 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "H:AS3X_Touch_1_Knob_Outer_R_DEC" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.461 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG FUEL VALVE:1" with unit "number" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.464 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELEVATOR TRIM INDICATOR" with unit "position" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.466 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FLAPS HANDLE PERCENT" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.482 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRANSPONDER CODE:1" with unit "hz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.483 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRANSPONDER STATE:1" with unit "enum" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.485 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE:1" with unit "volts" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.487 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.491 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.494 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.496 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM STANDBY FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.498 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.499 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.502 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.505 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM STANDBY FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.508 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "hours" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.510 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "minutes" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.513 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "hours" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.514 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "minutes" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.517 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "SIM TIME" with unit "seconds" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.520 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE" with unit "celsius" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.523 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "SUCTION PRESSURE" with unit "inhg" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.526 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "seconds" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.529 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "seconds" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.530 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATTITUDE INDICATOR BANK DEGREES" with unit "degrees" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.533 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATTITUDE INDICATOR PITCH DEGREES" with unit "degrees" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.535 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TURN COORDINATOR BALL" with unit "position" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.538 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TURN INDICATOR RATE" with unit "radians" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.540 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "HEADING INDICATOR" with unit "degrees" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.543 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "VERTICAL SPEED" with unit "feet per minute" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.544 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:1" with unit "hours" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.546 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT BEACON" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.554 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT TAXI" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.557 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG OIL TEMPERATURE:1" with unit "farenheit" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.560 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG OIL PRESSURE:1" with unit "psi" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.561 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV OBS:1" with unit "degrees" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.563 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV CDI:1" with unit "number" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.566 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV GSI:1" with unit "number" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.569 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV TOFROM:1" with unit "enum" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.572 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV GS FLAG:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.575 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GPS DRIVES NAV1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.576 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV HAS LOCALIZER:1" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.578 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL LEFT QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.581 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL LEFT CAPACITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.584 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL RIGHT QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.587 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL RIGHT CAPACITY" with unit "gallons" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.589 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "PITOT HEAT" with unit "bool" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.591 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Eng1_GeneratorSwitch" with unit "int" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.593 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Battery1Switch" with unit "int" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.595 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Magnetos1Pct" with unit "percent" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.598 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "INDICATED ALTITUDE" with unit "feet" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.600 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "KOHLSMAN SETTING HG" with unit "inhg" 02-05-2023 15:50:07.667 ERROR SimConnectHandler: EXCEPTION=7 SendID=124 Index=2 cbData=24 02-05-2023 15:50:07.667 ERROR SimConnectHandler: EXCEPTION=3 SendID=125 Index=-1 cbData=24 02-05-2023 15:50:32.831 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1" 02-05-2023 15:51:14.014 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 42985 02-05-2023 15:51:18.011 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 42985) 02-05-2023 15:51:19.018 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 27631) 02-05-2023 15:51:48.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 42985 02-05-2023 15:51:56.008 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 42729 02-05-2023 15:52:01.063 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 28143) 02-05-2023 15:52:57.015 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 28143 02-05-2023 15:53:02.024 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 28143) 02-05-2023 15:53:02.054 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 50636) 02-05-2023 15:53:32.013 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 28143 02-05-2023 15:53:38.013 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 27631 02-05-2023 15:53:40.024 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 27631) 02-05-2023 15:54:04.003 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 50636 02-05-2023 15:54:08.004 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 50636) 02-05-2023 15:54:08.036 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 50892) 02-05-2023 15:54:38.014 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 50636 02-05-2023 15:54:38.014 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 27631 02-05-2023 15:54:42.029 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 27631) 02-05-2023 15:54:43.007 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 51148) 02-05-2023 15:55:12.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 50892 02-05-2023 15:55:12.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 27631 02-05-2023 15:55:16.011 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 50892) 02-05-2023 15:55:16.042 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 52433) 02-05-2023 15:55:46.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 50892 02-05-2023 15:55:48.001 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 51148 02-05-2023 15:55:52.006 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 51148) 02-05-2023 15:55:52.037 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 52689) 02-05-2023 15:56:22.007 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 51148 02-05-2023 15:56:26.006 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 52433 02-05-2023 15:56:31.010 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 52433) 02-05-2023 15:56:31.041 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 33236) 02-05-2023 15:57:01.000 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 52433 02-05-2023 15:57:28.006 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 52689 02-05-2023 15:57:30.025 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 52689) 02-05-2023 15:58:21.009 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 33236 02-05-2023 15:58:26.066 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 33492) 02-05-2023 15:58:28.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 52689 02-05-2023 15:58:32.003 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 52689) 02-05-2023 15:58:32.035 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 33748) 02-05-2023 15:59:02.004 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 52689 02-05-2023 15:59:12.012 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 33492 02-05-2023 15:59:17.048 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 33492) 02-05-2023 15:59:17.062 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 34260) 02-05-2023 15:59:40.000 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 33748 02-05-2023 15:59:41.532 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 33748) 02-05-2023 15:59:47.007 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 33492 02-05-2023 15:59:47.364 INFO SimConnectHandler: Received SimConnect Quit event 02-05-2023 15:59:47.534 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 34260 02-05-2023 15:59:47.550 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 33748 03-05-2023 17:17:58.635 INFO SimConnectHandler: Received SimConnect Open event 03-05-2023 17:18:00.000 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 54209) 03-05-2023 17:18:00.000 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 54465) 03-05-2023 17:18:00.441 INFO SimRemoteServer: Accepted connection from 03-05-2023 17:18:02.001 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "si/backlight_intensity" with unit "DOUBLE" 03-05-2023 17:18:02.001 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TITLE" with unit "string" 03-05-2023 17:18:03.000 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT PANEL" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:03.003 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT NAV" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:03.005 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE" with unit "volts" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.078 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG FUEL VALVE:1" with unit "number" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.081 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "BRAKE PARKING POSITION" with unit "position" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.084 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELEVATOR TRIM INDICATOR" with unit "position" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.087 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FLAPS HANDLE PERCENT" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.089 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRANSPONDER CODE:1" with unit "hz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.092 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRANSPONDER STATE:1" with unit "enum" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.094 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE:1" with unit "volts" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.101 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.104 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.107 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.109 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM STANDBY FREQUENCY:1" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.111 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.114 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.116 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.119 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "COM STANDBY FREQUENCY:2" with unit "mhz" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.121 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.124 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "hours" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.125 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "minutes" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.127 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "hours" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.130 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "minutes" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.132 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "SIM TIME" with unit "seconds" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.135 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE" with unit "celsius" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.138 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL BATTERY VOLTAGE" with unit "volts" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.139 ERROR SimConnectHandler: EXCEPTION=7 SendID=56 Index=2 cbData=24 03-05-2023 17:18:24.139 ERROR SimConnectHandler: EXCEPTION=3 SendID=57 Index=-1 cbData=24 03-05-2023 17:18:24.151 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "SUCTION PRESSURE" with unit "inhg" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.156 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL BATTERY LOAD" with unit "amperes" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.158 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "AIRSPEED INDICATED" with unit "knots" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.159 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LOCAL TIME" with unit "seconds" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.163 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ZULU TIME" with unit "seconds" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.167 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATC ID" with unit "string" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.169 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATTITUDE INDICATOR BANK DEGREES" with unit "degrees" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.172 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ATTITUDE INDICATOR PITCH DEGREES" with unit "degrees" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.174 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "HEADING INDICATOR" with unit "degrees" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.175 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "INDICATED ALTITUDE" with unit "feet" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.178 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "KOHLSMAN SETTING HG" with unit "inhg" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.181 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TURN COORDINATOR BALL" with unit "position" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.184 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TURN INDICATOR RATE" with unit "radians" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.187 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "VERTICAL SPEED" with unit "feet per minute" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.188 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT BEACON" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.190 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG RPM:1" with unit "rpm" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.193 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:1" with unit "hours" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.195 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT LANDING" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.198 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG OIL TEMPERATURE:1" with unit "farenheit" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.201 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG OIL PRESSURE:1" with unit "psi" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.202 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL LEFT QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.204 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL LEFT CAPACITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.206 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL RIGHT QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.209 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL RIGHT CAPACITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.211 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT TAXI" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.214 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV OBS:1" with unit "degrees" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.216 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV CDI:1" with unit "number" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.218 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV GSI:1" with unit "number" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.219 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV TOFROM:1" with unit "enum" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.223 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV GS FLAG:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.225 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GPS DRIVES NAV1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.228 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "NAV HAS LOCALIZER:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.231 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "LIGHT STROBE" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.233 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "PITOT HEAT" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.235 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Eng1_GeneratorSwitch" with unit "int" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.238 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Battery1Switch" with unit "int" 03-05-2023 17:18:24.240 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "L:Magnetos1Pct" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:20:15.652 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.692 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG FUEL PUMP SWITCH:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.695 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ELECTRICAL MASTER BATTERY" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.698 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.700 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.701 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GENERAL ENG STARTER:1" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.709 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG MANIFOLD PRESSURE:1" with unit "inhg" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.714 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "ENG FUEL FLOW GPH:1" with unit "gallons per hour" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.718 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL TANK LEFT MAIN QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.720 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN QUANTITY" with unit "gallons" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.722 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT PERCENT" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.725 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "RECIP ENG FUEL TANK SELECTOR:1" with unit "enum" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.742 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR CENTER POSITION" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.744 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR LEFT POSITION" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.746 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR RIGHT POSITION" with unit "percent" 03-05-2023 17:33:18.748 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to variable "GEAR HANDLE POSITION" with unit "bool" 03-05-2023 17:34:09.927 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "FUEL_SELECTOR_RIGHT" 03-05-2023 17:34:17.925 INFO SimBusServerProviderPool: Succesfull bind to command "PARKING_BRAKES" 03-05-2023 17:43:40.017 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 54209 03-05-2023 17:43:40.019 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 54465 03-05-2023 17:43:44.021 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 54465) 03-05-2023 17:43:44.050 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 54209) 03-05-2023 17:43:44.050 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 10211) 03-05-2023 17:44:14.005 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 54465 03-05-2023 17:44:24.009 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 54209 03-05-2023 17:44:28.020 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 54209) 03-05-2023 17:44:29.000 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 12515) 03-05-2023 17:44:58.005 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 54209 03-05-2023 17:45:44.005 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 10211 03-05-2023 17:45:44.005 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 12515 03-05-2023 17:45:48.030 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 12515) 03-05-2023 17:45:49.008 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 16867) 03-05-2023 17:45:49.087 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 17379) 03-05-2023 17:46:18.008 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 12515 03-05-2023 17:46:31.014 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 17379 03-05-2023 17:46:36.093 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55561 (ext. port 28117) 03-05-2023 17:47:22.002 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 16867 03-05-2023 17:47:24.024 INFO SimBusServer: New client connected on port 55558 (ext. port 16867) 03-05-2023 17:47:35.806 INFO SimConnectHandler: Received SimConnect Quit event 03-05-2023 17:47:35.852 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 28117 03-05-2023 17:47:35.883 INFO SimBusServer: Closed down client with port 16867