FLXTMP PARKBR OFF GEAR AUTO BRK LDGALT 0000 TERR ON ENG1 OFF ENG 2 OFF SPLR 100% TO CFG ON S 00 F 00 CHRONO START 00:00 XPDR TA/RA 20 00 TCAS ABV 12nm SQWK MODE WXTLT MOD/SYS TOGA Initialising Compartment Temperatures once --- CRS --- CRS ----- VOR COM 2 COM 1 ----- VOR CRS VOR 2 VOR 1 ADF 2 ACT 108 .35 ILS ACT ACT ACT 08 9 ACT 0.0 ACT ILS VHF1 TR RC ADF 1 GPU VHF 2 TR RC ACT ACT LAFL 15/20 BKSKD TERRMOD CHOCKS ON MCRG DR GPWS FLP BRK FAN ON GSX CRG 56% BRD LShiftKey LControlKey F12 MASTER CAUTION MASTER WARNING DISP 100 FLD 100 INSTR 100 DOME TABL 100 MAPL 100 SMOKE ON SEATB ON STROBE ON BEACON ON TURNOFF ON NAVLOG ON NOSE ON WING ON LAND L ON LAND R ON EMER ON ANN LT APU FAULT AVAIL FPMP IGN WPR 24? CPIT ATS OFF WPR AI ENG 1 ON FAULT AI ENG 2 ON FAULT WING SUP ON FAULT MODE SEL ALTN PITCH TRM OFF YAW DAMP OFF APU MST ON APU START ON ACCEL APU BLEED ON START 1 START 2 CP DOOR IRS 3 IRS 2 IRS 1 EHYD PMP RCRDGND BAT 1 OFF BAT 2 BAT 3 EXT PWR ON AVAIL APR MOD ACTIVTE GALLEY PRB HEAT OFF WDW HEAT OFF APU FR TEST E1 FR TEST E2 FR TEST RCL STS ENG HYD AC DC BLEED COND PRESS FUEL APU F/CTL DOOR WHEEL CLR .errandil <HTML><BODY><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-family:Segoe UI;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:13;color:#333333;"><DIV><P><SPAN>For the Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Alpha setup is as follows:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>MASTER ALT: BAT 1 &amp; 2</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>MASTER BAT: BAT 3</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>AVIONICS BUS1: CONNECT EXTERNAL POWER</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>AVIONICS BUS 2: START APU</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>All the lights toggles do what you'd expect, with some custom logic for the taxi &amp; landing lights</SPAN></P><UL><LI><P><SPAN>if landing lights are OFF, turning on the taxi lights will set the runway turnoff lights to ON and taxi lights to TAXI</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>if landing lights are ON, turning on the taxi lights will set the runway turnoff lights to ON and taxi lights to TO</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>if landing taxi lights are ON, turning on the landing lights will set the taxi lights to TO</SPAN></P></LI></UL><P><SPAN>Everything on the yoke (except the big red button) I have bound to VJOY buttons which are bound in my sim for camera controls, trim, vpilot, etc.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>BRAVO setup is as follows:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The rocker switches from left to right go:</SPAN></P><UL><LI><P><SPAN>Parking Brake</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Wing Anti-Ice</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Engine Anti-Ice</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Fuel Pumps</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>APU Bleed</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Engine One Start Button</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Engine Two Start Button</SPAN></P></LI></UL><P><SPAN>The Gear does the gear, 20s after gear up it puts it into off</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The flaps toggle controls the dome light brightness</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>I use the boeing throttles, speedbrake lever, and flaps handle. The speedbrake lever has the very front set to arm spoilers, a neutral zone behind that, and then the spoilers axis behind that</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For throttle controls, in the airplane I set the EFB throttle axis to no reversers. Then in SPAD.next it is setup for you to pull the reverse levers, which toggles the reversers, then push the throttles to full forward for full reverse.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The autopilot is fairly simple. Push the button quickly and it will pull the associated knob, push the button for a long time and it will push the associated knob. This applies for the ALT, and IAS buttons.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>HDG BUTTON engages HDG SEL in the Plane</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>NAV BUTTON engages NAV in the plane</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>APR button (short) engages LAND in the plane</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>APR button (long) engages V/L in the plane</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>REV button engages PROFILE in the plane</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>VS button engages VS</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Press the AP button quickly, it engages AP one.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Press the AP button longer, it engages AP two.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML> 2024-04-07T11:42:01.1485379+02:00