100% reproducible CTD LFPO

Do you use gsx ?

Good look getting the GSX developer to help on this one. He has insisted multiple times that it is literally impossible for GSX to crash the sim. GSX can crash, but it cannot cause a crash. His words.

Iā€™m not a programmer, but I find that very, very hard to believe. Surely any software that feeds models, animations, sounds, and data to the sim is capable of crashing the sim.


Not true as they said by the past that GSX loading Navdata during cruise was causing sim to crash thats why they add option in gsx settings to avoid gsx in cruiseā€¦

Here I suspect similar issue as we approach terrain and airport then loading some objects or couatl may cause a crash.

This for specific flight plan, during Paris approachā€¦

But not sure as everyone dont use gsx.

So also try by lower graphics settings may help in reduce ctd.

So it means some approach in Paris LFPO or LFPG after investigate we suspect a duplicate navdata which is known to cause CTD.

Please check as these flights become impossible to flight.

It means an addon like gsx which trigger the navdata approching an airport will cause sim to crash.

thanks for help us .

CTD without addons.

Default Ultra settings

Can confirm I had major issues with CTD overflying Paris from the North basicly when overhead LFPG. 15 flights in a row for testing with changing everything from BIOS update to XMP off/on, sceneries on/off etc. and stumbled upon this. After disabling gsx to operate and look for navdata in the air I managed to overfly with no CTD.

Something corrupt in the navdata in the Paris area for sure.

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Did a flight again tonight approaching Paris with GSX disabled, NO CTD.

So for sure there is navdata issue in this area which is the main cause of CTD, as some third party add on like gsx call navdata approaching airports.

Hope MSFS team can track that issue .

So does every stock aircraft, usually many times per minute as the onboard map updates.

Unless this can be reproduced in a stock aircraft I would say one can fairly conclusively rule out a navdata based CTD.

Stock aircraft might not use the Simconnect Navdata API to obtain the Navdata, but likely the JS/HTML framework because itā€™s the most standard way of doing Instruments in MSFS, while GSX, and every other add-on that either use C++/WASM OR runs in a separate .EXE, must get Navdata from Simconnect.

So, perhaps the problem is in the Simconnect Navdata API, rather than the Navdata itself.

Or, maybe, there IS a problem in the Navdata, but the HTML/JS framework is not affected by it, but Simconnect is.

This is more likely, there must be something weird/unusual in the Paris area: if it was a general problem of the Simconnect Navdata API, it could then happen everywhere and shouldnā€™t be confined to a certain area.

Maybe itā€™s a specific and uncommon Navdata type that is not handled well by Simconnect, or a peculiar name, or a duplicate fix.

Thatā€™s certainly plausible, although then I would expect the stock WASM planes to exhibit this issue as well (Airbuses from IniBuilds) which do not use the JS APIs. So that may be worth trying as well.


any update on this with last Beta ?

For now I dont have CTD but I fly without GSX only Fenix, ActiveSky, sceneryā€¦no CTD.

I want to try with GSX may be its resolved with last Navigraph Navdataā€¦

Seems to be fixed - no CTD.

you also use GSX ?

We should test beta versions without any modifications, add-ons. Therefore, every test I perform is without add-ons, meaning without GSX, PMDG etc.

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will try but I need my GSX