2024 Controls Interface Discussion

Any idea where the controller profiles are saved? Are they all Cloud sacred or are they also saved locally on your machines?

I hope the latter did too post server issues wiping assistance settings for example, I fear that might happen to controllers if they’re not saved locally…

I’ve got an issue where the controls can be mapped, but after loading into or out of a flight, they are wiped again. Only happens on my NXT Gladiator and Virpil Mongoost-50. For some reason the profiles wont save, so the bindings only last until the game decides to check them again i guess.

Is there maybe a spreadsheet somewhere that shows the keyboard key assignments as an complete overview?

Not sure why they changed so much, but I’ll have to look into it, maybe it makes sense?

I keep having problems with my control profiles. The MSFS 2024 seams to be deleting the custom profiles that I’ve made for my Velocityone Fligthstick. I’ve get to the point that I already try to configure my controls 5 times, and every time that I get out of the sim and get back, my profiles are just gone. Got to do all over again. At this point, is just difficult to enjoy anithing at that sim.


Are you finding your new profiles are no longer present, or do you have to go back into settings and reselect them once again, which is not the expected behavior. Perhaps look again to see if they are still there, just needing to be reselected. I had some of this yesterday I’m afraid.

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If you are using Steam: %ProgramFiles(x86)%/Steam/userdata//2537590

Re: controller profile save locations:

If not Steam, then they are in the usual folder structure under SystemAppData/wgs. In that folder you’ll find two folders, one named “t” that is empty for me, and one with a very long numerical name. Inside that will be a hexadecimal folder name for each of your saved profiles and devices. Opening each of those will show a xml file with the same name as the folder and you can open those with notepad and see the control assignments.

But I seriously doubt that you would be able to simply copy these files into the new location for MSFS2024 and have them work. Too much has changed.

At least you could see what you’ve assigned in MSFS2020.

There’s a free utility on flightsim.to called FS2020 Control that will allow you to look at and export to PDF or spreadsheet your profiles and their key and axis assignments. Handy to get them all listed in an easy to access format for reference when making these new assignments in MSFS 2024:


I think I may have figured out “Specific airplane name controls”

There is this button: “Control Listener” that appears to be, currently, non-op.

What I believe will happen is you would click that, which allows the controls config to “listen” for an input from that peripheral.

Then, you go back to the aircraft and locate a control you want to map that to.

In the case of the Dornier Seastar, there are these specific water thruster controls for dockside maneuvering. You’d use the hardware listener to assign a command to these controls. They would, then, be stored in the “Specific Seastar Controls” profile.

It looks to me, for now, that this isn’t fully implemented and will be in the future.

Naturally, I could have this wrong, but it seems to be what makes the most sense given what I’ve learned spending the last couple of days with the controls configuration interface.


I very much appreciate you and BillEvansAlone posting your insights and the results of your investigations into this infuriatingly baffling new UI for control mapping.

What, exactly, was wrong with the way we did it MSFS2020? Seems like Asobo spent a lot of energy to fix something that wasn’t a problem, creating a significant problem!

Did you mark your profile to Default? If not, try that. My VelocityOne settings have been saved, although I’m still trying to get them all mapped to work again. I don’t understand why they changed so many commands for no apparent reason. Typical Microsoft I guess - got to change something just to prove you did something.

For example, B used to set barometric pressure. Now it extends flaps. What was the rationale for changing that?


This sounds reasonable, too bad MS couldn’t just tell us this stuff so we don’t spend hours trying to figure this stuff out … :frowning:

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I finally managed to duplicate my control settings from MSFS 2020, fairly easy once you get the hang of it. I save all settings as default though, didn’t try individual aircraft. Once the UI stops glitching out and freezing every few minutes, I’m pretty happy with 2024 so far.

I don’t know if you were paying attention at the time, but at release there were hundreds if not thousands of posts over the first year or so at least of people complaining that we did not per-aircraft control assignments, and the only way around that was to create a bunch of clunky individually-saved profiles and then remember to switch profiles when we switch aircraft.

So now Asobo have given us what we wanted, which is the ability to set up per-aircraft controls that should automatically go into effect when we load into that aircraft. However the current implementation and UI is complex, clunky, non-intuitive and some of it just doesn’t work (like axis sensitivity curve displays for instance).

As I noted earlier, as much as I hate most of DCS’s user interface, aircraft-specific controls assigments is one thing that works perfectly. It’s ugly as hell, but dead simple to see and understrand at a glance. You get a big spreasheet-looking page with every single available contorl binding running down the left side of the page, and a row of every controller and device you have attached to your PC along the top row. To assign your ailerons to your stick, for instance, you scroll down the list to find AILERONS or type it into the search box, then click into the corresponding box under your stick or yoke. A mini-dialogue box opens and you can move the axis you want to assign and bam, assigned. You click a box and you can tweak the response curve right there on the same basic interface screen. Save and done. Do the same for elevators, throttle(s), trim controls, etc. Eveyrthing all there, in one place.

Every aircraft has its own bindings, and each developer creates and assigns names for them individually. Yes, sometimes you get weirdness like one developer calling it “Nosewheel Steering” and another calling it “NW Steering” or even “NWS”, but the interface for assinging the controls for every plane is dead simple and easy to use. Absolutely ugly to look at, sure, but it WORKS. And once assigned, controls are transparent to the user. Switch planes, your bindings switch, and that’s it.

I presume that was the hope for FS2024’s new scheme as well, but it’s not working out that well in practice, at least yet. One thing promised in streams past was that controller manufacturers and/or aircraft developers could distribute and share controller profiles we can load and use as a starting points for our own assignments but that is obviously not yet a thing. Maybe it will be eventually, and maybe it will help alleviate some of the growing pains.

COCKPIT VIEW MAPPING QUESTION PLEASE? Just trying to map the normal cockpit pilots view to a button on my Alpha Yoke. Which view command is the best to use? I have tried 6 different view mappings and cannot get a straight out pilot cockpit view??
Thanks for any tips! I’m so confused!

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“Reset Cockpit View” isn’t doing it for you?

Why is it not in the control settings - exit WITHOUT saving?
I see only “Save and Back” …!

If I have changed something, but don’t want to save, I want to cancel the changes. How do I do that?

MSFS2020 had this option


I want to start with completely blank HC Alpha and Bravo control bindings.
That’s because I use SPAD to control everything - and If I find something I can’t use SPAD for, I’ll come back to the ‘blank’ profile and add the control.

In fact, I want all my other peripherals (except keyboard and mouse) to have a blank profile, with no bindings.

Is there any way to do that, or do I have to go through every control one by one and delete the bindings?

I appreciate the explanations posted here so far, but I’m still awfully confused.

Also really puzzled why they didn’t give us a walk-around check list for Free Flight.
Having to map ‘Character Control’ is soooo kludgy. I suppose it’s necessary for walking into the woods, but I just want to get the plane up in the air.

Make a modification to the default, which will prompt a new profile to be created/named.

Go to the gear wheel next to the profile and select clear.

Does that work for you?

(Careful! Trying to delete the test profile I made to test this for you caused my whole sim to CTD.)

I don’t know if I’m in the right topic here since you are discussing the control setup itself.
But what I want to know is how I get the game to show the buttons of my Hotas during gameplay (in the tutorial messages). It only shows me the keyboard bindings, which isn’t really helpful for me to learn the controls.

That was helpful. I was able to create a duplicate, rename it, then clear it.
But I accidently cleared the default Alpha Profile, and I don’t see any button to reset it to defaults.