A2A Comanche 250 is on its way! (Released! July 2023)

No mods to naming convention, tried to install in the community folder, and in a different folder. No idea what is causing the “account exists” errors. I have reached out to A2A for some solution.

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Now available in marketplace on xbox!


I’m gobsmacked!

I had no idea it was scheduled for Xbox, and in fact a while back wrote a post saying we would have to accept this was one we wouldn’t be seeing, due to the depth of the simulation.

Of course, the next question is, how does it run on our litte game boxes? It seems to be the full-fat version and I’m incredibly interested, but I may wait for some initial impressions from YouTube etc.


I was just thinking about this today, and actually looked on their forum to see if there was any updates. I knew they were working on getting it to Xbox but were testing some things internally still. Never thought it would be this soon!

Excited to see how this thing performs.

Another win for us console players!


Efficient, capable and dedicated developers. Not much PR, no wrong promises, just great addons and great support. Have fun with Accusim. It‘s a game changer. Fingers crossed the xBox doesn‘t have any major issues with it.


So after 1.5 hours, it’s phenomenal on Series X! I am over the moon having this! Now back to flying!


Does the flight model feel like a big step up from other GA add-ons? (Feel free to answer whenever you can tear yourself away from the sim)

Did you click around on the tablet at all? Second click on tablet resulting in CTD for me!

I had high hopes…

Series X

Ok, hopefully that was a first time loading fluke. I restarted at a different airport. No third party —just in case.

After 5 mins in this plane(I did a quick start and one take off and landing), and I have to say, the flight model is crazy, and amazing!

It “feels” different than any other GA I’ve flown in the sim….But in a good way.

I need to test it way more…but so far I’m loving it!


On the PC it‘s always a good idea to close the sim and restart again after loading a complex addon for the first time. I think it might be the same on the xBox.

Guys… add some crosswind :wink:


Same thing happened with me on Series S. Loaded back in and just finished a quick 15 minute test flight with no issues.

This GA feels amazing compared to any other ones I’ve flown

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Yeah, I usually always do a complete restart. Even when I’m not installing new stuff… as a general rule of thumb.

I did a second restart and performed a few touch and goes at KEKA (3rd party). Then after a successful shut down of the aircraft, I was able to cause the CTD by doing the same exact two clicks on the tablet.

When you click the big T on the control page of the tablet it pops you out of the cockpit, and then, if you click it again, it pops you back in and that’s when it crashes.

Would be interesting to note if anyone else can replicate this. Maybe it a bug or a memory issue being at a 3rd party airport.

Prior to inducing the CTD, There was no indication of any issues, like stuttering or anything. I was looking all around outside while fly and on the ground, and it was smooth as butter.

Update: I was able to replicate the CTD for the 3x at another airport after a fresh restart and doing nothing else.


Does it only happen if you toggle the towbar quickly or also if you use it to move the plane and then toggle it off?

Either way best to report the bug on their forum I think, I’m sure they’ll want to get it fixed.

It flies unlike any other like GA that we currently have on the console. It feels weighty and refined on yoke inputs, ground handling is superb.


Thanks! A review like that makes it very hard to resist. How does it trim?

Trims out nicely, even in some 10-15knt winds. There’s an adjustable trim speed setting in the tablet.

Haven’t had any CTD’s or frame drops, but I did have a loss of thrust on a go around from a crankshaft failure. Was pretty cool to do a belly landing and see that prop bend.


How does this plane work on Xbox? Since it uses AccuSim, which is (as far as I know) an external system, this means AccuSim can now work on Xbox without issues. If this is the case, and it uses the same system as the PC version, then it’s a big step again, after WASM was made available as well.

from what I gather, they’ve made accusim run inside the WASM sandbox.
On initial release on PC I think only the audio systems were running in an external .exe. That has since been integrated as well, making the xbox release possible.

At least that’s what I think the timeline was.


I just have to say as a Xbox simmer im sooooo happy :grin::heart_eyes: the Commanche is a beauty, many many more hours to come from learning to flying this beautiful aircraft :blush:


Quick question, why do I have this red rag on the engine inlet? I don’t know what to do to get rid of it. It doesn’t go with maintenance.

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