One thing I’ve noticed is how optimised and GPU friendly it seems to be. For my GPU (3070ti) I can run it on ultra settings at 4K 30fps and it’s pretty happy, typically at 75% usage and sitting happily at around 64 degrees. I’ve noticed that say with the DC-6, it’s alot more taxing on the GPU even though it appears (to my eye anyway) less detailed.
I do have fairly aggressive fan curves set, too though.
Yes, I found this issue. I use add on linker, and helpfully it had flagged a small number of the liveries I had installed using the Fenix Livery Manager as “unable to read json file”. I uninstalled these liveries and the content manager worked again.
The liveries are:
Eurofly I-EEZH
Northwest N305US
Philippine Airlines RP-C8620
PIA Pakistan Airlines AP-BLC
PIA Pakistan Airlines AP-BLV
TAP Air Portugal CS-TNG
TAP Air Portugal CS-TNP
Worth double checking though as Fenix are adding/updating liveries all the time, so these may or may not have been fixed now
It’s a known issue, and I’m sure they’re working on it.
Doesn’t seem to prevent a flight, so that’s good.
You don’t need to reinstall, just close the app via Task Manager and restart it from your desktop icon.
Does anybody have problem with cockpit Reg and Selcal code in cockpit?
As soon as I changed and saved the settings in EFB as “Save Config” for a particular livery, the next time when I fly with some other liveries, they failed to read their own Reg and Selcal value from CockpitSetup file, and just simply use that from the most recent saved.
Not all liveries have this issue, but some of default Fenix’s liveries (even with the default G-FENX) and most of 3rd liveries from get affected.
Reset license and reinstalled do not help to fix the issue.
Is there any chance that the ‘hide cabin’ setting could also be applied to any AI/mulitplayer Fenix A320 aircraft that I might come across?
It would appear that the cabins of non-user aircraft are still drawn, albeit in an apparently lower resolution, regardless of the setting i have decided on for my own aircraft.
This might yield some further performance improvements, for those that need them.
When you want to fly the Fenix A320 before you start FS first start the Fenix program. But it doesn’t really make any difference other than it will not be as annoying.
After the last World Update a few days ago, everytime I use Fenix A320, simulator has crashed at mid flight. It not happens with any other airplane. Have you got any simmilar issue? Can it be fixed with any sim option or configuration? I think Asobo has messed it up again…
If you haven’t already done so, maybe try deleting and recreating your cache.
Also, have your tried without anything else in the Community folder? mods can sometimes cause issues alongside a new version of the sim. If it becomes clear that it is one of your other mods, then replace them, one by one, until the failure recurs.
Really enjoying the Fenix now. Starting to get more natural with it, although my landings remain work-in-progress - lol. Bouncy is the word of the day
I’ve been learning a lot from 320simpilot’s videos on youtube:
I’ve also been using this book, which is extremely helpful:
Between these and the operating manual itself, I’ve written a very shortform procedures guide that I’ve managed to squeeze onto two pages - which I’ve printed and laminated back to back. The procedures include the EFB and setting up the FMGC. You need to be a bit familiar with the procedures and I don’t cover all the details in the interests of fitting on to two pages, but I do manage to cover all the major phases from cold and dark right through to shut down. I also added a section to cover what needs to be done if you choose to spawn on the runway rather than cold and dark.
My landings also leave a lot to be desired, but that is largely down, honestly, to me finally switching my joystick to the left and my throttle to the right.
Suffice it to say that the default grip on a Warthog joystick is not best for left-hand use, so I’ve had to bite the bullet and have ordered a captain’s side A320 grip, that will sit on the warthog base. It looks like there might be a bit of a delay on delivery, but they get very good write-ups, so it should be worth waiting for.
As for the throttle, that’s not too bad for right-hand use and with a newly 3d printed insert, the physical detents, max reverse through TOGA, are awesome.