[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

I hope my keyboard is fine because you made me spit all the Coke I was drinking!


The FBX A320NX is excellent but -to my taste- too depending on MSFS filght dynamics and other stuff. Eye-candy is very good but it doesn’t fly very nicely.


Well… I actually disagree a little bit… I think by now the DC-6 is the more realistic airliner… and probably the only long haul airplane (apparently it can fly on for 11+ hours) in the sim so far… I do get it’s not everybody’s cup of jet fuel, but it’s far from boring…


If it’s Chewy I’m rather certain it’s the 737. He and PMDG have a strong relationship. I’m willing to go all in on that belief.


… or the 777… before Captain Sim takes that market…

The only aircraft I’ve seen in-sim from PMDG is the 737, and that was nearly a year ago. I haven’t seen any screenshots of the 777 yet. Not only that, PMDG did say the 737 is the next aircraft in-line to be released, though I have no idea when that will be (likely 2021).

I know. But I’m still hoping they fool us all…

They did say they expect the 737 this year, summer time if all goes to plan. Looks promising but as usual, no breath holding!


Yep, just going to enjoy the DC6 for now. :wink:

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I can nearly not wait for the PMDG 737! So pleased to hear ithere is a publish date! I’m glad it is out there. Hope they provide a helpful First Office to aide learning as with the DC 6 flight engineer.


Ow man I hope the 737 will be here soon … the i can finally park the CRJ :grimacing::+1:


Could be Aerosoft’s CRJ900/1000 series, that should be getting close…

There was also an A350 somewhere out there in the works too that seemed close

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Have a feeling that crj is not going to release until SU5 or after.

I wouldn’t really call it new. I am very excited about the release and I will buy it directly, but at the end of the day it won’t be much different to the CRJ 700.
Additionally the Aerosoft CRJ is not really study level.

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“study level” is pretty subjective among users. To some simmers, it means having it exactly like a level-D simulator while others think the CS777 is “study level”. Whatever it is, I hope it’s not another CS port-over

I thought they have completely rewritten the flight model and it has been tested countless of times by real life pilots? (I see their feedback in Discord and Github PRs)
(Wait, are you referring to stable or the latest dev?)

I would say the CRJ is absolutely study level … comes with hundreds of pages of documents that you study to figure out how to fly it… Has a tutorial flight that if the many many were to follow would not be crying on the Aerosoft forums due to inability to fly it … and work all of the systems… Does it still have some bugs… yes… does it still have features they would like to implement like Weather Radar – yes… Generally speaking this is a study level plane and would be what I would call the “lowest bar” for that…


I like the CRJ but is not even close.
It’s a very good airliner and I like flying it but is far from study-level.
Again I think what is wrong with the CRJ and the A32NX is a common denominator, Asobo bugs in the flight model, ground effect, winds, ILS capturing, those things plague all the planes in MSFS.
PMDG got rid of several problems in the DC6 but still there are things that depend on the base platform.


They have done magic with the A320, compared to the defaul A320 is a totally different plane. I think they have changed the AP logic but I don’t think they can change the flight model.

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Please give a definition of what Study Level is then?..

To me the definition is that you must “Study something” to be able to operate it… One of the most important criteria for that is proper full documentation that one could… you know … Study…

The CRJ has the GS capture bug fixed… I am not sure how many times I need to fly the same approach 6 times in a row just to confirm that… but hey… It works…

I also agree that there are plenty of Bugs they live with due to the Sim… but how does that change from the fact that one needs to study the operations and documentation?