When I saw 26 new posts since yesterday in this topic my heart skipped that maybe the anticipated Fenix update has finally arrived. And then I found that just someone dared to say that he likes PMDG 737 better
I would imagine this to be free, as part of an upgrade path, not a new product per se.
My heart skipped as well… thinking its 33 posrs praising fenixs decision to implement 4x sim rate in a small update
One day…
One day I may just decide to buy this one… 50 bucks is a bargain though… came so close to buying it but during that “big bang” in 3rd party releases… Bae, pmdg, milviz 310, fightsimware c410…
Then a move to Scotland…
At least the Scottish weather makes for an excuse
If you are really interested, just read the post…
It will be free.
I personally never had any issue with fenix. Always flew and behaved very well.
to be fair to @dectenor1, I’ve also recently been noticing the occasional tendency of the aircraft to exceed the 250kts speed limit, when crossing to below 10,000ft.
It just hasn’t bothered me that much, as I guess the lack of any real penalty, apart from an amber warning message on the MCDU, might have made me a little less concerned than perhaps I ought to be. It’s far from a show-stopper for me, especially if the V2 VNAV improvements will correct it.
Thanks, sadly I am GPU limited so popping them on the GPU would make it worse I think!
Also I bin the FO EFB and their PFD and ND, and I bin my EFB once I have started pushback as I have no need for it then.
Haha I am sure there will be more than just me posting when v2 finally comes.
Also I should clarify, I don’t like the PMDG better, I like them both. They are different airplanes, but also comparable, as perform a similar function in real life and so also in the sim.
I would love to fly them both, but the reason, at the moment, I fly much more of the 737 is because I don’t get the niggles I get with the A320, and for me, the performance, is substantially better. I don’t have poor hardware by any means btw. It is because I like the Fenix that these issues annoy me. If there was no PMDG 737 I would most likely be happy and not get too annoyed with these niggles, but whenever I am flying the Fenix, I do get annoyed because my mind tells me, ‘you could be flying the PMDG 737 and not be getting annoyed by them’ it’s like a little vicious circle - the more I know I can avoid them by flying a different aircraft, the more they annoy me, because I want to fly the Fenix as I really like it. And Airbus…
Yep, as I said, it does this all the time when trying to meet any constraint, just needs to respond quicker to the calculated path.
Yeah it’s not a ‘showstopper’ for me either, but I do like to do things as properly as I can, hey, I always spawn at the exact same gate that the real flight I am flying did, and if I can’t get accurate gate info from flightradar I will choose another flight. I just like everything to be by the book, the lawyer in me maybe… And this is why at the moment I prefer to fly the 737, I don’t get these little things that annoy me. These coupled with the significantly worse performance make it a no brainer for me.
So I guess I was looking to hear from people, about what is so great about the Fenix that I can focus on that and be wowed and help me to forget about the stuff that is wrong with it.
My only complaints about current Fenix A320 is that it tends to be a bit unstable on ILS in gusty winds (but that’s like 1 approach in 10 when I have to take over and disconnect the AP earlier than I planned, depending on the weather of course) and that it’s just not as smooth as other aircraft in term of FPS. Fenix guys said the update will improve these things, so I’m not worried.
I also enjoy both, Fenix and PMDG, it’s a challenge to master them and it’s really more about Boeing vs. Airbus philosophy. I find myself flying PMDG 737 more mainly because I replicate real world routes mostly flown by 737’s (Southwest in the US and Ryanair in Europe, for example) and I just like Boeing’s design and logic better, it makes me feel more involved. But in the end I consider both addons to be in the same top league.
Yep I also like to replicate real world routes. I am based in the UK and other than Ryanair and TUI we don’t get many 737’s here. I love flying from the inibuilds EGLL, but other than KLM to Amsterdam, pretty much everything else is A320, so can’t wait to see if it improves in v2 so I can use it more.
The only 737-700 that Ryanair have, for training purposes, apparently flies for some of the time at least, out of EGNX, as I was in the passenger seat of a car on the M1 and searched an overhead flight that was apparently on approach. It turned out to be the 737-700, presumably with a trainee pilot at the controls.
Excellent, i’ve always thought it interesting that with an entire fleet of -800s they use the -700 for training, sure they are very similar, but why not just use an -800?
Anyway we digress from the topic.
I saw sime videos where real A320 say that vnav isn’t great in zhe Airbus anf that it is better in the 737. Also all say that in RL you don’t use managed decent. So maybe the Fenix is right in that regard.
Is that because normally, the descent would be stepped, at the instruction of ATC?
There are always going to be moments when ‘vnav’ is not perfect. Different winds than expected, constraints that make very shallow or steep paths. But take that out of the equation and it should be very good. For example, use the 250/FL100 example. With no winds and no constraints before, it should be able to calculate an idle descent to get to FL100 at 250kts. But this wouldn’t be possible in the Fenix, it would still be too fast at FL100 because it doesn’t react in time to pitch up.
You are correct that managed descent is less frequently used in real life than the sim. This is because you always have ATC and they often will give vectors and altitude clearances, so it is simpler to either do this in open descent and selected speed, or vs. But in the sim unless you are on VATSIM and have ATC, which more than often you don’t, unless you look for routes with ATC, then you won’t have this and you should follow the STAR and transition and approach, which have the constraints all there for you. This is where managed mode is your friend.
Also, to say in real life you don’t use managed mode is just plain (nice pun) incorrect.
Even if this were the case, and it wasn’t used (it most definitely is used), it is no excuse for it not to function properly in the aircraft (in real life and in the Fenix).
Sorry @HawkMoth9135 you beat to me it, because I had to wait 30mins to post so this reply has been sat here typed up for the last half an hour. And congratulations on saying it much more succinctly than I.
I am hoping that I don’t come across as complaining too much and being negative. That is not my intention.
I just want the best for the Fenix, it is a great project and has the potential to be absolutely amazing. I just hope that these little niggles get ironed out and the performance improved.
My comments come from a desire to see it be better rather than a criticism of what it already is.
Jet2 is another company with a load of 737’s
Ahh yes, they totally slipped my mind. I think because I very rarely see them at airports I use regularly. I am presuming they are more Northern based? Though this might not be the case. I pretty much seem to only ever fly from Heathrow, City, and Gatwick, in that order and never see them at any of those. Of course, I don’t see Ryanair at any of those, but who can forget them…?