[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

no… AI is not available in the usual menu. I thought I would take it for an easy flight… but I understand why is not available. This aircraft has to be learned.

She is a beauty and it definitely lives up to its hype/promises

Its just so nice having this is MSFS along with the FBW Neo.


That’s how most Airbus pilots feel anyway :joy:

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If my bank account would suddenly fill with millions in one evening my bank would probably also raise suspicion. So give them time to sort this out, I have accepted that Fenix are such greenhorns to the scene that their paypal account hasnt got the required trust level yet, and that I just need to wait a few days or weeks.

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I do NOT have it there … ONLY CONFIG controls, and CONFIG datalink

I did mine through the EFB. I can’t remember exactly how I got there and I’m at another PC now. I thought that was the instruction I posted but the method must have changed.

Looks awesome! Can you tell me how it went performance wise compared to PMDG’s 737?

It does NOT work for me… thrust levers are not moving, but the percentage of the trust going up and down when i move my TCA Q-ENG … any solution?

You must follow this for the TCA, I am using it. Then go into the MCU and configure your TCA detents.

Anyone with performance issues, this may help (albeit you’ve probably already got these settings sorted):

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Much worse PMDG I average about 40 fps. Fenix about 25 with same settings.

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Also there is an option in the initial launcher to change where displays are rendered. Looks like this defaults to CPU - but there are options to change to GPU - for me it has these options:


This may help some performance issues maybe?

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Possibly, but I would have thought this one would have the bigger impact. I wonder how many simmers that have FPS issues have this set to “Quality”.


Yes, that could well make a big difference

Anyone found any documentation with this?

EDIT: There’s a 13 page user guide in /program files/fenixsim A320/docs but nothing on the aircraft itself

No, I was just about to ask the same thing. Where is the manual so I can RTFM?

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C:\Program Files\FenixSim A320\docs

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Can’t even install…

Keep getting the following error

Runtime error (at 22:841)
SWbemObjectSet: Invalid Class

Multiple restarts and multiple downloads of the installer

Hot off the press.

How-to guide for configuring the Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant.


Yes, although this is only the guide to the software, if you know what I mean, and not a guide to the aircraft itself. I’m guessing that’s going to need a google on A320 ops manuals and training guides